14 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, December 1, 2000 Red heYank s know how tocelebrate Thanksgiving 'On the los' I'm the type of person who wishes thungs if you don't have a temperature, you refot weren't on, so that was somnething I could cou n were the way they used to be. sick, so get to achool. use. by il. , ell anythongutech. ndlgcl But, 1 would do anything to stay home Back to bed, if you're so sick, my momn Murray sin..ad elayhn ehooiaon Thanksgiving. 1 once tried sticking the would say. So, I'd go to my room, bide my frthat marter 1 . thermometer ainta lgtbbSO1 tiean h botnhurle dga Townend Oka, st Im te tpe f prso wh O n the knew that didn't work, but 1 col fake a pillow and-a blanket up to the living roomt ever andplopmyself down on the couch. use t b. o e ha difiul tostckyou fngrsdown Thr' oway you're lying there aIl savedhs otagcthuhscaet m n1 ailr Ohroa andtblb flot day,andth aboutd a hater drag a Ivt MoURorAe upNSN bol nfr er that ber aoap operas ith Amerian hdn' doevtbibter than tms oouratdywhnI a akd transcripta for the Supreme Court of weren't on anyway, because it was Americns dont do eerythng beter tha I lovd tha day wen I thea al1tCrndanu ihethwouldroAmericanwolThanksgiving.ksgv That haeemededto section. days, and being part of the tellevision gen- one occaaion each year. My mom's rule had her lunch. desa onte eve ry nge yer t it got lrto,1got hooked at an early age. waa the samne aa moat mom's at that lime - But on American Thanksgiving, they me astay ona the c fo th nire day Day parade. I'd get caught up in the excitement and anticipation as we ail wait- TM/MCed for the first big balloon cartoon charac- ter to corne into view. * Then there would be the floats, the clowns, the marching bands and cut-ins to * a couple other parades, including taped ________________ coverage of the Santa Claus Parade from At Se.~, Toronto. The big balloon characters were but mmmilg lough to ae what you . the bighlights, but everytbing that passed *nouh t cen wh yo u ~the camera was an levent in itself. And ail this was juat the prelinar 10 two football games, one right after the other. I would have to get off the couch to change channels maybe once ail day. Il eý; 1elwas like heaven. Around lunchtime, I would intormn my SHAR 10 WAT KEMORE 492 Lmother that maybe, just maybe, t could try CO PC TROSSE O SL HU IDFE t0 cat something because. 1 was feeling Our owet pice f te yor!Our owet pice f te yar!slightly better. * Whatcvcr she made me was a welcome L k change to the squashed peanut butter and jam sandwich I would have had at school. 1 kept up my Thanksgiving tradition in high school and even as an adult I'd caîl in 1: ý1'1/sick that day or take a day of my holidays. Saleprieend Sae lace ndsSince I vc been working at home, I alwaya Satuday Deembe 9,200 Satrda, Dcembr 16, 000try to tind time for the football games, if not for the parade. % v wndiesekr-sen% v uiiisu a270s. One year, I even cooked a turkey for 3 CDchaner 3spee fandinner, which ian't easy if you've neyer 5 0 igial M/F tunr $ 8 0 djutabl huidifatcooked a turkey before. r: ýH ! -wa speker :! win ate botlesSo, anyway, ihis year, I decide that I'm Uniqe pwere rolin panl Atoraticshuoffgoing to enjoy this Thanksgiving the S198 S159whole day, since t've missed too many N M N Mparades in recent years. A traditional fake Thanksgiving. 2,1399 So, now we get to the point where it - KEMMORE .EMR made me wish things had remained the 4.-. ft p same. It's taken a while 10 get here, yes. compacit a21it down 10 watch the parades and leamn capaCty ta 'aer. C or KENMOM UmmI* Wumh vacgUM immediately that they've ruined eey P s er#462 bult-in dlmhwauher Sv 30tig Sears reg. 729.99.5 . crisper. #98472. #15522. Sears reg. 649.99. #206500 Instead of letting us juat watch what's * Dryer,,#aaee7a gI Sears reg. Installation ast ineîuded Se.ara reg. going on, and maybe giving a few [acta Seara eg 57999 -79. 1 349.99.L1 699.99. about certain things, they now have soine 100 "bla bla recording artiat' who lip syncs a Som~ %0 SRaTm 1 song in front of the camera while standing 1 /2 pdS RA"MAW ouurOMNon the float, and while othera dance around KEM M5-hp single-~tg 9-p11240 dulil-stagei disposer ennwwbl@wer Hello? I can watch that on Much Music. Continuoua feed.Tcme iursh Tihe floats are hardly mentioned, while we 11112. nowKinO Sow inghave to wait for thse singer to finish their Seara reg. 399.99.angine. #52935. engina. #52009, dumb song, which 1 could hear on the Seara reg. 749.99.........Seara reg. 1249.99.. radio, and then wait for the next float and the next singera and dancera. The wbole parade coverage now a 0 revolves around the television audience and thse ability 10 stop in front of tise cam- eras and put-on a show. I tumed off the TV in diaguat. The football games weren't so great later L alySTORE HOUIS 100 NpsigRd. either, so my whole Thanksgiving waa owned and mam, , Wiitam mmc Trund. TIESEE® V M So, like I said, I'm tise type of person operated by iFit ii John Sampson THsuND O W N i 12. 4llp I IING RDI who wiahes thinga were the way they uaed ATHE STORES YOU TRUST 90-7-13 ~to be. AT TE SOREYOUTRUTO !!!m 7-413 lIlI keep my computer and VCR and Dt292000 KitchenAïd as ci ragiarad tnademark of Kitahe"Ad USA. KtchanAid Canada licensaa in Canada. Copyright 2000. aaans Canada Ilo microwave, thank you, but give me back my parade.