34-The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 8, 2000 The holidays. A time for Ioved ones. *Poinsettias *Garlands e Swags T(9QTLLý 11ifiay Fcagt #iD.DD* * Wreth tfres & 10 pieces of origmnai recipe chicken, large fres, 2-250 mi salads, 2-250 mi gravy, 222 Man S .Dwt and 0 TURTLES toeats. *U2 MatCrinoct E. nt 276 Main St. E. , * ý_Downtown 878-4171 F .. \Yc do chicLk11 right- 78-9501 Christmas Hours until Dec. 24 OPEN 'TII 8 SUNDAY 10-3 tom Town Square 221 Main Street East 693-9796