1lO-The Cetacitan Champion. Tuesday, December 122C5t professeonals carsi answer, please wrete to: How does massage therapy help to relieve muscle pain? Titere are a few theories as t0 itow massage titerapy helpo eo reduce muscle pain. A muscle may become sighs or shortened for a prolonged period of time due ce stress or overuse. Titis shoreening or increaaed tone causes a decrease le ste circulation t, ste muscle as well as a build ep of metabolic waate such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid. Togeeher. titis decrease in fresh oxygen and increase le caebon dioxide and other %vastes causes a drop le the pH wititin the muscle tissue. Titis low pH and shortenet stase of thse muscle irritates nerve endings and results le that buming, aching, tired feeling typicalty experiencet arount the neck and shoulters turing simca of stress (Chrismas shopping?).- Massage therapy, application of heat ond stretciting are att effective ways te, relax a muscle ont increase local bloot flow. Titis increaset circulation allows fresit oxygen to enter ste tissue and ireitating carbon dioxite ont metabolic wasle to leave ste tissue, therefore resstting ie a tecrease ie muscutar tiscomfort. Regular massage therapy treatments and following e stretching program will help 10 preveet and relieve muscle pain tue to stress and overesertion. For furtiter questions regarting massage therapy ptease catIl Ryan Weaver or Jiltian Guard ont The Milton Therapeutie Massage Clinic, 878-0800. ASK SOMMOE WHO KNOWS.. ROYAL LEPAE i 388 Maiin St. E Milton (905) 878-l 101 RUTH KERR, M.A. COLtS REPtECtNTI Dear Ruth, We're shopping Cor a new home and me mass a pool. Becaose ito December and esery pool is cloeed, we haoe some conceros. Hem do me know il the pool io le good shape? Signed, 'Fish Wanna-Be" Voa're right, Fish, winter pool-shopping ie Coagh. You may sot know that sendors as a relecomlete what's caîl a "Ventlor Propersy Information Statement' or '!Vendor's Disclosare Fsrm". It includes a qaestion that specitically teks if the Vendor le aware of any problemo with the swimming pool le yoa are est preoidecl with a copy et such a disclosare Cerm. yoa may wish te specifically instract yoar represen- tative te obtaîn ose. There are clauses incladed le otters Chat prooide tht Purchaser with some protection. The tolloming ie a clase pst Cornard by tht Ontario Real Estate Association: Tht Vendor ehaîl be responsihle Cor top caste or expenses iscurred by tht Purchaser tf the swimmin pool and eqaipment were not prop- erly winterized provided that the Parchaser gives wnitten notice et aey dlaim te the Vendor est later thon Cailisg mhich the Vendor accepte ne rttponibility Cor coss. Anether classe csald read semething ike Chie: Tht Vendar marrants Chat the posl, incladling tht lier, aed aIllequipmest and accessaries incladed herein are nom in good morking order and milI he as et the date et completion. Let's imagine Chat the date et completias eftChe transaction, it sther msrds, the day the Perchaser cao mao ino the hsme, talle ie the minter menthe. The pool stilI can't he iospected se tht Parchaser mould maot the Vendon's marranty Ce service tht completion date and continue antil the pooalis reopeoed. Sysaking trankly, tht Vendor le net likely Ce ho milliog Ce prosîde sach a marraoty. Nlor mould tl he easy Car the Perchasor te prose Chat any damage Ce tht pool mas iocanred prier to the completiso date mîth repaire Choretore tht responeibility oC tht Vender. Wheo parchasiog a home mith a pool Chat's closed, yos'ro hu int a home mite a wiiitcard commsîtîty. Thee are inherent neske. ïC yos have concerne, do est hesitato Ce discese them with yoar represonta- tise. Let me koow how oeieything Ceins ot. L