Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Nov 2000, p. 25

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Da telin e tram DATELINE on page 13 nar from lOto il a.m. ut 310 Main St., suite 106. Caîl 876-9828 for more infor- mution. The Milton Community Resource Centre offers a toddler drop-in from 9:15 10 11:15 a.m. Children uged up to 24 months are invited. Cali 876-1244, ext. 10, for more information. Drop lu and muet new friendu ut Allendule through an intergenerational fun time with the residents offered hy the Milton Community Resource Centre. For more information, caîl 876-1244, ext. 10. Tise Milton Community Resource Centre offeru Preachool Jumpin' und Jammin' for 3 to 4-year-olds from I to 2:15 p.m. Caîl 876-1244, ext. 10, for fur- ther detail~ The Halton Huila Quiltera Guild meets ut Centennial Middle School in Georgetoven ut 7:15 p.m. For more infor- mation, caîl Wendy McHugh ut 833-0483. Tueaday Nov. 28 The Milton Community Reuource Centre, 540 Childu Dr., offeru ils Toddler Jumpin' and Jamanin' progrum for 2 und 3-year-olds from 10:30 to 11:30 u.m. Feutured are gumeu, songu und exerciuing to huild ukillu uuch au liutenîng, upealcing, counting and parliciputing with a group. Caîl 876-1244, ext. 10, for more informa- lion. The Milton Community Reuource Centre, 540 Childa Dr., houts 'Cnaialin and Groovin' from 9:15 10 10:15 a.m. The program offers children aged 16 10 24 monthu the opportunity b leum und play. Caîl 876-1244, ext. 10, for more informa- tion. Canadian Calorie Counteru, which provides information and support during weight loss, meets from 6:30 10 8 p.m. ut tise Millon Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd. For delails, cail Thomasena ut 878-5322 or Lenore ut 878- 0622. Developmentally challenged learners can learn Engliah, math and indepen. dence akilla ut Bishop Reding Secondary School, 1600 Main St. E., from 6:30 10 8 p.m. For details, caîl Helen ut 257-3688. The Boyne Community Centre on Brittania Road boots a euchre party ut 7:30 p.m. Hulton Heallhcare Services presento 'Streaaed OuI and Lovling Il' ut 7 p.m. in Millon. For location or more information, caîl 825-6060, ext. 7489. Milton Toualmuateru meet ut 7:30 p.m. ut the Royal Canadian Legion on Charles Street. Judy Suke delivers ber award-win- ning bumorous speech that won ber first 'ljca~einoitedW SmithBooks Milton Mail Copies are place ut the Toasîmasters' District 60 Speech Conteut. New members are alvenys welcomed. A Cappella Showcase houts Christmaa Sing for four weeks ut 7:30 p.m. ut Milton Buptiot Church on Nipisoing Roud. For more information, caîl 876-4093 or (905) 278-1222. The TriIlium Photographie Club invites everyone to its interclub competi- tion. Live judging of submissionu frova four photographic clubs plus a short show 'Travel Adventsares' by Ted Lewis [tii the evening, which heginu ut 8 p.m. ut East Platns Unted (Sburcb, 375 Plains Rd. E., in Burlinglon. For more information, caîl Marilyn Chayka ut 634-7755. Tueuday Nov. 28 - 30 Playgroup offers stimulating activities for aduits and children up to S years of age from 9:15 to 11:15 sm. ut tise Milton Community Reuource Centre. The pro- gram includes circle rime, crufta and active play. For further detailu, caîl 876-1244, ext. 10. Wedneaday Nov. 29 McKeruie-Kocber Funeral Home pre- sentu 'Grief: A Neyer Ending Journey?' ut 7:30 p.m. ut Hugh Fouter Hall, 53 Brown St. The gueut speaker ju Wendy Dean, a profesuional conutaltant with Bereaved Familiru of Ontaaio-Hulton/Peel. For more information, caîl (905) 813- 4337. Thuradauy Nov. 30 St. Pauls United Church, 123 Main St., boots Community Kilduen frtam 10 a.m. to noon. For fsarther information, caîl 876- 4539. The Victorian Order of Nurses offeru a foot care clinie from I 10 4 p.m. as the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr. To hook an appoinsment, cali 875-1681. Women and Wealth is the fsrst in the Wealth Management Seminar Series heing held ut the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childu Dr. The seminua runu from 7:30 10 8:30 p.m. For more informa- tion, caîl (905) 796-5006. Milton Community Nursety Scisool seel- comes everyone to ils vendor evening from 7 to 10 p.m. ut St. Paul's United Cburch on Main Sireet. Featured are items from Purtyline, Regul, MaryKay, Pampered Chef, Tupperseure and numer- ous other vendoru. Items are delivered in lime for Chrsstmas. For more information, cali the school ut 878-7007. Saturday, November 25 11:30a.m. t. 2:30p.m. Author in charge, Marsha Waldie wiII be available to sign your copy. From Harris Stationery & Smith Books. The Canudian Dateine community events listing is available ta non- profit gr>ups onl% please. pl.avt~~lebog.ndgrswin MasLaide asta.uIZsg aolisbrausdselteaioem ,ssl,,funssvas-,sksbsrnself Scisool bus service is available for Oakville and 'urrusuodingarea. 337 Trafulgar Rs>ad, Oakville Tel. (905> 844-0372 Websitr sswsv.manlarblau.on.ea Email. rea4maaiaelalau.su.a.a A CESI Schoo[ CESI Canadian Edocatisosal Stauslsirdo lue.titute MILTON PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS ONTARIO ASSOCIATION INTERNATI0NALf~<~~ PROPESSIONAL LOCAL ASSOCIATION (î(i~3p) PIRE FIGHTERS 3¶~ffl 0F \~li'~II ASSOCIATION FIREFIGHTERS Dear Supporter. h is uowOctoberaod our Pue Satety Haodhooiss have liuallyaerived. We were hoposg te hase shea in the speins, however we hase experieuceli maoy delapo hy the poblisher. Tise guod ne~ is tisaI tise haoltiess bois grea~ audace flileli usais bu- bulle lire satesyssps. Theyuill ondoubletilygo a loogway lis keepiugshe comusuuisywe lise, asti work lu lire sale! t usoolti like îo taise tItIs opportunlsy su express our slocereus grasisode forpoor support lu our lirut endeavor ot titis isloti. Withous vour support IhIs brois seoulti nul hase heen produced. If pou woulti lise a copy for pour office or su uer pour ativertlsemeos please rail my office ut 878- 9251 Est. 203, auti ste ouI pertoually delisero copy su yoo. Some isouislets have bren already dlssrlbuted duriug our Pire Preveution Weeis Open House ou October t6, 2000 asti stere oeil recrîveli. The remainder ut the broisiels olil be shssrtbuîed su varions offices, libranys for public vlewiug anti su certant appropriate grade Irons lu aur public uchool system. Agait t stuolti bise su persouails Ibanis you os brisait ot ail members ut lise Miltun Protessionai Firefigbsers Associusoo for yuur salurd support If we soucis ust our persot b bis ettiravor, ard tisey escape tise lirons- satiug effeets ut lire ut susse Lime s sbeie litesinse ste hase ail ston Yourt ns Pire Saluts Maris Cross Presitieut MPPPA Local 3168 BRENDA DOLLING and the New Democrats are committed to building a better Canada for working families, Thînk how much better Canada could be vote NDP Autisorszed isy offirsal ugeut for Breutia Doltue Stressed Out and Loving It!!! Seminar with Sharron Stasuik Most people are stressed but how many people know how to thrive on stress? Don't miss this great free health seminar and Iearn how to harness your stress. This seminar will be held Tuesday, November 28th at 7:OOpm in Milton. Seating is Iimited so please eau 338-4379 to reserve your seat and for

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