Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Nov 2000, p. 31

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CRAFT SALE f SUNDAY NOV. 26 11 IA.M. -3 P.M. ROBERT LITTLE SCHOOL,/ ACTION GymnasIum Raffle, Baking and more! Hand Pahsted freasures Craft Show Sat. Nov. 25 < 930 a.m. - 4:00 pm Fiower pots, baskets, candies, bird houses, omnaments and many more gifi ideas. 54HolIy Avenue, Milton Seth Coulson 875-2737 -1 - TA &EAEE la now hrîng for full and part tîme SERVING STAFF Caîl 878-6697 55 Ontario St. N., Milton Are yen an eserjeti pesn IN wanting te wor in a fast pcdenviron ment? Warec cnrrenily acceptin& plia Wtiens for the following: FIT.P/Tr Short Order Coeka FflT.PflT WalterslWaitrnsen FAt ttp.m.-7a.m. Dlahwasher FfT.Pff Fuel Bar Canhiers Apply in persos: Fifta Whel Trnck Stop 40 Cbisholm Dr., Milton [)on Cherry's Grapevine is looking for Service Staff ici join our team. Part lime, day, nighi & weekend positions available. Pleane apply within. Located in the Mihon Mail. LAUNDRY AIDE Required immediaiely. Pari-time appros. 10 shifts per month wiih alternats weekends. Sterting raie $11.69. Expenience in'institutionai setting preferred. MOUNT NEMO CHRISTIAN NURSING HOME 446Guelph Line, Buelington orMail R.R.#2 Milton, L9T 2X6 or Fax 905-335-3699 Currenily seeklng fo retl tre maherhadsn ad p lo grmng eekdWays.Muse b wil spoi taind thae andaptce.fo Fax reu esume95to608: O for tih 51ore mrchandsngan 1-a877-801-4238dys.Mus b [el GpOk G nd have an. Rapituefo PART-TBME SALES AND ADMIISITRATIVE opportunities for enthuaiastic, cuatomer- service oriented people are available in our Lifetime Furmlture Goltery. Part-time Sales candidates must be able te work flexible houra including savekenda. Previoua aelling and/or design experience and asaet. Adminiatrative candidates muat have solid booklceeping, secretarial and organizational capabilities. Previaus rote(s) in executive assistance an asset. Please deliver reaumne to tour Furniture Department during store hours: Daïly 10-6, Frtdays till 9. 49 Estera Avenue, Actos, (519) 853-1031 eOV WL OE PY FOR CHITMS? off caus mmar âa. h dat apela fer O»aioeo oelyen wrflh lu#g hu cllueiiiiimat la ai"é. M EfAL L*U M: Oak. & Mil. Lotag Terni, $18 jsp n *UMUfi CUSTOM SERVICE: SarI., P/E la start, leudisg la F/T. Temp.-Perm., $13-$14 n 1110111111 A55IUTAU SurI., Carp. eaviranmîat, 3+ yos esp. Word/Excel Pamerpait thilla. $15/tv MM SUUEAM, Unjubeio d: Suri. location matingl Mita. la Match. $34K + commiasion rn IMAL CUSTOME SERVICE: Oak., Computeriliterale, data eslry, 610.34/tir anUMIÂERCSTME SERVICE: Sari., Computer literaIs, dasta entry, $13/r W. Mn du. MPRIUe he amWahat-ae: Receptisa, Accasatieg, Adminiatrative Assistanta, Cierical & Central Labour positiona an Sarliaglas, Oakviile ad Milton locations. SlSihr.v DMa la M pour roua ufphono Our Dudlagta office for M Ietorvlow oda jll ir (905)034-4445 e FAX: 11105603440111 a new worid aiwok "Free TrQtining" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 us V Genhrai Labourors VWeIdoers/Fitters wO Machine! Foilift Operators te Customer Service Ropresentativos Cail (905) 681-7240 or fax resume 10: (905) 681-9488 Excel Empioyment Tampro Inc. 764 Guelph Uine, Burlingion Bus DRIVERS WANTED For the Burington, Oakvllle aress. This progressive family oulented company Ml provide free training to lnterested appilcents. Enroli now for large or mini bus training. Excellent wages for retlroos snd ail applicants wlshlng part-Urne employment. Apply Un person or islephone 14818-749-1515 Atu1dge mrasiOlorton Ic. *swângto, ON L7L 5J7 OFULL TIME là LUMBER SALES Full Ume casser opportunîiy in our Lumber and Building Matanals Deparimant. Succensful appicants must ba organizad and customer service orientad. Witt offer training If required. Comprahansive biens- fit package included. If you are iooldng for a carear in mhe ratait building matedals business, mail or fax your rfsume 10: SCIIIIE Hm81 HARDWAE *uIUu Eulu SU5 3111118 AVE. MLII, ONTAO LOT 38 FAX (905)-878-4049 PHONE (905)-878-9222 We oresa tusI graMing campany milh locations acrata Canada We are laniiing for an taperiteced candidate wih a proe Iracli recard, for tht postions ai: Oder FiIIer/Aissemhler Ne re losking for a delsil srienled cancientîos individual. lnwenlary edacalin and topenience an atatt. Esperience using Microsoft 0ffice. MusI havesa lechnicallmochnnical aptitude & akîlîly ta assemble mechanica cemparints tram 20 lIrainga. Esperience in tht autemalive indslry an antet. Must have the akilily la mark in a tat paced enviruameni, arehaute esperience. excellent interpertoal akilla and kve l mml deadlinea. Il yaa w9sld luke un eppartunily tok ae ne et sur leue salI tain aur arganizatian ta pramale yaur pertanal grawlh as mail s tht achievemeut ai yaur pralesainnai goals. Pieuse farasrd yourresume ia confidence Mlention fa: AL MM Faif <905)75-2125 aagy.@eplyamtaa.cOU HIRING IMMEDIATELY AZ Drivers for U.S. Long Haul Opeasion Soma Short Haul also available MUST hava Two years varifiabla U.S. axparianca Please Celi Tom Travalers Transportation Services 1-800-265"789 ext. 237 DRIVES and lnspec- PULL Time Cashie toms raquired for Toronto wsnted Monday - Fri Auto Auctions. Phone day, 9:30-5:30. Camp John Parmi, 905-875- belMîlle. 854-2554 - Cal 2915, ent. 2248 or tax for appoinimant. Wl resume te 905-875- trai rigiil pemson. 3219. il a il n b p b UmEuiATF opaning vailable for an elec- ronlc iechnlcianftecb- ologisi mliii an analoq sckground 10 test DC ower supplies alI bat- nry chargems, indluding wîtcbmode rectiliars. ippicanis tlnonld have lroog hands-on cap- blliiy, and excellent :onilcation skiltsi. flasse forward resumne nd references via Fax: 519)853-3166. .0MB offtcer manied, uIl-tise. Iniermedisie avalt computer skills, or- soizationai sirilîs. Es- nerince in hsndling ,ast transactions. Sanking & collections ispenaence would ba :onsidered an set. injoy dening ila tbe aukic, positive ouigoing ndividual. Comioriable nlking on lie phone. Strong attention t0 de- ail. Pas resame to: 519)895-1882 Alla: Slevan Sousa (Milton ocation>. LOVE your communily? Are yoa sef-motivsled? W/ant flesibility? Wel- come Wagon is inIer- viaming candidates for in Milton. Compat- eiypewriter requirad. Car essential. Clase tas rasumes to 905- 812-5115 or oeil 416- 364-0017. PART lima - Snow Re- moval. We reqaire sommoe 10 dlear srrow frm our sidealk ara aci time we have a snowf ail. Snom blower and siioval la available. Caîl for informatioa. AI Kiernan, Home Hard- ware 878-9222. TEXACO produets re- quires a marahousa per- son/AZ driver, pleasa fas resume 10: 87 3971. WNAITRESS/ Weter miih espenaence needed for mominglday sil, part lime, S s.m. - 2 ., Tuesdsy 10 Fndny. Apply in parson 10: Bumpr's Restaurant 175 Main SI., Milton. Ask for Tom or Ban. W" -ek O*M Enceilent ççetnt for seabeedeed or rte iehddud Sulak your -eu piaI Deenuiie2, asate hm -ewh 54 Caum ftuy., N. 8*..» ON Wlk 141105-5784955. o a.aous,495l Pmi 1.55-57e46"3 Snow PIow Owner/Operator rqrd'i by contruction lir ta fr tht 2000-2001 teuton. MuaI have s min. 7.5'plas & b availabie ta pins iv S/W Etakîcake &/of S/E Oakviile. Interetd candidates pieate cail (M0) 84249Ml Experienced Tax Preparers neoded.« Fax restumes ta* (905) 849-3504 AUTOMOTIVE SALES Clarysler dealer requires higbly motavated & career minded individual rojoin our sales tram. For lte righl candidate we offer: *Premium commission plan including monthly + yearly bonuses *Opportunity to sali bath new and used vebicies *Company car *Healtl/Denîl plan *High sales volume wiîh a siosll sales staff *Strong management support *Rapidly growing local market *Environment for success Antomotive sales experience prefenved. For a confidential interview pIease contact: Phil Cianlar at Milton Chrynter. Phone: (905)878-8877 Fax: (905)878-U53 mvrevecYOUNG Canada's ieading publication for 50+ con- sumera requires an expeelenced Sales profeanionaî to seII display adveebsing and Consumer Show exhibit space in the Golden Horseshoe area. This is a full time position offering aalary, auto expensea and a generous commis- sion and bonus package. The ideal candidate for Ibis positon ia self motivatad wilh a proven trsck record in media sales, and fully appreciates the potentiel in rrepresenting a publication that largets the fastest growng and moat afflu- eot demeagraphic groupa - mhe 50+ con- sumer. To apply for mhis positon pleaae forwsrd resume along with compensation expecta- lions prior 10 Dec. 1, 2000 10: Dîrector of Adverialng, Forever Young 467 Speera Rd, Oakvllle, ON 16K 3S4 or fax (905) 337-5571 Metroland Prnng, Publishing and Distnibuting in Mifton has an immediate opening for an experienced individual 10 join our sales team. As a motlvated seff-starter with a proven Salas background, you will ba responsible for the co- ordinating and selling of nurnerous features and sections. You must be able 10 work under deadlins, and understand how 10 juggle numerous sks. We offer: " a base salary + car allowance " lucrative commission package " stable work environment Please forward resumne by December 1, 2000 Attention: Wendy McNab, Adveetising Manager zt (anabian (bampion 191 Main St. E. Milton, ON LOT 4N9 IHalrstyllis - FTIPT ,I 51155 LOCATIONS BURL.*MIL-WATEIIDGWN-i I*Min. 68/tir Guaranteed 0 Comm,ýissions b, Flx Sche-ule Traini39-1g (905) 3935 COURIER/ BROKERS with awn car required iiy .I.S. Comlons la tarI & deliver postal pradecta in Oak .ares. Apprat. $16W0/ma Pfloi 2p.4 (905) 3118409 Dispatcher Rep. Wilh salid kassiedge et Cualamer Service & Microsoft. Warking ktowiedge aI Microsoft 0ffice, e-mail, phone etiquette & groat arganizalioa skilia. Able ta mark aknda & shift tleaikility ettantisi. E-Ml: resumeOcwicabe cm Fam: (905) 634-1156 Rooling Salesperson Self motivaied, driven Individuel expenienca in mhe indusiey requirad immediately. Cali for Info. 971-0158 Cali us now at: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laidlaw is an equid oppSuuùty employa AZ PRIVERS Competitive Pay Rates Loaded f, Ernpty Mileu Paid Paid Pickupýs , Del. Includinq lst bencfit Package Late Model Dedicated Tractors Satellite Dispatch AM REQUIREP (800) 903-4868 Ext: 229 Fax 876-2364 to list your Clussified L_ -A L_ A Il

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