The Canadian Champilon, Friday,Novenmber 24, 2000-19 We are Canada's Premier Leadership Development Organization for young people We just act like a Service Club For information caîl JAMIE 876-2955 Bank of Montreal "Continued Succes"' 55 Ontario St. (Milton Mail) 878-8160 4ar" ad" k 4 191 Main Street East, Milton 878-2341 J. SPURGEON APPRAISALS DIVSION 0F J. SPURGEON PRoPER4TY TAx CoNSULTANTS LiTe. KUS 1 Po*' forget yourl Iettero to 5anta; Canada f'oet VwIl beo coUlnMm thm durlng the parade. EE 1MAIN STREET KING ST. nHUGH ST. Durlng the parade, Cottes & Hot Chocolats are .5Gw wlth procoodu golng te the Santa Claus Parade Commies 875-3212 [ND A IMLTONI C~ HILDSDR. 329 McNabb Crescent Milton, Ont. L9T 3G3 Look for your 5ant:a Claus Parade IDonatjlon Enveope in today'e ppier and brin0 l" Uicn, t;o Uic parade. F'ieas brine your flon-perleha bic goode. Fire FIght"cr WlII collect on parade rout;e. FIFRI WHE liac u0 40 Chishoim Dr., Milton 878-8441 Sargent Farmis Retail Store 181 Mili St. 878-4401 Duning thte Holiday Seasou, our thoughU fein gra*efufly to those who have mtade our pro gress possible. It is in this spirit we say.. THANK YQU AND BEST WISHES FOR THE HOLIDAYS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. REsiDENTIAL APPIAISALs John Spurgeon, cRA PRESIDENT Mâon oie ~ SricDpot *opte Software & Accmessoe ~**~IMUMMI. Network Installing .Sales &Service A~.On-st Sevic 171HEWLETT~ Tj«ouch 0 PI~EPACKARD Sstou hWlIIW U.S. Robotios Mlrooft 0 731 Main St. F., Suite 2, Mttn phono 878-408 Fau 876-1013 1-800-208-003 Mo"dy - FdMy 9-5:30gum, Sat.rday 1O.4pm Wtt e:wwmie.ea bE ers Shop Early fo r Best Selection 202 Main St E., Miio I PRAE RiT TEL/FAX 878 8346 389 MAIN STE E. 50 MARKET DRIVE 876-4142 Stopb fr a FREE COFFEE d.ring the Santa Claus Parade 878-5397 TANSMISSION 1ig M'lnH 85 Steaes Avenue East, Units 4&5, Milton (905) 878-8156 me Cmaua Cb»11111 M . V 1 0