MILTO~ ~ - ~iBRARY Catholic board IUmii opens new aduit education facility - A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 141 No. 78 Tuesday, December 12,2000 Purpie Butterfly story airs 10,1 87~17 48 Pages $1 0O (GST included) vToo soon to teli if bih will raise residential property taxes here Photo by GRAHAM PAINE vYoung Canadians Young Jessica Metzler, 10, and brother Nolen, 6, were two 0f 38 new Canadiens sworn In durlng a Cltlzenehlp Court ceremony et Town Hall Sunday aftemoon. They were jolned by their parents, Cindy end Dennis Metzler. By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A provincial bih aimed at equahizing the tax share between commercial, residential, multi- residential and industrial classes is poised topass in Queen's Park. But it'a too aoon 10 teli if Bih 140 wihl Iead to hikea in resîdential property taxea. Typically, reaidential propertîea are taxed at a Iesaer rate than business clasoos. In Halton, for example, commercial taxes corne in at 1.4 per cent higher than residential, while industrial asseasment ja 2.5 timea higher. Bih 140 aims to achieve parity between the clasaes In order to foster economic growth, said Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh ~'Scholtz group raises $3,OOO for hospital Juat in time for Christmas, Milton District Hospital bas received a generous gift from the Deidre Scholtz and Friends Fotandation. The charity organization - founded ahortly after the community rallied around young Miltonian Deidre Scholtz, who suc- cesaful battled aplastic anemia - present- ed the hospital with a cheque for $3,000 December 4. The money wiIl go toward the purchase of a centrifuge machine, which offers more expedient analysis of blood work. Funda were raised through the founda- bons golf toumament as weIl as the sale of t-shirts and Chriatmas carda. "Anythîng we can do to encourage busi- neas growth helps the economy," he sad. "We've got to bring that tasto balance." How the legisiation wilI affect Mîlton can't yet be determined, said Town Treasurer Jîm McQueen. "We'lI Iikely have a good idea in January or February," he said. 'Theoe's a se. LOCAL on page 14 Comment.....6 Datons.....12 Classified.26-28 Business.B1-B7 I -- E m~