Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Dec 2000, p. 39

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Tht Canadien Charriion. fridav. December 8. 2000--31 Careers Career! Careers Car.*rs r____ LeBlanc, a morld leader in salea and project imptementation for tetecommunicationa and broademaf nyatemn inctuding deaign, manufactur- ing and instattation of communication tom- ers and retated equipment, la build- Satety Manager You mtlt train inataltatton employea in Safety in Rigging and Fait Protection, eatabliah and enforce aafety poli- cien and procedurea, and promnote aafety amarenena. You must poaaeaa a current Firat Aid Certificate and be famitiar with the Canada Labour Code. Experionce in installations operattona, matertat handting equipment and fait protection nystema WOutd be definite aaaeta. A minimum of 5 yeara exporionce ia required. Pteaao aend your reaume fo: Humen Resources P.O. Box 880, Oekvllle, Ontario L6J 5C5 Fax No.: 905-844-8837 E-mail: mmcmeeki@Ieblanc-graup.com Ob NCe Onty thoae appttcanta that are granted interviewa witI be contacted. No phono cafta please. LeBlanc ta an equat opporfunity employer - CONTRACT POSITION - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MRONTE VILLAGE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT AREA The Brante Village BIA as a non-profit mea- ber drinen organîzation representing the inter- ests of the merchants and services in the village. An .Executive Director, eoperienced witfl valua- teer organizations, is soaght ta coordinote and direct the growth of the BIA into a selt-finanician, high prafile arganization. Reparting ta and advining the Baard, the Eaectinie Director wilI overate att administra- tine, financiat and operatianal fanctians. The ability ta represent the niewsofa the BIA etfec- tively atoall levela and in wide ranging situatins ia essentiat. .Excellent leadership, management, communica- tion, lobbying and fand-raiaing akilîs required. With regalar contact with members, gavera- ment, the financial commanity, organizations and the pablic, the Execative Director milI pro- mate the intereotsofa the BlA throagh ita grawth. Pleaae seed a resamne, in confidence, betare December 30, 2000, ta: B3ronte Village BIA 99 Bronte Rd., Suite 309 OakviIle, L6L 3B7 Milton Communlty Resource Centre ECE Teacher for January ath, 2001 Nursery Schoot programa 20 to 25 hr. Please fax resume ta: Heather Jackson 876-1273 tteadtine: December 15, 20001 Suppty staff atso needed. ATTENTION: PARENTS, GUARDIANS A RANDIPARIENTS If a apecial nomeone mon born in 2000 and their birth announce- mont oppeared in The Canadian Champion, pleone contact un regarding our 2001 SPECIAL BABY EDITION. If you wtsh to have yoar lite darlins pîctare incladed (Costi s only $10.00 + GST), we must receive it as soo as possible. DEADLINE: DECEMBER 29, 2000. PUBLISHING DATE tS JAN. 9,20011. Picture wilbe asoible forpick upsrier Jan. 9,2001 lEbe Canabian Cban-mion 091 Main Street Enmat, Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 0UIALITY daycere ovailoble. Play centre, Ih- brary, craftn, malka. Colt Carol et 876-0620. RELIABLE Daycere ovaitabte. Wilson & Woodward area. Pteae caI 876-4978. SAFE and Sound Chitdren'a Centre voted Milton's l chaice la ticeneed child celre. Infants ta achool 09e. Three location. Famity eredifa. Subaidy opon qaifyiag. 875-1955. 878-0537 HOUSE ottaning avait- able. Reasonabte matas. Cati (519)853-9485 teove a measage. LIVE In/Ouf cemg.iner/ hoosekeeper. T hree childrea ages 4,11, 16. Drivers license pre- ferrtdi. Refertacea re- qaired. Non-amoker, te- gai. Milton. (905)854- 2916 ceti (905)330- 9832. SENIORS whs need help daity. Retiabte, rea- sontable hetp provided. Cati 853-9485 and teant message. AUTO BODY WorSing Hadei to slip tii conipt. bato t 155 Nlpealeg Rdl., fs 878-2721 fa heaits problema. Possed Emnission test in Juty, New enhaust in Sept. $2000 0.6.0. 876-4946. '95 Z28 Conv., 6 Sp., tvery entra, exc. condi- lion; '29 Madet A, eac. condition. (519)833- 2368. SALS & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES W - IUY - SIL- LISSE 1410111 SELECIN OF 0110 VIHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 Make it RICHARSO Ta teant or porcaoa yaor car or truck Hep 25 S. et Derry Rd. uaau u pailiieiii, Il]- tapensive an retomn for basic home main- tenance. Eacellent rtf- erences. 1-800-667- 8737, Ran. FOR rent country home, 2 + 2 bedroom. Non- amokera, no pela. $1300/month + atitities. FirsI & aest, references. Avoulable immediatey. Cai Leatie 603-2048. FOUR btdrosm country home on 12 ocres. Smat homse barn, dou- ble garage, famity roomn wîth fireptace. 10 mina. norlh of tomai. $1600/month. Col Gary Thomas RE/MAX Blue Springs, 878-7777. diately, ont bedrsomn aportment with gos heating, atone, fridge, parking. Utititiea inctad- ed $750/month. Reter- eances. (905)854-9957. ONE hedrosa - 3Km narth oI 401. $850/msnth inctadea heat, hydro, alose and refrigerator. First/tasI. Avoulable immediateg. Ns pela. 878-9406 teave message. MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., ,MILTON NOW LEASING 1 Bedrooma avait- able on boa route, freahty decorated, 2 appliancea, on-sile laandry, inctades att atititien (encept phonoe& cabte.) No pela. References reqaired. Avaitoble Feb. 1. Storting trom $940. Office Hoara are am-5pm 905-876-1249 8y oppnintmrent nnly ONE and two bedroom opartmenf. Att inctusive. No pets. Colt 875-4989. ONE bedroon bate- ment. Seporate an- trance. Bathroom, kitch- en, laandnj roora, lire- place. $775/month otili- tiea incladed. Firatiast reqaired. 878-9654 or 691-6650. ONE three bedroom, 1 1/2 bath., two atorey, no appliancea. $950 + atili- tien. Availoble Jan. 1. (905)875-2468 abter 6 p.m. ROCKWOOD, aanny ana badroom apt., avec. lookiag parti, att iodau- aive, olao ovailable amai commercial sace. 519)856-4900. SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 bedrooma. Freahly pointad, bnight. Com- pebitive rant. Barfington bigh riat. Watt main- tainad. Convenient lo- cation. (905)333-9846. Nan - 8 p.m. TWO bedroom apart- ment avoulable Dec. 15 or Jan. 1., with balcony. Utilitie n md. $680. Colt 876-4682. Refarencea, no dogs. aqaiet re- ceatly renovoted large famniahedi townhoane in Miltoni to ahare. Avait- able immediotely $400/month + 1/3 atili- tiea. (905)469-478. ROOM on farm, 7 mina. fa 401, amoking envi- roament. $340. Debby (905)873-8017. Mont like doga. store front. Great loa- tion. Colt Yvonne Chris- lie Broker, Christie & Woods Real Entate Ltd. 878-2095 lease, 50-52 Steelea Ave, W. Colt 905-272- 0648. TOWNHOUSE For Sale. 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 baîbrooma, fally reno- voted, new laminated floora on main floor, with g orage. Aaking $148,000.)905)693- 8436. "A Vis it Fro -m Saint Nicholas" Creoting a modal for ail future Chtistmas atonans, "A Visit Frott St. Nichotas," hy Clamant Moore has hecomne the centerpiace for many holiday traditiono. As no celabration woutd ho comptete without a entii- night reading of the poemn wbile cbil- dren dirift 10 ateep, fottowiag la the text as officiatty pubtished hy Moore in TIse New York Book of Poetry, 1837. 'Twas the night hefore Chrisîmas, whan att through the houne Not a creotore wao stiming, not aven a mouse; 'Me stockings were hung hy the cbimnay with caca, In hopa that Saint Nicholas soon wqold ha thora; '%a cbitdren were nesttad att nnug in thrada, 1Whila visions of sugar ptuma danced 'in tinair heada; And mamma in ber kerchief and 1lin my cap Had juos nettled our hraino for a long winter'a nap, Wben out on the tawn there arose aiach o dlaller, 1 aprang fromt my hed 10, sea whaî was the motter. Awoy to the window t flew like a flash, Tore open the obattero, and tbrew up thne sash; TIse moon on thse breast of the new fatten snow, Gave a lustre of middoy 10 ohjects below; When what 10 my wondering eyes should appear But a miniature steigh and eighî tiny reindeer; With a ltte otd driver, so tivety and quick 1 knew in a moment, il must ho St. Nick. More rapid than eagles, bis coursers they came, And be whiotted and sbouted asnd catted thero hy camne; "Now Daaber! now Dancer! now Prancer! now Vison! On, Cornet! On, Cupid! on Donder and Bîjîzen! To the top of the porcb! To thse top of tha watt!, Now, danh oway, dash oway, dasb oway, att!" An dry leavea Unat héfore the witd hurricane tly, When they mea wiîh an ohstacte, mount to Une sky, ' So up to the houaetop the courer tney flew, Vmtth Ue sieign fuai of toys and Saint Nidnolas toc. And than in a twinlcling, 1 heard on the rof Ille prancing and pawing of each lit- dle hoof. As 1 drew in my head and waa turc- ing arouand Dowc the chimney Saint Nicholas came with a hound. He wao dressed att in for, from bis head 1, bi s folot, And bis etothes were att Iamished with ashes and s001; A hundte of soya ha had flung on bis hock, And ha looked tike a pecdtler juat opening hia pack. His eyes - how tbey twinkted! His dimptes - how merry! Hia cheeko were tike roses, bis nosa tiko a cherry! Hia droti uitIle moutb was drawn up tike ahow, And the hoard of bis chic was as white os the snow, The stump of a pipe he hotd sighs in hia teetb, And tbe smoke il encircted bis bead tike a wreatb; Ha had a hroad face and a round lt- ie betty That shook when be taugbed like a howl futt ofjety. He was chbhy and plsmp, a irght jotty otd etf And t taugbed wbes I saw bim, in spite of mysoîf. A wink of bis oye and a twist of bis bead Soon gave me to know 1 had notbing to dread. Ha spoke not a word, but want straighs to bis work, And fitted att the stookings; than tsmed with a jerk, And taying bis linger aside of bis nose, And giving o nod, op the chtmney ha rose, Ha sprasg ta bis steigh, to bis leam gave a whistte And away tbey att l lew tike the down of a thistle; But 1 beard hira exctaim, ara ha drove out of sigbî, "Hoppy Chrisîrnas t0 att, and to al-a good nigbl!" 111111I

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