-n 32-The Canadian Champion, Friday,November 24, 2000 C red e ntira M..g. M... y. UIE.l«bg L... Mt2i954 Seeking an Advertlslng Sales professional who loves golf and travel. Premier Consumer Shows, producers of the Toronto Golf & Travel Show, National Bridai Shows and 50 Plus Lifestyle & Travel Shows is launching exciting vertical publications foi compliment succesaful con- sumer show oyants. The ideal candidate for this position is a self motlvated individual eitti s proven track record in media sales and a passion for the golf and travel industry. lnterested applicants are invited to, apply in writing, including compensation aspects- tions prior f0 Dec. 1, 2000 to: Director of Advertlslng,ý Premier Consumer Shows 467 Speers Rd, Oakvlie, ON L6K 3S4 or fax <905) 337-5571 Pa'iýrt Canada's largest parenting pubicafion requires an expenienced Sales profession- al to salf dîsplay advertising and consumer show exhibit space in the HaltonIPeeVToronto ragions. This as a full tUme positon offening salary, auto expenses and a generous commis- sionibonus package. The ideal candidate for this position la self motivated wîth a proven track record in media sales and excels in new business development. To apply for fIis position, please forward resume, along with compensation expecta- bions prior f0i Dec. 1, 2000 f0: City Parent Director of Advertlsing 467 Speers Rd, Oakvllle, ON IL6K 3S4 or fax (905) 337-5571 MEc-uc As ire indsstry leader in fine malerial inandlivg indus- lry, JOHNSTON EOUIPMENT inas positions avsilable in sur Missîssauga Service Shop. The successial can- didates mst have: *PROVEN MECHANICAL ABILITY *MINIMUM GRADE TWELVE OR EQUIVALENT A slrvng electrical backnground would fie as usuel. Competitire wages and besef ils. If you meet fte aboie qualifications, please fax or forward your resume tu: (M714 LL @M 12- Iedt&çtrnal/Commercial Etrcmnical coeiracior servi cieg Miltoe/Olakville, Burlingiîîe and Mississauga hav immediate opeeiegs available for Joaneyaan a.nd senior apprendre. Competiiive wages, rvmpaey benefirs + +. Caod 905-876-2519 Fax 905-876-3903 LICENCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Required immediately, for a very busy local aavomotive oepair faciltiy. Tine successfut can- didate cas especi tc, vai $20-$25 per hour siraight eime. Also required - 3rd or 4tb year Apprenfice who witl have tIse opportunîiy to, iscrease their skitts & knowledge. Wages sevotiable, based os esperiesce. Senti resmre vo aox 2355 c/o The Canadias Chamspion, t9I Mais Street, Milton, Ontario LOT 4N9 QUAUTY conscrerstious company seeka depesd- able persvv ton sssembly work at gvod mecini- cal sbily asd experience reith inand isola. Wage de- pevds ov esperience (Milton). Reply by fas ovly: (905)875-4729. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Dae lv sigoificant growth in var business, sar firm ofters an immediate vpportusity for an individual who is: # ENERGETIC . ASSERTIVE *PROACTIVE *SELF-MOTIVATED *EXIBITS EXCEPTIONAL INTERPERSONAL SKILLS We are a leader in the frash prodace industry and are now located in Miltos. Please fax yoar resumne in consfidence ta: Fresh Start Foods Imc. Attn: Human Resources Fax: (905) 878-9010 Empîvyment oppvrtusity with international cvmpaoy. Off ice located iv Burlivgtov. Fuiltime position available for Administrative Support MUST BE FULLY BILINGUAL (English/ Frenchi- oral & writtes) in order toi parfaire job datifs. Create ivvoicingl sales ordera, castomer sup- poit. answer phones, data eetry, geserai office dettes. Pieuse send CV hy fax les (M)5 639- 919U:Hmasn Reures Hltita Heicar sia eda ericsptlMda Caring Todajy, Growing for Tomorrow REGISTERED NURSE Part time position available in Emergency/Ambulatory Care at Rhe Milton District Hospital. Applicants must b. available for 8 hou r shifa including daya, eveninga, nights and weekends. Reaponalbilities: " Provide patient care, triage & nursing assesament in ail areas of Emergency Department. " May be required f0 transport critical patients inciuding burn victima, neurological emergencies & trauma victima f0 other facilities. " Rotation in surgicai day care, inciuding endoscopy and ambuiatory care. Qualiications: Applicants must be graduates of a recognized achool of nursing veith Current Ontario Cartificate of Competence and BCILS certification. ECG monitoring inciuding arrhythmia interpretation, IV therapy akilis and current Emergency nursing experience required, minimum 2 years. Poat-diploma Emergency courses, auccesaful completion of Canadian Emergency Nursing Certificate Exam and/or ACILS wouid be an asset. Fax resumres toi (905) 338-4137 Attention Nurse Recruiter & Safety Inspectors industrial $1 ,023 - $1,1 85 per week Bring your experience/knowledge gained in industrial processes/heaàlth- and-safety hazards/controv vo these two opportunities. You wiIl enforce the Occupationa) Health and Safery Act/reguiations; conduct site inspections/investiaationo; write orders/reporo; assiot with prosecutions; promnote safe work practices/working conditions with workers, unions and management internai responsibility system). Location: Haiton. File LB-15' -10. Qualifications: working knowledge of/practicai experience in a broad range of industrial processes, f0 idIentify, evaluate and control the hazards associated with chemnicai, biological, p .hysical agents; famiiiarity with fIne Occupationa/ Healvh and Safety Act/regulations, standards/legisîation re industriai/institutionaî workplaces; experience conducting investigations, enforcing legisiation, participating in court procedures, handling labour/ management issues, includîng conflict-resolution experience; sound work-planning, organization, communication okilis; experience writing clear, concise reports; demonstrated ability in notebook technoiogy in a Windows environment, abîiîty f0 travel extensîvely/respond f0 afoor-hours calis levenîngs/weekends); vaiid driver's licence. Occupational Health & Safety Inspector Construction $1 ,023 - $1,1 85 per week Appiy your construction experience/knowîedge in fInis opporvunity. Yuwf:efre the Occupationai Hea/th and Safety Act/regulations; conduct site inspections/investigations; write orders/reports; assîsi wîth prosecutions; promote safe work practices/working conditions with workers, unions and management (internai responsibîlity system). Location: Halton. File LB-i 53-10. Qualifications: working knowiedge of/practical experience in a broad range of construction settings, techniques and equ ipment, vo identify, eval uate and control health/safety hazards; familiarity with the Occupational Hea/th and Safery Act and varloun reiated regulations, standards and legislation as they appiy to the construction industry; experience conducting investigations, enforcing tegiolation, participati ng in court procedures and in handling labour/management issues, incfiuding conflict resolution; sound work-ptanning, organization, communications okilis, includin . ex tec wig clear, concise reports; demonstrated ability' n notebook technoogy in a Windows environment; abitity 10 travelx ensivety/respond f0 affer-hours catis (evenings/weekendl; vaiid driver's licence. How to apply: Obtain Ministry of Labour mandatory apIication package for tIne 1ob at hetp/wwgvo.aa/oshtoryrin address blow or taigterqett 70)5473. gt h Completed application forma must be received by 5 p.m., Dec. 20, 2000. Qoigaporiate file number, send te: Human Resources Consultant, Minstr o abor,217 York Street, 5* Floor, London, ON N6A 5P9. An equal opportunity employer Ontario www.gojoba.gov.on.ca BUSY gaverai dental practica, Milton, uccepi- ing applicants for s ra- captioniots postion. Es- panienca with computer- czed systama vacea- sary, certification an us- set. Fniendly, oulgoing, caraar-minded appiic- avis are ancouragad to subait nasomas: Fax 870-0557 or drop off 106 Wakefield Rd. SENIOR C.YW. Levai 3 wonlvera raquirad fll or part-lime ai new and esistivg adolescent rosi- dantisi programo in Hal- ion Ragion. Pool sac- oodary education in Child Cava or reistad field raquired. Espani- anca in reaidantisi set- tiog an assat. Fus va- same 905-847-2793. CARING Home has space for 2 pra-school- ara. Infants wielcomne. Receipta. 876-4415. EXPERIENCHO Nanny required with caring, competasi, cheerful dis- postion, to cars for Inf- ant freins & 2 112 year old bo. Georgetown. Cai 70 -8646, GUIALITY daycare available. Play centre, Il- brary crafla, wsiks. Cai Care t 876-0620. RAINBOW Village Day- care has ove Toddier and limitad pre-acsool spaces available. We have been providivg an ' eayiamivg program ivcluding comnputera, arts and music sînce 199 37-7552 RELIABLE Daycare availabie. Wilson & Woodward ares. Pieuse cati 876-4978. SAFE and Sound Childrev's Canine votafi Miton's lai choca vn lIcevced ch id cava. Infants Iv ucfnool aga. ARE you invh vinsgnt ca- rear? Wavt sometning naw? No tee Carear As- sasuments in Milton for uvamployed people. Cai Mma aI The Can- Ira, (905)878-1240, for 1997 Honda Accord EX. auto. ps/pi, Il18K, ext. warranty to 160K. $16.900. Pinone aven- vnga (905)889-9154. JOIN new exoitîng home hasad business tea. People akilis re- quirad. Toit f ree pre- recordeet message 1- 877-573-3305. JIM'S Moving & Stor- aga. Local & long dis- tance. Fiat rates avait- able. Cati Jire, (905)859-4064.