to governance and hurnan resources cornea under the microscope. us tum ourselves inside out. It makes us totally transparent. We "They went through everything," said Ms Urbanski. "It was are public with eveiy wrinkle." j quit a thorough process." But thse result is a testament to the hard work and dedication of In a sauury of their final report, accreditors noted "the leader- Allendale staff, added Ms Savoline. DAILY IN r.ERES f SAVINGS ACCOUNT 5', NO %1INIMUM NO FFE U S DAIL Y INTEREST SAVINGS ACCOUNT 5 CASHABLE GIC 5 25' VARIABLE MORTGAGE RATE 7 905-827-8ffl ABBEY PLAM, OAKVILLE Third Lino et Upper Middle HOLIDAY R-ATE BREAK DOý NOT PYFOR 90 DATSI \OR ONE FULL TEAR!... TWOl GREAT PROGRAMS F11091GOTO CHOOSE FROM PROGRAM APPL lES TO MOST £ NEW 2001 2000 VEHICLES UTESTFAWDYSSee dealer for details! - ~ SALE H OUAS SERVICE mi C _________ .......8m6 Te...... CEVHOLET-OLDSMOBILE 8784393 0 Studay........ a BI-5p trday ...... HWY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., MILTON m The Canadien Champion, Fiduy, November 24, 2000 - 5 Allendale earns high praise from health agency "That we cana get this kind of stamp of approval, 1 think that's Ontario Street long-termn-carefacility reonzdo outstanding makbe s ai."t n nesypceowo.I' or rernarkble,"s she sid.o "I's polot a geaay pace te ork. t r client care and services for residents in homne-like evnvironment loviostht kin ofte arepo aegtig n h dfiu Allendale harvested high praise after earning its ship, staff and volunteers of Allendale are recognized for their Oakville Councillor Kurt Franklin said the accreditation is par- third back-to-back, three-year accreditation recently. commitment to providing client-centred care and services for ail ticularly meaningful due to the high level of expertise examniners The analysis was conducted by the Canadian Counicil on Health residents aind their families in a warm, home-like envimonment." brnught to the task. Serice Acredtaton.It xamnesheath aresits wth he im Te report also praised follow-up work done by Allendale aliter 'I was impressed with the level of knowledge these accreditors of gauging performance levels in relation to national standards. previous reviews.ha"hoad.Yocudntswteratil Olten, accreditation cornes along with tips on how to improve TIse organization hua made good progress smnce its previous .I Rie -ial otgg ie vial the facility over the next few years. accreditation survey," the report read. "This is a very client- h2gtro h But this tirne, the award arrived with nothing tacked on but lau- focused organization in which residents' needs corne first. Rates rels for the Region's long-term-care facility. Feedback from residents and their families has been positive." subject "The report card came back without sny recommendations. As someone who was involved ut the tail end of the evaluation, to change That's significant," said Halton's Social Services Commiàssioner Halton Chair Joyce Suvoline said the process onus both detaîled 1.e7y ir. Adelina Urbanaki. -This is really a validation." and difficult. 6.050/o 3 yrs. 7 .1 09% Duning an accreditation review, everythin frnrn resident cure 'This isn't an easy process to go through," she said. "It mukes 6.0/ O vra. 7A 0/I