16 - The Canadman Champion, Frmday, December 15, 2000 New street name pays tribute to former mayor George Dawson. By CARRIE BRUNET The Champion It's only a small piece of steel, painted green and white, but to Maureen Magee it's the symbol of her grandfather's Iegacy in Milton. The newly-crected street sign, whîch rcads 'Dawson Cres', is a tribute t0 Ms Magcc's grandfather and former mayor of Milton - George Dawson. The street is locatcd off of Bronte Street, bctween Main Street and Derry Road. Mr. Dawson who died in 1955 scrved as mayor of Milton betwcen George Dawson 1942 and 1946. Prior t0 that, he spent 10 ycars as a town counicillor. He saw the implemnentalicri of - * Full Aesthe-tcP Services 42 Brut 9tL S. Oust south of Main St.] ni nn MoeIDAVS W TrF«nSPakg 905m69331 943 Kee your Kuiot sewers in Milton and saw the town through thc Second World War. According to the Town's manager of planning services, Anne Bouck, the process by which the Magees sought Mr. Dawson's name recognized was iengthy. 'The famiiy contacted us years ago," Ms Bouck said. 'The proccss used to be awfui." According to Ms Bouck, the dclay was in part duc to the lack of dcvclopmcnt in Milton for a number of ycars. Furthermore, Mr. Dawson's family want- cd the street bearing the Dawson naine to be part of "oid Milton." Ms Magce, a former resident of Milton, is reicvcd to finally sec this tribute cstab- lished. "It's somcthing 1 pursued afier my mother died," said Ms Magee of her moth- er Marjorie Magee - Mr. Dawson's only child. "She always admircd lier father." The eider Magre died in 1996, having iivcd in Milton for 75 ycars. Naming streets after former mayors is a great tradition in Milton, cxplained Jim Dilîs, founding president of the Milton Historical Society. He citcd Hcslop Road, Chiids Drive and Thompson Road as a few examples. "Wr usually put forward namnes of peo- ple who have made major contributions in the area," Mr. Dilîs said. "Thcy ail playcd parts beyond being just mayor." Mr. Dawson in particular was active as a business owncr in Milton. with the Masonic Lodge and the Milton Bowling Photo by GRAHAM FAINt: vHefty help Paul Attack, manager of heritage services at the Haiton Region Museum, and Haiton Chair Joyce Savoline are ail smiles afier receiving a $27,856 cheque from the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship that will be used ta support artlfact preservation and edu- cational programs at the museum. 0~ I~c~ '~1 Powgfu Soution For A Compact Worid The only way to keep your Kubota operating at peak performance is with regular maintenance and genuine Kubota replacement parts. From filters to fan beis, Kubota equipment lasts longer and runs better when it says Kubota through and through ... there is no substitute. .STEWART'S EQUUPMENTI * SALES @SERVICE @PARTS OUNS: MON. - FNL B AN - 5 PM, MT. 8 AM -NOON ~he eR- tin ac