The Canadien Champion, Tueaday, December 12, 2000-21 "Rave you dome auiythivig about your loose denltures yet il N E' Laboratory in Rear - Repairs 1 hour Same Day Relines Immediate Dentures Complete Dentures Soft Rubber Liners Partial Dentures A l ce Temporary Relines Implant Dentures à Repairs Myoloc Dentures Relines Lost Dentures Made in 24 Hiours Rebasing Dentures should be checked anytîme Iooseness or soreness develops. * *FREE CONSULTA TION* * Dentures can be rellned or rebased to improve their fit and function. GARRY T. TRENTON, DENTURIST MILTON DENTURE CLUNIC 153 Main Street East (beside CIBC)8720 0 IEW!R ER Defnture CLEANE s2e, avaiIable ta the .AVEDENT hasH& product. \~7 MAIN STREET