CUSTOMER SERVICE PRIVATE SCHOOL vvw itten and o' al communication skilîs, organîzed vwîlh a Are îsureu se ssjsvlirrsurhidhgber Iprofessioval attitude 10 deal dîredtly vvîlh customers, sales ehn upiuîscis.l prgram urnio r sr& Seniter rep eenlal ves and suppliers. Must hase good workîng Ki sq/rs pneran wull ratose r epecrurssrs asti selA Afaw spracesa va anaitabie for fatl os part aima. Please forward resumes by mail only to0 Global Medical Products 5230 South Service Road Burlington, ON 171 51K2 Energy Advantage Inc. is a rapidiy growing energy manuament company. Our criants are a diverse gsoup of anergy users rn Canada and the US. The following position sa availubla: ENERGY ACCOUNT ANALYST Reporting to the Manages, Client Services, your primary duty will ba the ganaeration of criant energp-uua reports utilizing in-hause propriatary software. You hava strong data musageamant and compter ukiltu (Microsoft Word, Excel, Accesu). The position raquires gooci orgunization and the abiiity to meat deadlinas in a faut pucad envirosmant. Some famiiiaraty with naturel gas and etactricit utility bills, and accounting woutd be an asset. Pleaseforwas your reaumne f0: Energy Advantage Inc. 690 Dorval Dr. , Suite 400 OakviIIe, ON 16K 3W7 Fax: (905) 337-2209 Attn: Donald B. Mcîean E-Mail: Only candidates under consicieration wiuH be contacted. VON HALTON ViON c Urgentty requires: RN's - RPN's *PSW's e HCA's ci HSW's To work in institutions and thea cammunity for the Haiton Ragion. Fax resuma f0: Joanne or Wendy (905) 827-2162 The Burlinglon Association for the Itletcuatly Hasdicapped, wîlh a mission 10 errouro bal individu- ais wilh an intletcuat handicap esîoy a meaninglul lilte i The s,/ccessfut candidate witi bo nespionoibto 10 en- sure thaI a hîgh qualty sf case for nhe reoidenlo, case management sf tho support piano for the adulis living n tho sas homes, maintenance ofthIe home, accouni- able for as speraliso budget in esceos of $600.000 per year, effective lasos wilh the familles and siher communiip service provialers anal eflecive leadership ot support: sîtf in a unisnieisa wsrti place. Qualifica- rions incluRe a degree os diptoma in the hunsan service fielal wilb demonsîraled leadership, istenpesnal anal coimaunicaion okills anal a prosen commilmenl 10 the emâchient of the lices ol the residenla. A valial drivers license anal praclical kiaealge of home managemsent are alsn resguired alnng with a lbnrnugh underosadiso of legisltios such ao the Oeveiopmenlsl Services Act, Occopalîssat Heallb anal Safely Act anal sCher relaleol legisialion. Interested applîcansn fsr Ibis management position snhsud srsaarsl Ibeir resumes by Demesnor 7, 2000,10o: BAIH, Humait Rasourcas 3057 Msinway Drive, Bulinglss L7M lAi e Fas: (905)335-9919 as samî-nsmîssaoi ois as apastisant nar the Ontario Aguiculrurai Ms- saumo. CatI (619)744- 9926. enuNuu. - vilrage on mse Parc. 2 bedroami, camter unit, 2 underground parking, umenitias, available Jan. 1. Evan- ings & waakends. g 05)454-8262, COUNTRY fans living in Evartan, 10 miss. fram. Guelph. 2 badraom bosua, 3 garagas, naw- ly sanavateal, $800 + hy- dra. Pasaibility ta sent s bais. Rafasancea. Avsit- able let Dec. Firstltaut monthus sent. (905)854- 0990. THREE badraam basse in the country asuilabta for rant. $1300 + sf111- lies. Cuit Tanp (905)875- 1110 est. 244. luge Parc os the Pond, 100 Milloide Orive, cam- er unit, nartbeis & west- ern axpasure, 2 bad- mois, 2 batbrooms, plus staraga room as dan, many estras. Cali tas mare infarmation as ta dis (905)878-7913. MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE OR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bdroais availabia an bus raute, freshly daca- nred, 2 appliasces, os-sita lasndry, inciodes ail utilties (escept phase & cabie.) Na pets. Refaeeces saqsired. Assilabia Dec. 1. Slarting trois $940. Office Houss are lOasi-pi 905-76-1249 Bp appoisosent mipy ý-d MiltonHeights DV IV. OF SAFE AND SOUND C/C INC. Located ln Main Building of Country Heritage Park 144 TRUMAINE RD, MILTON LOT 2Y3 TEL: 905-493-1557 - FAX: 005.093-1558 ATTENTION ALI LANDIORDS & TENANTS FREE lustin g and rafarral service for uandrords and tenants rentng uparlumants, tosanhouses or roomu in Huiton The Haiton Ru gion H-ousing, Halp Centre The Ragionsl Municipality of t-aiton 1151 Bronta Road Oakvllte, Ontario L6M 3L1 (905)-825-6000 ext. 7193 %.Qunuy vrnva on curue% 1ErRa This raised bungalow is loaded with upgradea and la situated on one of the largeof and moot private lots in Dorset Park. Double car garage, Inground pool, 2 Bathrooms, Large kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room, 2 Fireplaces. 312 McNabb Creacent. Cui for an appointment 905-7640750. FOR SA&LE Cape Cod style, 2 ufurey, approx. 2200 uq.ff. home sn Bronte Meadows, 4+2 badrooms (master han esuite), larga af-is kifoben, cozy family roomn wllb bardwsod fluor and fireplace, large livig roomldinlng rosis, main floor laandry rssm, 3 full batbrooms and powder rosm, professionally finished basamant wifbi potentil lu 15w suite, central sac and AJC. Il bas as ingroand haated swlrmmlug pool and landscaped gar- dans. Ils lsaded With upgrades including naw pool linar, eindows and fronf pulls (2000) andl furnaca aud NC lu 1999. Price $269,900 Phone 878-8806 563 Faratead Drive Open House Saturday Nov. 25 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. OPEN Hause thi".eekend Churchill Estates - Modal Home op6n 22 homes sold; 9 remaining. Gary Thomas in attendance. 5 km. N. of 401 on Guelph Lise. ONE bedroorn apart- menit, utilities lsdl., pri- alla parking, ss pets/smoking, tis & lst sn adance, soitabla for single, asailable Oac. 878-31 78. SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 bedroomu. Freohly painrad, bright. Cons- pattis ranI. Burlington high rioe. Wall main- loisad. Consesienl lo- cation. (905)333-9846. Nscin - 8 pi. TIIREE bedroom opart- mant $1150/monlh, utili- ries includeal. Pieuse cati Joe (905)691-3189. TWO bedsoom apart- mass asailabia Dec. 1. Adollu fluor of highrise. Rent $885. Fis, tst, rafarancas saqsirad. Phase abter 6, (905)878-5345 10010 Sq. Fs. Main St. alose front. Grat loca- tion. Call vonne Chri- rie Brakar, Christie & Woods Ral EssaIe Lld. 878-2095 1600a commercial unit asail- able; prima locarion; asarhead daor; mezza- nine $1.100 par nsantb, cal, Gary Thomas RE/Max BIse Springs for siewring 878-7777. OFFICE SPACE fas lasa, 50-52 Steaies Ava, W. Call 905-272- 0648. OFFICEIRETAIL spaca for leas ln beastiful Dawnitawn Mitas. 500 sq. feat witb parking. Cal Mîke 905-319- 3240. AVOID - 6Cosuy Erros Wban Maving ta a Lasg- ar Homa. Fenaa,,Saat Asailabia. Fmee record- ad messaga 1-888-475- 8845 ID#1007 Chnis Nawail Salas Rap. REIMaAX BIse Sprins. AVOID casîy Boyer Trapu Butore Buying A Hama Free Report reaso w ta asvid thaso. Frea racordad massaga 1-888-475- 8645 10111018 Chris Nawall Sales Rap. RERIAX Bisa Springs. BUVER Bawara Loua Bagou Raseals 13 Es- tra Coats ta, ba Awara at Bafare Bsylng a Homa Fraa racoard massage 1-888-475-8645 10111008 Chris Naeaill Salas Rap. RE/MAX Bisa Opringo. FIRST-TIME- BUYERS Wby sent wban yas cas osas? Fraa liot af homeas avait- abla wilh fn manay dosas, ondes $1 300/mntb. Free racardad massaga 1- 888-475-8645 ID#2051 Chris Nesaell Sales Rap. REIMAX Bisa Springs. HOMESELLERS Fisd sot sabat the hanse d es h street sold for. Free campstanized liol ifa eabm salas sud corraul listings. Free racardad message 1 - 888-475-8645 ID#1041 Chris Naeeli Salas Rap. RE/MAX BIse Springs. The Canadian Champion, FridayNove-mber 24, chOO--33' APP&7IZ9RS Suked Atlantic Salmon Poached Pear eulh Prosciuls Avocadoar t elood Sad Juste Shrinî Cocti Iplsar Fresh Fruits wdli Co C Eocars s ourguigrisie (6> Garlic Grillai Jumbo Shrip toir, Ilalibol, Scall Terrine eîA casier SOLJPS &. SALADS Miinerorsa up Soupo lIe [15v Caesar SadaWh Wamtacon&Crolons Sumnur Sadadhi Malfini Drmisg tikadrSbd cilh Hose Drsng *SURÇs Up* Poadiai or Grlled Alartic Salmn Fillil Lobslar Grillai, Slrare ar ahmdr Alosiar King Crab Clans il ai>nd Grillai Sea-Scallopo eri tano Misai Seasoa Kebabs S7&4K YARD 'S.4é Sc. OP .- P -4 .1é PsikBtack Ribsewiti Apple Cei Sauce New YorkStiplsir Steak l0Ioz Prisa Rib-Eys Steak l0Ioz Telan Stsak 8toz Porh lairoii Chateaobriand (2 Persons) RoolI Rack of Lash aith Rai Cirant & Rosmry Soc Grilled loch Brt th ltack Curar Suar Grillai Val Chopwilh Wild Muoens Surfrlurf MasialedO Gld ChdgrenSuprera AI S"M~ Cm bu. Ç4dm GÀ *A\VARD \WNNING 899P MoirdayPrirse Rib Roast loastay PorarfS eak FridaySiMs Steak SalrdaPrisa Rib Roas *DgSSgRT 5aCm4-Sig ssrle Chaess xits Frosh Fruit tsarm Brad and Buter Pudding C tire t ulte Double CmWe and Oranga Mousse Esolec F esh Fruit Plaie Col bian Colae & AssolteR las 'DAJLY LUNGJ4 &- DINNR SPÇGaALS' Fresh Crae Wd Mushouiir op asen hala os rssro RoasllTukay(Wi fe rli i s NY Sîriploin SIsak Chasseur Sauce 0i Grille Raîrboe Troul eih Shriips liadilionel ChuisIras Pudding Wdnlra Sac Fieah gebawbrry Sylabuhb Assoe aCheeesan rai ers Coissiban Colle Uqw Ucu PuMiq Reservations Please!! (Limited Sace) Expsrioncod Staf Roquirsd MATURE femala saek- ing a anmail bosa as upastisnent, seasonabie rata, A.S.A.P. Refasanc- au. (905)878-7139. ,I l tL I I1, 'lIý 1, I ' 1i