ý " ý1 .1 ý , ,' ,ý;t, i u'I i . - . t-i, , e l' 6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 28, 2000 SCOMMENTM'n V$0MiIo Minority would have1n1es brouglit accountability um__1 Last night, Jean Chretien and his party painted the country red for the third time running, perhaps taking even more seats than it had before it called this expensive and unnecessary election. e This is despite the anger aroused at the snap 36-day campaign. It's despite clear signais from the electorate that people are angry at the TUr eu Chretien goverriment. They're distrustful of its promises and beused' 'V by its boondoggles. But flot, obviously, enough to disembark from the Liberal express. The word on the Street hinted at a desire for a Liberal minority. That could have brought some welcome accountability to parliament, which has had a free run for too long. But in spite of ardent campaigning, the Canadian Alliance failed to make its predicted breakthrough in this province. It'll continue to nag the Liberals in its capacity as the official opposition, but it's tough to act as an effective conscience without the numbers in place. So it seems another prime minister has rolled the dice, and this time he won. Let's hope that in four years - heck, even today- the voters think they did, too. 7 SO UR READERS WRITEr T'oday"s youth arent neariy ait bad As a di wle an who dcpenids on Tfre gry t nthe cossu gby p8W e.tung tu lot EC. tDny Iijgs School ing thc wet sigris, ad openmg domr foraco trclaa a s ad t k alog- wlben 1reach my deitioný tnem*eare facility for usy vounsteer job, 1 And quite ofteis tlsey will ana me isivat aluna Larier A.veue &Mt Ontario #crom ls athi e a eeure when 1 meach I'n sa ly ou e t e sarns*e P tiea ftct we'e in ood i& iti noiI se the~ high schoot atuvde-nts 1 rdea oas~n ine, yasng "tole paised tii 1ead out walg to schol. aH the. yoiuii.w% who 1 have nwouln ou&, Tkey allow as. the. right ofway Don Fndy +THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E. The CaUa Champise pubflsbed evoin Tuesday and Felday ai 191 Main Si. t., Milton, Ont., 191 4NI) (Box 246), s oneof Tihe Motroland Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Pelntieg, Publittlng & Distrlbing t.d. graap of satiteban companloesiticit Inclutios: AlaxlPlcierlng News Advintinen, Attataon Hamrald/Courier, Bannie QP7Q~ 341 Mance, Bannys Bay Tbis Week, Bolton Enierprise, Brampton linardiain. (905) 878 -234 Burlingtan Pont, Bunlingion Shopping Nows, City Panent, City oi Yonk Goandian, CalllngwandlWasaga Cannacian, Eait Ynnk Minent, SEin Editoial Fx: 87-4943 Advuivacielnnry Ronutes, Einbicnka Sadian. Flambeenagit Post. Fnnenee EditrialFax:878-943 Voung, Georgetone lnependentActn F Press n, Hoaion Business Times, Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Ecms & uMb fl eagiW irr knSopn es Clnssified: 875-3300 MuiasissaaagaBooOoTles mOitArSsaaanf 5, Nmbrand News Netii York Mienne. Oakvilée Uans, Oaklt Shopping Newne, Oldutiens Ian Oliver Publisher llacksy Nonm, Ouillia Taday, OsbaaAWhlbyClalnodon/a Pseny This Wsaic Owen Sound Te8m Peierboerogh Tihis Wec Piclon Conep Solde. Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Richmosndi HlllllhonnbllNlaagian LIienal, Scaebaeaagii Mienne, Staailaiisliibeliga Tranne. Weady McNab Advertisiog Manager Advesnn la accopieti an ahe condtioan at In the avnt ni a type- grapticai onene. tt portnen ai the advetising opaca accapioti by thea ena- Kaoren Smiti Ediftor neans noem, lagennen woih a renatnanie alonance ion signature. nul nai se Steve Croaler Circuation Maniager ctangeti for, bat dmn balance alanh advnertisemoni nul be peud ian ai tino applicable eate. lie pablinhe neservos the nigint ta caiegneboe adties- Test Casas Office Manager enns an tecline. For safe of growth, Iet's make town inviting Dear Etitor: A number of people were in attendance te review the proposed Tbompson Road/Main Street improvements presented by tbe Town and tbe engineering compa- ny UMA November 14 at tbe Milton Leisufre Centre. After a quick scan of tbe cbarta, diagrams and study reports, it became painfully obvious tbat an overkill solution opas being pro- posed - four to five lattes of road- way. trees being removed and no overpass/underpaaa for tbe level- grade train track on Thocapson Road. How many times was it repeated by town council and reported in Tbe Cbampion tbat council didn't want Milton to bave the same appearance of botb Brampton and Missiasauga, fearing tbat tbese two centres sbare a common undesir- able look. Tbe four or five-lane madway, as proposed for Tbompson Road, would be aterile and utilitarian ian appearance (nana flanked by 'Berlin Walls' as in Mississauga). I agree - to push as many vebicles througs a corridor to gel people where they're going, notlsing beats a roadway with many lanes. But, 1 argue thin because Tbompson Road is residential. Building a roadway with plenty of lanes encouragea apeeding and extra traffic. If the engineers are concemed witb traf- fic nlow, then the mont important 'flow' issue bas been ignored: An oveopasslunderpasa for Thompson Road at tbe railroad trsck. Wouldn't Ibis solution go a long way in eliminating a fiow issue? I recaîl from a couple of years ago wben tbe Town proposed redesigning Martin Street from Steeles Avenue to Main Street. There, tresa would be eliminated, four lantes installed and tbe cbarac- ter of tbe ares destroyed. Deja vu! 1 feel tbere's a prime opportunity for the Town to, devel- op a solution tbat mieets or exceeds the current needs of tbose travel- cas be donc witb character. Build botb rigbt and left-band turn lanes wbere needed and one strsigbt-tbrougb lane. Build some distance between the road and tbe property lines of tbe bomeowners. Do Ibis now before development consumes everytbîng. Plant plenty of trees and instali patbways and a berm. You only need to look nI tbe soutb-end of Tbompson Road for inspiration. Someone bad tbe foresigbt wben that part of town was being devel- oped. In a residential area, aeatbet- ics count for sometbing. 1 believe tbe Town bas an oppor- tunity 10 ready itself for tbe popula- tion increase and present itacîf witb concem for ail residents, regardless of tbeir property values. Roadways can eitber be inviting or dissuad- ing. Let'n bope for tbe sake of growtb, Milton becomes inviting. Dean Meier Cabot Trall Pud by Steve Nease 9 Tim Celles Production Manager