COMMENT 9 ~ARRY LIK ESTroIIýE N EW COMMENT ER COMVERCIALS#io Lack of activities no n IYU1EWLse~ nHIWTOSMXHE'S excuse for vandalism HAP IN YMAS Much has been made Iately of the link between youth vandalismn and the lack of teen-oriented activities in town. The idea seems to be that if a bowling alley or new skateboard park is buiît, kids wiil have less time and inclination to commit useless acts of vandalism, such as the recent swiping of a resident's snake sculpture.« T'hat story has a happy ending, as reported elsewhere in today's paper. But if today's youths have enough energy to rip off sculptures, break have the drive to find more productive things to do.ri A modem fact of life seems to be that troubled kids act out. When they I l do, it isn't Iikely to be because someone closed down a cinema. Problems at school, work or in the home can cause good kids to some- times act badly. It can make youths more vuinerabie to peer pressure. , In those cases, open communication with parents or a valued aduit can make aIl the difference. Yes, there are good kids around, and plcnty of them. But we don't do them any favours if we rationalize the behaviour of those who irrespon- sibly break laws and societal expectations. Vandalism is caused by van-" dais. Not by town planners who fail to erect a bowling alley in time. LVPp~ O UR READERS WRITE WA 0hniid *11- hnrnud of rcmeterv work New home construction has life of its own DeasrEdio: I ws so pleasedto 10 ee tisat an article isat finally been written about tise reatoration effort ait tise Bronte Pioneer Ceinetety. After researeising this cerne- tery for four montis andi being sE the aile in Auguat for two weelta wisile tise work was being done, I bsd becas wondening wby it bati taken so long to infonn thse eltizena of Milton about thia effort. Anyone who isat visited tise cetnetery site in tise past icnew it was in terrible disaanay for more than 50> years. I'd like to tisank those wiso came out ansd watched tise work in progoes. I'd also lîke 10 tisank Gerald andi bis tesaS Oit NewiOitB's Monumtietl FoundationB ad Repairs for doing lise work of repaiting, leveiing and rigisting the ates. I'm pleased to say llsey diri ail tise repairs while respecting the integiity of the histories) atones. I oaoy hope other fealues of thse cerne- tety such as repairing thse fetuce, provid- ing betr public acctissibility and bistor- ical aignage as well as a generai clean- ing of the atones ta considered in the future, Pioneer cemeteries are non- s'enewabic heritage resottret andi we sisoulil be proud ta onainlain them. Diane Robnlk Miton THE CANADL4N CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E. The Canadien Champion, pubiished every TueSday and Priday ai 191 Main Si. t., Milton, Onti., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one of The Metoland Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Prning, Pubhsffing & Disftibutitt Lfd. goup of suburbat compaties minicti iclides Aax/Pickering Nems Adnertisit, Alistot HeraidlCourien, Barrie Aduarce, Barnys Bay This Weîk, Buffer Enferprise, Brampton Guardiar, (905)87 -2 4 Burlitaton Post, Battintton Shopping News, Cify Parent, City ot York Guardian, CoiIirtoodlWasaga Connection, Basf York Mitron, trn EditrialFax:878-943 Advocute/Coutty Routes, Etotocotte Guardian, Fiamootough Post, Pontver EditrialFax:878-943 Voung, Georgetown Indepenuent/ucfon Prie Press, Hilton Businets Times, Huronia Business Times, Kingtoo Tis Wenk, Lindsay This Week, Mrftim Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Econommof & Sun, Midiand/Penttafltuishene Mitron, Miton Sfhopping News, M istiosauta Busineit Times, Misissauta Nems, Napante Guide, Ciassified: 875-3300 Nastugameya Nems, Newmarket/Aunota Ena-Banner, Nonftumberfand News, North Yorki Mitron, Oukvifie Beaver, Oakituilf Shopping Nems, Oidtimert Ian Oliver Publisher Hockey Nems, Orittia Today, Osttawaiftitby/larintonlPott Penny This Week, Omet Sourd Tribune, Pterboroutfh Thits Week, Picfon Courty Guide, Nei] Oliver Assorciate Pubdî,nher Richmnd Hiii/Thorhili/Vautttan Liberai, Scarburnutti Mitron, Sfouftviiitifiebtidgn Tribune. WNendy McNalb Adiierti.î,ag Manager Adventisirg os uccepfed or Oie condition mbat, rn the enent 0f a typo- Kare Smih Eituu trphica1 enro, finial porfion 0f Oie adoerfisint space occupied by fhe troo Karen mith Eitor neousitem, together with a neasorabit aiiowarce for signture, wiii rot be Steve Crôzier Circulation Maneeager charted ton, buf fhe balance of ftne admofîisement miii be paîd for af tht applicable rate. The publishen rosenuos fhe rîghf f0 cafegorîot adutrtist- Teri Casas Oflice Manuager merfs; or decliîtt Dear Editor: It seems that new home construc- lion in Milton bas suddenly taken on a life of ils own. The signs, happily notifying us of impending construction, have been removed. The new signo, bap- pily notilfiing us of specifica of that construction, stand in their place. You've seen them. Other than the name of tise builder/developer, the mosl noticeable adverlisement io the lot sire. Wby are they so proud of 3 1-foot, 32-foot, 34-foot and 40- oversize. The only thing overaize about a 40-foot lot is the laughter behind our backs because we bought mbt il. These homes aren't put on these loto so they're affordable 10 us . They're put there because they're profitable to0 the builder. Yeo, there is free enterprise, and I'm al for il, but not when we have been led 10 helieve there was no other way. I had hoped thal the people of Milton would take a stand against Thanks for the strong support, Militon Dear Editor: t would like 10 tbank ail tise citi- zens wbo voted for me in tise past municipal election. It sent me a atrong positive message and I wil most definitely non again. if I bad started a year ago, I feel tise results would maybe have been reverard. i gained a wealtb of knowledge. Tbanks 10 ail my campaign helpers Debbie, Grace, husband John and son Chris wbo worked so bard for me. 1 wish ail tise candidates wbo did gel in 10 fornn tbe new town count- cil aIl tise very best. And 10 (Councillor) Rick (Malboeuf), 'III be back!" Best to you also. It was an experience, tisaIs for sure. Darne Wasikowsky Candidate for regional counclilor Wards 2 and 4 your community, had a chance 10 set a precedent. None of you want- ed thia influx of people and build- ing. With them cornes progress and growth, and the wonderful atmos- phere of "Friendly Town," Ont., would be in jeopardy. One thing you could have done 10 enoure Ehose feelings of comfort, space and privacy was to not allow devel- opers free reign. Tell îbem Ehat if they want 10 build in your back yard tbey musE adhere 10 certain conditions. Had somte discretion and reason been used years ago, when devel- opera started building whole neigh- bourbooda on two acrea, you wouldn't be facing this problemt today. Contrary 10 what they threat- en, home prices wouldn't be out of reach, but a lot of their profits would. With the land maso' that is Canada, why do builders think we ail want 10 live on the same Street? More import, why do we let them? D.C. Potter Burllngton Pud by- Steve Nease The Milton Canadien Champion ls a %cyclable Product a Tim Coles Production Manager