24-The Canadien Champion, Friday, December 8, 2000 RA fi th g o s evc 0-r ct WHAT DOES GOD LOOK LIKE?1 I heard about a father who was watching bis small son draw a picture. Intensely focused, the young lad wae totally engrossed in hie work of art. Crayons were scattered everywhere. Unfinished sketches were wadded and cast aside. Without wanting to break the boy's concentration, dad gently inquired, "Son, what are you drawing?" Neyer looking up, the small boy replied, "God." Somewhat taken aback, hie father said,"Well, no one knowe what God looks like." Confidently gazing at his masterpiece, the boy retort- ed, "They will when 1 gel through." We ail have a picture of God in our minds. And our picture of God is critically important to who we are. In fact, our picture of God is the most important thing about us. Theologian, A.W. Tozer, once said,"The most important thing about you is what cornes into your mind when you think of God." If so-and I believe he is correct-then a spiritual flaw regarding our mental picture of God can have a devastating effect on our faith. We muet have a right view of God, or else it SBAHAI "O My Servant! Va are the trees of My gardean: ye muet gtve forth goodly and wondrous fruits, that ye yourselves ond others moy profit therefrom, from the Baha'i Writîngs LOCAL:.................................... 878-0011 REGIONAL:........................ 324V GLOBAL:............................ www.baba,.org 4 MILTON SEVENTH-DAY À0 ;È1111 CHURCH Hugh F0se Hall,4 Brown St. Miton Si 93 a it sh,ath t FREE BIBLE SCHOOL ['eplc ilg q esiol> ), nclIle sci t,. ho a, ppy ttce For, FIOFF BIBLE. LESSONS, w',tc, M. Lt,,, 23012, 55 Oot.,ott St., Miton:f, Ot., L9T 5131. On, the. INTERCNET, ltnp s"ccw. sq.(11a t'ASTt9IL Carlt:tn 0. Ro i on st, 'i16ttZI th,) 662 -HD LIr MLO 11 .i Sot of -.ryRod Senior Pastor Roc. Dan Rog Ctsildren Mr* * Natallo Rogue Worship Mrtl. Esther Kssalor Youth Roc. Gord Clark 9 am - EarlyWorship Seï-ice 9.30 - Scnday Schooi 70:45 arn .- Second Worshtp, Sesnce Pastor Dons Rogge Preaching Sermon Series Designed to Measure Jesus' Impact Upon the World Su rieeduresy &Dynamic Chidrens r aeaelbedr1 ai sevics will be distorted an out of focus. God recognized the value of a divine portrait and inspired Isaiah to prophetically paint a portrait of the corning Christ several hundrede of years prior to Hie coming. He will Ile called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Consider corne of the Holy Bible's awve-inspiring details: Wonderful It is wonderful to watch the Saviour as He associated with sinncrs, yet neyer sinned. Hie enernies could not find one flaw in Hie character or Hie conduct. He was without reproach. He brought hope to the hopeless, peace to the anxious, strength to the weary onles, cornfort to the eorrowful and irnpacted the lives of everyone He touched. He was, and still is, wonderful! Counsellor As a divine problern-solver, Jesus Christ has met the spiritual, physical, ernotional, mental and psychologi- cal needs of billions of troubled men and wornen world-wide! M4iii.. Bible Churoh Worship With Us at 200 Main Street E. Family Worship Service 10:00 AM Rev. James A. DeMarsh,, Pastor 876-3586 #4j Miltýn Ba isi Chuýrch 900 Nlplssing Rd. (905) 875-1626 9:45 arn - Sunday Schaol 11:00 arn- Warship Service' 7:00 prn - Carnrunity Sevice Everyane Welcarne Titie: "O0pening our Hearts Daor ta friends & strangers"' 1 Bey. Grog Macaulay - B.A., M.Div. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arn. -The Lord's Supper il1:45 arn. - Sundey Schooi 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednosday 7:30 p.m. Pxaer and Bible Study 1 give unto my sheep eternal life; they shall neyer perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. John 10.28 , SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH of The Christiane & Missioteary Alliance (fonrrly known s %Iten Alliane Church) 2850 DERBY RD. Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Pastoir Greg MCOmbs 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING WOBSIIIP SERVICE (Nursery care provided) 2nd Stinday of Advere- Theme: Sea.%eYorCiving" *ADVENTURELAND (for kids age 3-gr.6) also follows advcnt theme For moe n st on 0cr regeler weekty ministries, pieuse rai tihe risuret office. We ele you to... ST PULS UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton This Sunday -ADVENT 2 Sunday Worship 10:30 arn Nurseq & Church Scbool 6:30 pif.-Annual CGIT Vesper Service X Mighty God When the wronge of the world needed to be righted and fallen hurnanity needed to be lifted up, God did not send Hie angele to help. He personally came to earth and got involved - that's what Christmas is aIl about! God caring enough about us to get intirnately involved in our lives! Everlastimg Father He ie without begin and without end. He was born as a child at Christmnas, but existed in eternity long before that. He had no beginning and He has no end! Prince of Peece His peace cao bring calrn to the storms of life. Hie rule in the hurnan hcart, allows an individual to face any crisis with confidence, endure any eorrow and face any temptation. He is sovereign! Hope you enjoyed Chriet's portrait as recorded in Isaiah 9:6! To learn more about Christ, consider visiting a local church. Subrniitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Chut-ch, Milton VICTORY BIBLE OHUNON Thou art MY hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word. (Psa 1)9:114) What do you hope for? Have you lost ail hope? Join us this Sunday sol you can learo about a hope that je sure. 10:00 A.M. - Sunday Morning Worship Mlton Leisure Centre (Board Room> (separate services for chitdren 9 years and onder) Wednesday Bible Study 7-8:30 pin Milton Leisure Centre Boardroom (child cars providsd) Li in gA V'4cto nous LifeB4 T/we Wo rdOf God' Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Ernail: cboyce@ interhop.net The Salvation PAP~JI\ Army Church Milton 11:00 arn - Morning Worship il1:00 arn Sunday School 100 Nipissing Road, Unit 3 Pastors: Lieutenants Sheidon & Clare Fesser For more information about our services, and other programmtng piease cati 876-2420 Grace Anglican Church :317 !slain St. E., Milton the f hurcl on fhe/icll 'el. 8178-2411 Fax 878-30)05 Rev. Dr. Mark MeDertnott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00)ail) - Iloly Comumnunionî 10:00 art: - Suing Etîclîarest Churcl Seîtoti & Coffec lotr 4:0)0 - 5:30)1pin - Ytutli Grrup THURSDAY -- 10:0)0 ,îtî Holy Commînunions .'i ýlieuIcliter Access Tltrttugh jtarkittg )t Ottrs Rev. lobs Benham & Rev. lobe Ambrose Judy Hunter, Director of Music Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org HOLY ROSARY PARISH 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 p.m. Saturlay 9:00 amn., 10:30 a. & mn Sunday ST. PETER MISSION 9th Lise à Britaneia Mess et 9:00 arn. Sunday S Rev. Earl Talbot,P. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN SCHIURCH GUELPH LINE 854.0785 (2 km serth ef Bey 401) Sundeys 9:30 ar.. Femily Worship Wednesdiay, December 13 6:30 p. Pet Led, Sepper & Cerols Fridey, December 15 7:00 p. Outdeor Carel Singing opposite Brookville Selsool Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24 5:00 pi.m. Children's Service 11:00 pom. Holy Communies