an Champion, Friday, December 8, 2000 - 13 . Fattened fund The Champion'. Christmas- Bureau Funci la creeping toward Its $25,000 target thenka to danara such as Milton Limestane's Debbla Charlton (left). The campeny recentiy raied $2,018 for the Christmas fund, run by The Chempion'a Sheefia Cameron (second from left). A chaque for an Identicai amount was misa paeeed to Unde VWlIIl of Heitan's Women's Place (second frram right) fram Milton Uimestone's Curai Laneeberry (right). The Christmas fund le now et $10,8U8. The Selvation Army campaign aime ta ernsurs mii local familles have e nice Christmas, complete wIth dinner end tays for the. chldren. Ta donate cash, f ood or new, unwrepped toys, drap by The Champian affice et lo1 Main St E., or send a chaque payable ta the Christmae Bureau Fund cars of The Canadien Champion, Box 248, Milton, Ont., LOT 4N9. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE REGION 0F HALTON NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Proposed Golf Course Amendment #15 ta the Officiai Plan for the Raglan of Halton The Council of the Regional Municipality of Halton, through its Planning and Public Worcs Committee, is holding a Public Meeting ta provide interested individuals an opportunity ta comment on proposed Halton Region Officiai Plan Amendment #1 5. Meeting Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 Meeting rime: 9:00 ar. Meeting Place: Halton Room Haiton Regional Centre 1151 Bronte Road Oakviile, ON L6M 31 Ta Obtain More Information: Proposed Amendment #15 can be viewed ai the Office of the Regional Clerk, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays or a copy mnay be obtained by contacting Helma Geerts by phone at ext. 7209 ait one of the numbers below or by email at Those wishing ta address the Planning and Public Works Committee ai the Public Meeting are requested ta tetephone the Deputy Clerk, Susan Lathan ait ext 7254, prior ta Wednesday Januaey 3, 2001. Purpose of the Amendment: Proposed Amendment #1 5 is intended ta direct recreational uses, including golf courses, ta HalIon's non-prime agricultural ares and la sites with redevelopmnent potential such as closed tandill sites and depleted quamres provided that environmenta, agriculturat. and transportation issues are addressed. To strengihen cun'ent agricuttural policies, the rural area ta the south and es oif the Niagara Escarpment Plan Ares is proposed to be identifiéd in the Halfon Regional Official Plan as "Prime Agriculturat Ares'. The permitted land uses in this ares will not change as a resuit of the Amendment. The only change witl be the removal of the policy statinig Ihai recreation uses including golf courses will be considered only by site-specific amendmént ta the Regional Officiai Plan. Regional policies on recreation uses tike golf courses in the Escarpment Rural Ares are the same as Niagara Escarpment Plan policies, with the exception of ail Escarpmeet Rural Areas below the Escarpment Brow which will be considered the same as Prime Agnicultural Areas. The proposed amendment also commuas the Region ta wore with the golf industry and public agencies ta 1) identify areas wiîh golf course developreent potenlial, and 2) develop and promote Best Management Pracîioes for the design, construction, and operation of new and existing golf courses in Haltan Region. Note: If you wish to be notied of the adoption of the proposed OfficiaI Plan Amendment, you muai make a written request ta the Deputy Clere ai the address pninted above for the Halton Regional Centre. Ifsa person or agency tiling an appeal af the proposed Officiai Plan Amendment does not make oral submissions aisa Public Meeting or make written submissions ta the Regional Municipality of Haltan before- the proposed Official Plan Amendmenf as adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss ail or part of the appeal. Local inquirles may be made to the fallowing numbers: Acton (519) 853-0501 lu 1 g Aldershot (905) 639-4540 Burlingion. Oakville, Milton (905) 825-6161 Georgetown (905) 878-8113 Streetsville (905) 823-6720 ---------- --.-.-.- - . . . . . . iq 1ý Ie lh Ilvng MITo.rad.aneSppenet Glucosamine Sulfate - 500mg Maturai Factors Olucosamline Sulfate SODIUM FREE 500mg - 90 Caps Glucosamnine Sulfate helps re-build synovial fluid araund your joints, helping the cartilage between your bonies. Scientific studies dont in 1983 on 1,500 people showed significant reduction in joint pain and swelling in over 70% of the people in the study. 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