Oakville ire chief hired as Region's emergency planning coordinator Oakville Fire Chief Wayne Gould's retirement didn't st long. In October, Mr. Gould, who served as Oakville's lire chief for nine years, announced he would step down at the end of November. But late last month, the Region of Halton announced he waa hired as planning coor- dinator for Halton's Emergency Planning Services. While with the Oakville Fire Department, Mr. Gould was responsible for the overhaul of the Town's Emergency Plan, and he also served as Halton's regional tire coordinator for the paat three years. "Wayne Gould has been instrumental in aasisting Halton in the development of its emergency preparedeness over the paat 10 years as a member of our Regional Committee," said Halton's Administrative Officer, Brent Marshall. This knowl- edge, as wetl as his leadership and planning akilis will be an Wayne Gould asset in bis new position as emergency planning coordinator." Mr. Gould, who bas spent 32 years in the tirefighting service, assumes his new post today. Its trne to winterize With winter in full force, it's a good idea to take some precau- lions and have your vehicles win- terized. Install good winter tires and have your car checked over by a certified mechanic. Equip your vehicle with a "winter car kit" including a flashlight, first aid kit, emergency food, blankets, sand, road flares, ice scraper and brush, matches, a candie in a can, shovel, booster cables, tire chains, an extra pair of gloves and socks, a hat and ramn gear. Remember, always keep your car gas tank at least half-fuli "For goQdness sake>' is brought to you coutesy0of Halton Healthcire and SMilton Historical Society SHeritage Award Nominations Requested To recognize individuals or groups who have completed a heritage project in the following categories. - Written (Books, Newspaper Article, Poem) *Visual Arts (Paintings, Prints, Models, Crafi) -Educational (Class or club project) To nominate a person or group, send a letter with the nominee's name and project details. For more information, contact Bruce 875-4588 Mail nomination by Dec. 2Oth to the Milton Historical Society P.O. Box 85 Milton, Ontario L9T 2Y3 Are you concerned about your'future? then consider Career and Life Planning for Women in Transition Join our team of experts for an exciting and dynamic series of evening seminars where you wili acquire: *Indépendence ethrough Se/f-sufficien.cy *Ideas for additional income generation - Financial - Rtirement Planning *Coping mechanisms and essential skills for successfrl living Home-bzsed business ideas *Critical Problem Solving Skills You will also have the opportunity to: eNetwork with tbe other parti cipants andpresenters - Receive one-on-one professional counselling Mississauga e Brampton e Oakville Milton e Burlington e Georgetown This program is fully founded by Human Resources Development Canada and is designed for womnen in transition who are concerned about their future and tuant to do something about it! For additional information, cail our registration line: (905) 465-1349 or cal toil free 1-800-404-3974 (Sponsorcd b>-r HRDC and Presented by New World R&D Ltd.) rnoio Dy UKAMAM MAINt x,-Tiny donation Five-year-old Tyler Madden of Milton has captured the true spirit of the holiday season. Hors, ho ga set ta donate a bag of his toys - which ho has outgrown and hapes others con use - ta Halton Women's Place. ti IiiIwoUmoeuau Collision & paint *FuIly licencod, industry-trainod technicans *On-lino estimating & computerized paint facility Steve Boers * Ail towing & rentaIs arranged on promises e Quality Service, Compotitivo Pricing Milton's Fuil Service Collision Centre 706 MAIN STREET EAST 876B1116 Affter hours cali 876-8787