Man charged with attempting to sneak drugs into Maplehurst A 44-year-old Kitchener man faces dmug-related charges fol- lowing an incident at Maplehurst Con-ectional Complex Tuesday. At 7:58 p.m. a maIe visiter was found sneak a small quantity of marijuana mbt one of the inmrates. He was subsequcntly arrested on counts of traficking and pos- scssion for the purposes of traficking as well as breach of proba- tion. He was beld for a bail bearing. Impaired charges Police report two cases of impaired driving late last week. The tirst incident occurred last Friday at 2:42 s.m. when offi- cers stopped a vehicle as il -was leaving the Childs Drive police station parking lot. A maIe driver had apparently aîîended the station sud spoke te police via intercors about an arrest made carlier in the night. A 31 -year-old Milton man was arrested and charged with dri- ving witb over the legal limit of alcohol in his blood. The tollowing moming - at 1:45 ars. - a 36-year-old Milton man was charged after police pulled over a 1989 Volvo for a traf- tic violation on Regional Road 25. The man laces counts of impaired driving and driving with over the legal limit of alcohol in bis blood. Bot men will appear in Milton court on December 18. Hefty haut A 2000 Chevrolet Astro van containing welding equipment was removed from a Lower Baseline residence overnigbt Monday. The unlocked vehicle was stolen sometime between 9 p.m. sud 7:45 atu. The van sud welding equipment have a collective value of $57,()0. Tractors taken Three John Deere tractors were stolen sometime last weekcnd from Halton Ground Care Equipment on Steeles Avenue. Unknown suspects cul a bole in the fence at the rear of the property 10 gain entry. The tractors bave a total value ot" about $21,000. Forged cheques A 37-year-old Milton man bas been cbarged witb uttering two forged cheques late last week at te Steeles Avenue Money Mari. Tte cheques - botit stolen, sud valuing $500 sud $800 respec- tively - were passed last Tbursday and Friday. The man wiIl appear in Milton court on January 15. 'b G.F HANDEL e4, Knox Presbyterian Church 170 main Street East, Milton Wednesday, D)ecember 6, 7:30 pa. Adults $15 Students and Seniors $10 For tickets phone: (905) 878-6066 Knox Church (905) 875-2226 Comic Express * i« i's one of the Ieading organizations dedicated to the historically informed performance of early music. The orchestra employs baroque instruments and the players, *choristers and soloists are predominantly professional musicians from southern Ontario. Seating is imited for this event. Book early. Police -Bl-otter Money matters Halton Regional Police are waming area residents to be extra careful when using bank machites, iu light of two recent inci- dents where pin numbers have been used to remove cash from the owners' accounts. Meanwhile, Camphellville's Mohawk Racetrack has reported three cases of $10 counterfeit buis being passed with the past week. Rural break-in Approximately $700 worth of property - including a genera- tor and a cellular phone - was stolen during a First Line break-in overnigbt November 23. Unknown suspects went througb several vchicles on the prop- ersy before entering an unlocked garage and removing the proper- ty. Police are investigating. -l'he carila ârlan ir 1,mtnFdy nele 2000 7 March of Dimes needs volunteers Volunteers are needed 10 continue an Ontario March of Dimes tradition. The organization ix Iooking for Miltonians wbo can spare a couple of hours to knock on doors during the SOth anniversary, January 2001 door-to-door campaigu. Iu the 1950s, marching mothers canvassed their neigbbourboods raising money te find a cure for polio. Today, every dollar raised helps someone wilb a physi- cal disability. To volunteer or for more information cati Jinm Stractan, door-to-door coor- dinator, at 1 -800-263-DIME (3463). ext. 705. In MUItesn 276 Main St. MV 878-4171 J 575 Ontario St. Knight Cap A78 68 Mon-Fni $4"1 Lunch 11:3O-tp bCllotbo Sat & Sun $6"1 Brekfast BlmftS 114Il Chrita Paurt SatUrdaY l for Uthe Show *3O-cose ChrisayInboeds ay!b 270 Main St E. (905) 876-3780 __________________&_____rial" goodtimsjCrowne Hili A TASTE 0F ITALY BARNEY THE MAGICIAN Fia tra rm4p EVERY WED. NIONT FRGM 0-9 rdy&Stdafom4p 15 XP RSS LUNCHI PRIME RIB MINUTES OR FRÀEN 45 Chisholm Dr. 876-4731 575 Ontario St. 876-1186 Miii dtwlt Inn 854m2277 more than a great overnhte stay (A) & EaEdq Corne out to the Dog House for LWVE DJ & DANCING Friday & Saturday Nights 55 Ontario fit N. U1178-6697 [ 1 The Year 2000 _______ hat did il me.,, t. gou? 1 0IWT. 0I Vour familg? Vour friends? IMILU~IScrapbook & Tinte Capsule Committee wants lu know! ________ c/o Milton Public Library ~.W f For more information, * Icaîl Bruce Carlin at 875-4588 u