Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Nov 2000, p. 30

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30-mTe Canadien Champion, fniday,Novaember 24, 2000 Classified CLASSÇIFIED B N S HOURS Casfe d MONDAY TO FRIDAY Ai 9:00OAM -5:00OPM ALCanrwfie Atd. kdon~ I I ~ Il I I Joan Padilla oflMiltan and Ralph Padillo of Georgetawn, and Garry &j Bannie Allen ai Burlington are -~marniage ai theïr chdldren Michael Paddlo and 7>scîa Allen 1_o J2201 n Brlgni FOM ail occasions. Spe"a colen feotahes lard services on tise premisea. Cait 878-2759,8639-4349. Dediaaed to meeting your needs sinre 1953 Doag Kocher Catoltne Kocher Andmew Kacher * 24 Hour Service * Pre-arrangment Options c Grief Counseling Services * Cremation Services Egerlon Wilkinson EMer, day in some small way Meoes of yau cornte aur way; Thougb abaent, you are ever near, StI misaed, laved, always dear. Love Tb. Bowler FenIIy VARCOE, Maii Our Dear MaIber yau may be gane but neyer torgatten. We lave yau and Misa you dealy. Love your FamiIy. BAVERSTOCK, Jelei- In lauing memaory af Jachie whotaaet me aa suddenly November 21 st, 1996. A golden gae atoari open, FOur yearsaega ta-day, Wth famewetl aiet unspoken, She ailently alipperi away. Deer Gori piseae take a meaaage, Ta Jaccie in heaven abuse, Tell ber baw mucb 1 misa ber, And gise ber ail my lave, Sadlr misaiti, rernembereri alimys, Fermer Mastarlerz, Kevin & Lise, In Ioving memnory of a great couple. Tiaere la sameone who misses yau sadly, Finds the âime hard since you went There la someone who thinks of you daily But ties hard ta be brave and content Love Debra 9. Josh tHirrisl Job f MARTIN, Dan Tise family of tise laie Dona Martin wish jta extend sincere thancs and apprecia- tion foîr mssages of sympathy, floral .offerings anad donations. Special tltans ~to Dr. S. Srltacster, Rev. Rod Lewis, iRev. Cotlees Smiths, ami the Kocher Family of tise McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home for guiding us thmough ur . r~ ime of sorrow. Tu the Nursiagstf jHssekeeping staff and Volwtteers at thé *Chronic Cate wing of Milton Di.rtrir t IHopital we îhansl yos for making osr lDad part of the family and caring for him as one of their oten. Neiil Susan ami Mari (yn LOST one yeer aid tLOSTebr a cRoss maie Portuguese tiSehr/a crtos Hound, yeiiowlwhite, d. 05110da tO Brt- answers ta Baiiey. no. Brown witb a ars ee o e enî ton. Rewerd offereri. 1- cotlariic. ta 878- 519-858-7218, beave 4621,875-349f 81 message. Màrg eDave Sat.Dec. 2,2000 at 730PM. Optimist Centre, louw leveZ 31 ComrilS. i t $10.00 par persan i Cori Buffet 10:00 P.M. LIMITED SPACE - RESERVED TICKETS Calt (905)630-0565 WRREHOUSE SALE, Christmas Inventory Clearance * 50 - 70% below retail Featurlaga G Cft Wrap *. Rb Tage *Candi.. .. it liteu NOV 29-30 & DEC 1-3 WED-FRI - 10 AM - 8PM SATURDAY - 9 AMV - 5 PM SUNDAY - 11 AN- 5PM 581 McGeadsle Drive, Unit 1*4, Hilton li Street enet ef Court Beute en Steetes Ave. -> Rarrop Dr. Fiaet it en Usamcp -> MeGeachie Dn' PNT TO DM NDIJOTWHRS IN THE ESTATE 0F VICTOR JOSEPH KOVACIK late of RR 1*6 Belt Scboot Lice. Milton, in the Province of Ontario. ALL PERSONS baving ctains agais tbe estate of VICTOR JOSEPH KOVACHIK tate of RR #*6 Betl School Lice. Milton, wbo dieri on or about tbe t9tb day of Juty, 2000, are bereby reqaireri ru secd fuit particatars of sucb etans tu tbe undersigned exeestor on or before tbe 5tb day of Janaary 200t after wbicb date the estate's assets mitt bu distnibuted baving regard ocly to ctaints that bave thes been receiveri asd tbe andersigsed witl sot bu tiabte 10 asy person of wbose ctaint be shali sot tben bave notice. Dated ut Bartisgtos Ibis t5tb day of Novernbr, 2000. Kenneth W. Jackson clo Kcvachik Aircrafs Services RR #6i Bell Schoci Licse Milton, Ontario L9T 2YI IMPORTANT ANTIQUE ESTAT AUCTION SALE WED. NOV. 29th at6:00 P.M Sharp Previewrtom4:00 PM. at the Agnicultural Hall on Robert St. Malton Fairgressnds, Milton, Ont Featurnnualarge Vcoran East Oakvile, Esat otp qualt y fumisanOs including fture e pine camer euph. tables and chairs, sidebuards, partaar tabler, Royal Doatan figams, Cranhermy PicIte Coar, Samptmr dater 1864, Beaver top bats. painlanss, ctocbs, strlting & S.P. itoms, dresden watt scoce, floor & tabate tsmps, Besnck bornes, Shelley, Wedgewaod tosari. 15 bain- bas tlsbiog mod, fly fssibing cottection, cast mrn dontrstop in ooig. pasnt, etc., etc. Nothing bat qustity items sand c sale yoa mont( cool ia miss. Tersas: Cash or cheque only witb 2pcs. t.D. We have no reserves and no bayera prerniun. Nexl Sale "The Pieker's Asetion" Sat., Dec. 2nd ut 10:00 A.M. ai tbe sarne tocation. Auctioneer - Don Coliing (905)877-0117 GRADUATION BIRTHDAY *ogsp celtlt Jeacqueline Feber Congratulations Jacquelmne on abtammng your BA Honours Degree fromn the University of Ibrorato. Also, good !uck at D'Youvi!le Collège, Buffalo, New York, in gour fiurîher studies5 toa em gou French Teaèchers Diptoma Teon st Of luc for the future. Ail our toae o Mum & Dad Tom & John. Lmv, 'Ibo Girls" WANTED Alto Saxo- ~one. CaI Manilyn Raf- APPUIANCES - tndcge, 2 door; Stove; Maytag automnatic wasser, dry- er. Also, aparbtment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328. CARPET I bave seveml 1,000 yrda. of n0w Staismaster & 100% ny- Ion cerpet. WUI do liong mont & haIl for $349. lit dludes carpet, pari & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 639-2902 DIRECTV andi DIsb Network Satelite Syatens. 1 Ws of FREE cisannels including Movies, Sparts, Psy- Per-View andi Etbnic Programming, Car Progamingi Avaitable. Cal 416-991-2761 or 905-867-7277. FRlEE Estimates... Got woby or broken carWeak sofa or chair springs? Soit foam? tireri looking wood finisbes?... Thoes cati Filds for ail fumi- tare repaira andi custont wood reiinisbing. 9-9 daiy, (905)875-4427 ROUND pedestal dining table witis 2 black swivel chairs. Excellent candi- lion. $35. Cali 878-5089 SUPER Special. Save up ta 30% on decorator fabricsl Pay nlo GST? Love your funiture... basts your colaurs? Sofa & matcbisg cbair Irant $788. Loveseats tram $448. Cbairs tram $199. Free Ealimates. Senior Discounta. Raids Quali- tCuston Upholstering, il.9(905)875-4427 er'pt Techissial support. We comte ta your home tai salve your computer prablems. Phone 702- 4311. ATTNO INTERNET IUISERSI IUnlimited Accesxl Ionîys$15.95,greatl Icas icandI jsuppot roa SSURF THE NET. TWO wetl broken sad- dite borses - suliable for novice ridonrs - 4 ta 8 years aid. Mares or Geldinga. Teck also conaldereri. Cali (905)878-3828. CHRISTENSEN - Peter andi Caralyn of Miltan are pleaser tai annaunce thte irhf i their beau- liful daugbter EmIIy Jewela. Ban Naveraber 7, 2000, weighing 7 lbs2 z.at Mton Ditrict Haspital. Praad rendiparenta are Mis. Thereae Cbnistensen of Killaride asnd Margeae and Maninus Meyerink af Edmosnton, Alberta. Specai tianta ta Dr. Shanna and OS staff. NOVIS <ELGIE) liTn and Catberine are pleased ta annaunce thse birtis af Vivien Anne Woodfield, 8 Iba 4 oz., at 11:54 per. an Thursday, Navembur 16,2000 in Georgetao. A lite sister for brothers Cariait & Kennetb. Oeo Grattai TENZYTHOFF - Doug & Julie (nee) Adams af Muftas are pleased ta annauince tbe birth of tbeir son Adaen Douglas weigbt 8 Ibu 1 oz. at Mitas District Hospial on Novembur 14, 2000. Adam entered this wortd as thse new VP at Pawer Uink Expeiie, already fallowing in bis laitber's foot- feps. Adam la weicomed by fils irai Uime grand- parents Mr. & Mms. Richard Adams af Moffn, iraI lime uscie Bryan, firtilUme greatgrandparents Mr. Haig McKenzle of Mifton anr Ms. Norma Hunt of Buuinglan, alsa a -pecali weicone front bis four legge frienda (Holty & Saasy). A very specal tbn tu Dr. Sbarma and eit tise won- defaci staff at Mita District Hoapital. A Coite.es 'Çbvu.e "a"a Cbaluon the best uey ta etart your day! Il

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