Anua MN7ton Santa Claus Parade set for Sunday Santa Claua la comning to town Sunday to be tie atar of tie 26th annual Milton Santa Claus Parade. It will kick off at 2 p.m. and run moatly along Main Street fmmn Bronte Street t0 Milton Mail. About 90 participants are already booked, including walking groupa, floata and marcbing banda, aaid parade organizer Paul Scherer. The thcme for ti year'a parade la Toy Land. Prizes will be awarded for the beat overal float, best theme float, beat non-theme float and best achool float. Close t0 60 volunteera wiil dreas up in clown suita for the event, which uaually drawa a mas- aive crowd of kida and adulta alike. "People are lined up four or five deep ail the way from Bronte to0 the mail," aaid Mr. Scherer. "It's vexy popular. It bai a local flavour. It'a not big city." But it alao doean't have big city money behind it. The budget for thia year'a parade la about $18,000, with mout of that going toward 10 marching banda. Sponaorahip stems from local buainesaci, ai well ai donation envelopea paiaed out during Uic parade. "We get no outaide money. It'a aIl community collect the $18,000 so the next year's parade is covered." Though it normally takea place in early November, the parade falla a littie dloser into the holiday acason this time around. "We feel it's a better lime," aaid Mr. Scherer. "It'll really kick off the Christmas aeaaon for the town."1 The 201 Atma XE 1-HPee 1.1tr e e e A c ondin g R-p e mo eMF wh CD etîosyseme 55 panoar-kydbde rouldirbgs P 04 oie mreoesaed doo h osAs XEes emoeeh LsM SAdm x w .p39 Ieýý B I I *i* ; NissaWý; Come in foira Spin 7 Sales Event baclkv Fning affrdable housing for seniors is a must:e Mulvale ram SINGLE on page 1 0f those, a whopping 73 per cent are aeniors. But there's currently juil 214 aiîisted housing units set aside for singles. Alao, more than 3,000 single parent households with children have incomes of under $30,000, but a three-year waiting list is the norm for Uic 1,900 aiîisted unita available 10 them. The anawer, aaid Ms Maloney, is for senior leveis of govero- ment to step uap 10 the plate and help encourage aiaisted housing. At the Regionai level, staff and counicillora should enaure ail availabie programa are maximized, while encouraging private and public aclor partnershipa. Total houaing criais Finding affordable ahelter for reaidenta la a must, aaid Oakviile Mayor Ann Mulvale. "This ia not peculiar 10 Halton at ail," ahe aaid. "We, 1 believe, have an abaolute houîing criais." Govemmenta need 10 make Uic link between productivity and adequate housing for ail income bracketa, added Ma Mulvale. But Burlington Councillor Jack Denniaon aaid efforta ahouid aiso be made t0 motivate thoae eamning lesa than $30,000 10 achieve a higher income level. Fax your event lsting ta 878- 4 J3 Milton Heigdhts Academy A division of Sale & Sound Privtechool Kindergarter-Gr.8 Acceptingneiv studentsygea OPEN HOUSE Sat. Nov. 25 10 am-4 pm 693-1557 LGift Certificates Available for ChstMas Gift Giving I L 5 Commercial Street, Milton 876-2842 J