VflOTO Dy ~HAI1AM VAINE ~Bingo Country Christmas Bingo Country employns have plenty to amilo about whlle dlsplaylng a mountain of toys collected from patrons and staff for the Salvation Army this season. Firefighters issue holiday warning The Milton Fîre Department year-twîcethemonthlyaverage He urged resîdents to instali urges ail residents to take extra pre- 'You may be surprised to know smoke alarms on every level of cautions to prevent a potential that the big cuiprita are flot theirhomesandoutsideofsleeping tragedy Ibis holiday seaaon. Christmas trees or faulty wiring," areas, cbeck alarma to ensure According to Milton~ Fire Mr. Cross said ina press release. theyre working, be extra careful Deparîment spokesman Mark The majority of deatha that with cooking and smoking, and Cross, I t people died in Ontarîo occur this time of year are caused develop a home escape plan and during the month of December laat by careleas smoking or cooking." practice it with tise entire famiiy. Tha Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 12, 2000-3 I I FINAL DAY I Indoor Used Cau