The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 8, 2000-29 Classified CLASSIFI HOURS BONUS! MONDAY TO FRIDAY A H Classified Ads 9:OOAM-5:OOPM ~ nt OUI and Ens Mason (nea Hlerasan) are ibnilled f0 announce iba birm 0f ibeur daugbiar. Mattory Margaret-Ann, on Ociober 29, 2000. She was bom ai Guelph Genarai Hospifal ai 12:09 p.m. weigbisg n sf7 Iba. 13 oz. Prosd grendparenis are Dale and Jeif Wagnar and Ri~ard and Caihia Hierman. KATS - Wayne & Kelly (fiee Camybeli) caf Milton are plaased f0 annoance the binib 0f ibair son Grlflln Connor waighing 8 iba af Milton Disinci Hospifal on Daoemban 1, 2000 ai 12:15 a.m. Firsi grandcbild for Donna & Alan Campball and ninih grandcbild for Bih & Van Kats. Special ibanks f0 Dr. Sharma, Dr. Cbung and ail iha siafi n OBO for helping wiib oun nany apecial boy. FOR ail occasions. Spedai cookins faduifies and services on ibe onemisas. Oeil 878-2759,639-4349. 1150V, Ladite Pasaed away peacefuliy in ber sieep ai home on Wednesday, December 6, 2000. Lucille Blbby, baloned suie 0f Roy Bibby. Lovins moiber ef Caihy and ber busband Fiod Kingdlsn, Greni and bis fiancée Karen and Brani. Lovmgly ramembered by bel grandchildren Julia, Knsfa, Luke and Sarab. Sadly miaaed by ber broiber and sisiar. Farelîn and friands may viait ai ibe McKemia-Kocher Funaral Home 114 Main Sf neet, Milton 878-4452 f rom 11:30 a.m. unfif ibe servie at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 9, 2000. iniermeni f0 follow ai Evengreen Cemetery. n lieu 0f flowars donations f0 iba Humane Socieiy would ba gneaily appre- daiad by me family. PENNEY, Blanche Paacefully, ai Eden House~ n Guelpb on Tueaday, December 5, 2000, Blanche Penney, fonseify caf Mifon, in ber 92no~ pear. Beioned suie 0f ihe laie Josepb Penney. Lonins moiber ef Jessie and ber fruaband Jire Schofield of Mifon, Clifford and bis soife Shiniey 0f Cambndge, Joaapb 0f PEl., Uoyd and bis wif e Moiiy cf Oniano, Donald and bis soif e Henniesa 0f Woodsiock, Gordon 0f Toronlo and Myma Polios 0f Brumpton. Dearfy loved by ber 2ognandcbildren, 24 greai-grendcbiidren and 5 greai-greai-grandcbiidnen Famiiy and friands were recemved ai ibe J. Scoif Early Funenal Home, 21 James St., Milfon on Tbursday from 2- 4 and 7-9 PM. A Fanerai Service ahI be beld f nom Knos Preabytanian Cburcb on Fniday liocisylai 11:00 AM. Iniermeni f0 foliow ai ProspeciCameiery n Toronfo. If desired, dom- fions f0 ihe Canadian Cancer Sodety or Knos Preebyferian Church wonld be appneoaied. Emie iived a fuli 85 pears, giving generous- y of bis base 50 his famify, friands and any- one in need. Ha took every opporluniiy f0 spread bis faith n God and ahane bis friend- lydisposition. Whether in bis routine donut delivarias f0 Comasunity Living Nonfh Halton or bis cheenful crossing guard duty, Emie mada peopie cmii e. Ernie mas loved and admired by evaryone ha ancountered, ha mas a spiritual mentor f0 many ano a thoughtfuf friend 50 more. A devoted hua- band to Sadie, a foving father f0 Raymond (Lois), the fate Wesiey (Ruthî and Garry ~ Linda). Chenished grandiather f0 Patti, aro n Elizabeth (Todd), Jias, Stephen (Jalie) and Shenri. Ha miii be missed n f refend by the Davidson Famiiy and Fonde Famiiy and in Ausi relia by Jim and Jean Fonde. We have ail been bfessed and anniched by Emies love 0f file and faith in God. Grateful appraciafion f0 the wondanfuf peopi e as tha Milton District Hospitaf and Credit Vallep Dialysis Ciinic also bis famify doctor Dr. Peers. Family and friands may visit as tha McKarsie-Kochen Funarel Home 114 Main Sireet, Mifion 878-4452 f nom 2-4 and 7-9 pm on Friday. The Fanerai Service miii be hald from Miffon Gospel Hall (306 Ontanlo St. N. Milton) on Saturday, Dacamber 9, 2000 ai 2:00 pm. Intarmeni te folloin et Evergneen Cemefery. n lieu 0f fiomers donafions 50 ihe Communiiy Living Horth Heiton wouid be graaffy appreciatet by the familp. __________ CHESKEY, Theodore Keaimir (Ted)- December 15, 1915 - Dacember 2,2000 Grampa" Cbaskey died peacefuily in bis rono mn Harasony House Refiremeni Home in Guelpb. Ha la survinad by bis ioving sons, Robais (Sandra> and Edwsrd (Bakisa), daughier Ediih (Mas), gnanddaugbiers, Marissu, Suai fa and Sarab, and grandeons, Camille snd Leigb. Friands and family are inniied f0 pay ibeir raspecis and celebrata Tenis lue ai iba Eden Milfa Communjty Canine ai 1:30 p.m. os Sanday, Decembar 10. n lies 0f flowam, donations in Tedu name f0 the Bruce Trail Associations Escanymeni Preservafion Fund woufd be appra- dated by the family. John Gardon Burton A Greai Man, one of the beaf" Siul Ioved and sadiy missed by your whole family Dad, Candy, Jane, the Boys Laffin, Kelfh n loving memory 0f a dear husband, father, and granrifaiher reho passeri away December 9,1999. n remembering, ese keep whaf la basf and deareaf as fressures forever. Airemys remembered by Sandra, Pafrick, Nanas & Saiiy, and grandaon Puai. Neil Cianleson Augusi 13, 1956 f0 December 7,1996 Neil Whîle memones 0f good and bad Urnes- infermingi e, The gond fimes predominafe. And we realize fbaf yoa are wifh us sean nore, As fhe ghoaf 0f famifiar faughfer cas be heard echoing on me wind. Gruau y mlaaed by hi a parents William and Norma, md the mataf hia famliy, Ian, Margo, Geof, Gard, Unda, Jamie, Richard, Sean and Jaclyn. Steven E. McDonaid March 8,1979 - Decemben 9,1999 if la bard f0 believe fhaf one pear bas pasaad by, Sinoe fhe day you wene faken f rom us f0 lise n fhe sky. Ail i coufd say "Nes such agood boy, do soi lai him dia." f ibis k 0f pou offen, if was bard f0 say goodbya. You live n my beau Atwaya loved, Neyer forgoiten Love Auni Doris. forma asiate on or bafore January 24. 2001 aher which data me asiates essais mii i ba disfrbufad having regard oniy f0 ciaima fbat hava then bean raceived and iha undar- signed soif i flot ba liabie f0 any person 0f whosa ciaim ha shaif not ihan hava notice. Dafed ai Milion ibis 5ib day of Dacamban, 2000. Steven P. Keir Barrister and Soticitor 24 Martin StresS Mitton. Onianlo L9T 2P9 MOBILE Computer Tecb. Suppori. Sobwere suies, Upgradea, Web sUes, E-stores. Oeil 702-4311. ~ local service and support f nom I SURF THE NET. ~6O2 TUES. BEC.12.Suta 5:3Opm.Prealuw 3:30pm At the SHAFER AUCTION GALLERY 2004 Caretina St. (at Brant) Burtlagtan (Approo. 5 blocks Up Brool SI. lrom Lakeshore) A good dean o0ermg lu coosîsl sf qualily anliques, colleclibles & hsusehold elfecîs fr00 varisus esloles A good sel. aI qualily Viclorian glasseare, china, slo- neaure, elc. Royal Doullon figurines, payer aeighls, Coalporl dinner sel, artwork, crynlal, carpels, labulous anlique lurnilure n walnul, pine, mahogony, oak A areal collechoo ai ournurne eslale merclraodvoo UST 5 INFO @ awa.auclionslind.csm/shafer Oaah, Visa, M~U, Debit. 5% De>wrs Flue. SHAPER AUCTION GAAJ.ERY (905>1344300 g J.P. TREE FARM W ar op.n ta Cut your own Chrfetmaa flue from December I to D.ceamber 24. Spruce, Pine, Fir Trees L Sleigh rides & Bonfire on weekends' Direciions: From 401, go norih on Hwy. 25 f0 151h Sideroad, go west f0 5f h Line, go 1/2 mile north. A Cut your own Christmas Trees TOM MANES FARM Gualph Lina & 25 Sîderoad (12 km nonih 0f 401) 519-856-9241 I CHRISTMAS BEGINS IN THE COUNTRY Â & andefiertdtyta gotoget A~fad0ws8ml Nsftsusnfbecaau WINTERSINCERS TREE FARM le HILLSUURCH invites pou to corna visit tbem le tue coastry suhere vos are sure ta fleri tiret speclai tree SET A FAMILY TRADITION NOW CUT VOUR OWN TREE arise tRe fanraeariri me palme suri eniso Sue muntin assespirera aRme Ravise e asees rida Sumagir reine tasot CSilsOsasnraes ni rmsyeanieses. THiS 15 WHAT CHRISTMAS 15 ABOUT rame sosie asie te basa. Urmagir sur afegant seiscSsn ni Fresir mendiée Crutis Ced tartanri vaser. teefarai INlnt.rpairCiemirier abrirar ft, Wreat8 erabisel OPEN DAILY 9-5 RM. PbseeCl-iii-554-7554 t-mail ~ ~2OOOFF aintersiagernestas.eet s.-----------.1 verreasessa TRES FaAM N amahrsrac parie cesea Hao.154 j Rates TomapriOl OGeargea s- M BON-US! ALLc~I~ds www.mihncanadianchampion.coi~ ries amusas as Cas Yaur Oaa Balsam; ahile/lsioe Sproce, Fine 401 w Guef ph Lino N 20 Bide Rd seol 6km 1-519-703-9711 Brorase Sunfa Shopi Vî/Mc/lnl Open Oaily TOP 0f the fine Pralif Chrisimas Treas ai 70% off raiail (905)693 0206 aber il 00am OUALITY Frrewood $65 face cord Caîl (905)693-1530 APPUANCES - frinige, 2 door; Siove; Mayfag aufomaiic reasher, dry- an. Also, aparimani nef. Undar Wannaniy. (905)637-8328. CARPET i bava severaf 1,000 yrds. caf nere Staismaster & 100%ny- ion carpet. Wiil do living- roosi & bau for $349. in- dadas cernai, pad & in- siallation (30 yards) Steve, 639-2902 FREEBatimaies... Gof wobbly or broken chairs? Weak sofa or chair s p ris g s? Soif foam? Tired iooking woodfiniabes?... Than cail Fieids for ail fumi- tare repaira and casiom moud reiiniahing. 9-9 daily, (905)875-4427 LAPTOP computer Toshiba 300 CDS 16MB RAM, $600; Nokia cou- phona 638 wdb ligbtar ada p fer and mail charg- er $30. Cali (905)854- 1674. POOL sida mater alida (camad). inciadas deilo- ary. $395 (905)878- 5922. SOLIO Oak badroom suite. Incladea Qaeen bed, bead and foot boards, dresser miih mirror, armoire, & sde tabias. Paid $3600 2 yrs. ago. Accepi any resu. offar. Cali 878- 7824. SUPER Special. Bave ap f0 30% on decorafor fabnical Pap 50 GST! Lova pour farnifure... baie pour coisurs? Sofa & matcbing chair more $768 Loveseafa f rom $448 Cha as f rom $199 Frea Est matas Ses or O acounta F aide Quai ty Casiom Upbolstenng 9-9 (905)875-4427 FREE fo gourd home 2 yr. 0sf declawed, fisad, ginger & wbite, indoor caf 876-2489