Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Dec 2000, p. 20

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'efiiu Sevc 9:> '-ect'- IMMANUEL - GOD WITH US es FOR ALWAYS In 1994, two foreign missionaries answered an invitation from the Russian Dcpartment of Education t0 teach morais and ethics in a large orphanage. About 100 boys and girls who hant been abandoned, abused. and left in thc case of a governmenl-run programn were in the orphanage. One of the dedicatent workers shared the follow- ing slory in their own words: It was lime for aur orphans Io hear for t/te first time, the iraditional story of Christmas. We told them about Mary and Joseph arriving in Bethle/tem and how when thte),found nîo roon in the inn. they wenl to a stable, where the baby Jesus was born ami placed in a manger Throug/tout t/he slory, the children and orp/îanage staff sait in amazemtent as tlîey listened. Some sal 0it t/le edges of t/eir stools, lrying to grasp every word. Completing thse story, we gave te chi/dren t/tree small pieces of cardboard to make a crude manger Eac/î chjld was gil'en a small ,îaper square, cul from yellow napkins for there was no coloured paper aî'ailable inî the city Following instructions, t/te chldren tore the paper and carefully laid siips in the nîangerfor BAHAI The purpose of Gant in creoting mon hoth been, ond will ever be, ta enable him to know his Creotor and ta o/tain His Presence. To this mont encellent oim. this supreme objective. a11 the heovenly Books and the divinely-reveoled ond weighty Scriptures unequivocolly beor witnens. tramn the Bahol! Writings LOCAL:...................................... 878.0011 REGIONAL: ....................... 1-800-433-3284 GLOBAL: .......................... www.babai.org 4 MILTON SeENTH-DAY ~ ~ CHURCH Invites you to ouî weekly Satiblti service li Hugh l'aster Hall, 43 Blrown St. Mllton Sat 930 . in. - SaîbilthSclio0 Sat 1 lo - Divine Service FREE BIBLE SCHOOL l5'covr the anms/mg Biblev linswert', ite perplexingqnutbosn, andtte ecetttt<o l ifu For FItEF BIBOLE LESSONS, write:. Blox 230112, 55 Ontario St. Milton, Ont., LO)T 514. on the INTERNET, littp//www.v)op i nu d t'ASTOR: Carton O. RlSslttn, 416-821-4610 9 arn - arl y Worship Soi-vine 9:-30 - Sunday Schoot 10.45 trn - second Worship Sev'.ice Paostar Du" Ragge Praaehing Sermon Saries Design.d to Moozure Jesus' Impact Upon the World Su=rl. =usr & ynmlc Chlldr.n'a Pro amaavlaba dsi ag srsdcesl YOUITHIYOUING ADULT CHOIR Ç f'9 i r i d m a &w , » ? ê i u d la 1 6:30 p.m. sîraw. Small squares offlannel, cutfrom a worn- out nigbtgown an American lady was throwing away as she left Russia, were used for the baby's b/ancet. A dol/-h/ce baby was cul from tan frît. The orp/tans were busy assembling their manger as I walked atnong thenî to see if îbey needed any /telp. Ail wenî well until I goz to one table where hitle Mis/îa sat - bie looked to bie about six years old and bad finis/ted is projecl. As 1 loo/ced at the ittle boy 's manger I was sîarîled to see not one, but two babies in the manger Quic/dy, 1 ca/led for the translator to ask w/îy tîlere were îwo babies in the manger Cmossing is amois infront of hitn and looking at is completed manger scene, Mis/ca repeated the story 1 was amazed ai how accurately t/lis young boy could reinember t/he details, since bie had only heard the Chîristmas story once! But. when he came bo t/se end, Mis/us added lits own conclusionî: ... and when Mary laid the baby in the manger, Jesus laaked aI me and as/ced me sf 1 hadt a place la stay. 1 tld him I have na mamma and I have no papa, sai don't have Mut.. Bible Chursh Presents "Lord, 1 Lift Your Name on High" A Christmas Musical for the Entire Family Sunday, December 17, 2000 10:OOam & 6:30pm At the Milton Seniors Activity Centre 500 Childs Drive, Milton Ai Milton Baplsf Church_ 900 Nlplsslng Rd. (905) 875-1626 9:45 arn - Sunday School 11:00 arn - Worship Service Titie: "O0pening our Hearts Door to Divine Encounter" l- Bley. Grog Macaulay - B.A., M.DIv. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 a.m. -The Lardas Supper 11:45 a.rn. - Sunday Schaal 6:30 p.m. - Goapel Service Wedneadlay 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study 1 give unto my sheep eternal life; they shall nover perish, neither shahl any man pluck them out of my hand. John 10.28 K SOMMSIE COMMUNITY CHIJRCH of The Christian & Missionary Alliance (formserly known as Milton Alliance Church) 2850 DERBY RD. Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg McCombs 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE <Nunncy non pnn.d) 3rd Sunday of Advent - Theme: "Season Your Gatheringa" *ADVENTURELAND (for kids age 3-gr.6) also follows Advent Theme -Frmore lai in our regsIar weekiy ministrie, We welcamne yau ta ... ST. PAUL'S UNITED) CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton This Sunday -ADVENT 3 Worship 10:30Oam è Nurser &Church Scbool Thur. Dec. 21,7:30Opm erice of Liot for the longes Nogt of the Yeur Rev. John Benhain & Rev. John Ambrose Judy Hunter, Dîrector of Music Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org HOLY ROSARY PARISH 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHU'RCH 139 Martin Street 9:00 an., 10:30 am. & noon Sonda>' ST. PETER MISSION 9th Lisse & Britasna Mass st 9:00 arn. Sundsy 2Rev. Earl Talbot,P.P ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHUERCH GUELPH LINE 854.0785 (t Lmn norts of Hwy 401) Sundays 9:30 a.m. Famfly Worship Friday, December 15 7:.00 pi.. Outdoor Carol Singing opposite Brookville Scbooi Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24 5:00 pin. Children's Service 11:00 p.m. HoIy Communion _I~. counts! Rediscover the nru meaning of Christmas this year by celebrating the real reason for the season - the birth of God's Son, Jesus Christ! Allow one of our local churches listent below help make your Christmas more meaningful. Take the lime t0 visit ibis week! Submited bv Reverend Danî Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Lîfe C/turcî, Milton Nassagaweya Presbyterian Church lIth Sideroad, luat est of Guelph Lina- 854-1055 Roev. Glen Soderholm Organisl and Youth Ministry: Doug Rool Sunday Worship Service 9:30 ar. Dec. 17 Speciai Presentation by the Sunday Schooi "164 Years of Christmnas" an historical ovorview of the Church and Community. Ali are welcome! VOCTORY BIBLE OHURON If we confess oursins, 1w is faithful and just ail unrighteousness. on (1 John 1:91(1V) Sin is a subject that we do not like to deal with. But there is a wonderful blessing in knowing that we can have forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Join us this Sunday so you too can know I-lis forgiveness for yourself. 10:00 A.M. - Sunday Momlng Worshlp Mlfton Leiaure Centre (Boardroom> (separate services for children 9 years and under) Wednesday Bible Study 7-8:30Opm Milton Lelsure Centre Boardfroom (cfiild case provided) "Living A Victorious 14fe By The Word 0f Gad" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: cboyce@ interhop.net The Salvation 11:00 arn - Marning Worship 11:00 arn Sunday School 100 tdiplslng Road, Unit 3 Paatora: Lieutenants Shelden & Care Feener For more information about our services, and other programming pleaae cati 876-2420 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878.3005 www.welcome.to/Grace.Milton Rev. Dr. Mark McDersnott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 arn - HoIy Communion 10:00 amn - Sunsg Eucharest Clsurcls School & Coffee Hoir 4:00 - 5:30 put - Youth Croup THURSDAY y 10:00 aîm Holy Communion W Ohnelchair Acre.. Thrnugh jîarking Lot Dînes any place ta slay. Then Jesus raid me 1 cotil slay with Hlm. I laid Hlm I couidn ', because I didnt' have a gift la gise hlm like everybady else did. Bull1 wanled ta slay wl/h Jésus sa much, ta I lhoughl about whal I had thal maybe 1 cauld use for a g>ft. 1 thoughl maybe iIi kept hlm Ivarin, thal would bie a gaad gifl. Sa 1 asked Jesus, 'if1I keep yau warm, will thail be a gaad enaugh gifft?' And Jesus ld me, 'If yau keep me warm, thal wlll be the beal g/ft anybady ever gave me.' Sa I gaI miat the manger, and then Jesus loaked ai me and He tld me 1 cautl slay wilh hlmi -far always." As little Mislîafinisbed /îis stor>: his eyes brinmed fulI of tears that splashed down bis little cheeks. Putting is bond over his face, his /îead dropped to t/te table and bis shoulders shook as/tie sobbed and sobbed. The little orp/taî /tadfound someone, wbo would ilever abandonî nor abuse /siî, someone who would sîay wit/î /im -for always! Original authar unknawn l'vc learnent that it's not what you have in 1

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