The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, November 21, 2000 -7 SO UR READERS WRITE Overal, the candidates ail touted their standard fines, says reader Dear Editor: economic developmnent. 1 attended the ail-candidates meeting For example, stumpage taxes ($ for cut- November 15 and the following outlines ting trees) could be offset by sax credits for my thoughts on the meeting. plansing trees. Income shouldn't be taxed, Overaîl, the candidates ail touted their but taxes should be levied on polluters. standard lines. Instead of spending madly on health case, The Liberals stressed their balanced try to eliminate the items that are making approach to issues and their dedication to, people sick, etc. preserving the universal health care. The He was also the best at ouslining how his trouble with the Libersîs is, however, that policies wouldn't only be good for the they're too balanced. 'Me night wing hsnd country but for the local communisy. Ail is alwsys fighting with the left wing hand, this makes perfect sense and 1 don't think and they end up hitsing themselves in the any rationale person would argue other- head. wise. The Canadien Allisnce fellow stressed This election will probsbly go like previ- his party's commitiment to, lowering taxes Oua ones because people see the world and reducing the size of government. from their own established perspective. Seems the Alliance approach is to shirk as Try getting an accountant to see the value much responsibility to the private sector as of the burning coal at a generating station. 'they kflow beat., His only consideration is the retail price of 1 always thought the role of the govem- the coal. He les to, consider tse health and ment was so, set the rules by which moat of ecological costs of mrining and burning Use us "play the game," and was there ta coal. ensure Use "public good" was not harmed. Itas difficult for people to get the big pic- Maybe P'm wrong. sure of the workings of Use world because The NDP emphasized that it's Use part>' we aIl view it thmough aur own little box of of the "regular working gu>'," and is the elt.'erobeith hewldsa ouI>' pars>' ready ta, re-inveat in tihe social remaltTed troube a thg al th warl s heorai ththv aneoigoe h nter-relationahipa) and we have, up until Wiea ielraenblgee.e naw, anly viewed it fmom s limited per- nabil>' r atime.l The perobehid e spective (a small sized economic box). emphitasiei. She keto yellin meh! Viewing issues lu this manner guaran- eachatimed ths Allane catyendda en tees new ideas are autamatically dis- tioue te ctse Orliane caniat p ers n- missed. This is why an alliance member Use candidate's mother- who knows? wilnyrgeeitanNP.orvc The PC candidate kept complaîning versa. about how bis microphone wasn's work- It's also why the candidate that makes ing, but Usis mattered little as moat of what the moat sense (Green Party candidate) he had ta sa> was either sarcagiic or mud- will prababl>' receive the fewest votes. dled. Perhaps people, like the Liberals, like ta He spent more time cnsticizing tkot.oUers keep hitting themselvea in the head. iustead of presentiug his owu ideas. Ilà fair- Maybe is's time we try thiukiug "out of the neas, I think bis platformn is comparable ta box" and stars usiug aur heada instead af Use Liberal's (Le. middle of the raad) wiûlhitbating it. alittle more accouutability added into Use Whn I tell my frieuda l'il be vosiug for aequation. tkGen Party', Use>' usually sa>', "Why? The Green Part>' candidate made the ibèy' l neyer get in." most seuse ta me although it seemed he woù4dn's it be strauge if everyone didn't gain the respect af Use other candi- sgreed wSkh the Green Psrty's views, but dates. His plasformn of eliminating taxes ou didu't votefr Usem for ibis strauge, self- Usings that are goad for socle>', and taxiug defeating reaséjRe? Usinga that are bad for societ>' seems logi- Jim Ferguson cal in Usas it drives proper behaviour and Lyons Court -e. .. . . 4ý 4 * 4> le > 44 e44 41 MuI FIMYnU-eLJa 2oIX -.64 F turiri-.5zme 4>44 4> 4>4>*Aato F(wse*4 * RedEyeRe-dutio en>4 4 e. Re.I" 41 44 4 834814 8'6-23 48784-3436144 44 4 4 The Canadian Champion welcomes lefters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise, and rejeot letters. Letters must be signed and the address and the telephone number of the wniter includ- ed. Mail letters to: The Canadian Champion, Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or leave themn at our office, 191 Main St. E., fax to 878-4943, or e-mail to S a es Ev iltÈ a kv FThe 2001L Sentra XE -r12&5l.5555eerom -Ai os<q.4s eakerAM/FM wM CO bexih seat -Centre=sasslsn Vauty d ne I NORTH END NISSAN 10 MARflN ST. MILTON 878ý-4137 DNM VICTORY BIBLE CHURCH THE BIBLE IS NOT REAL, IT IS JUSTWRflENBYMAN. THE BIBLE DOES NOT HAYE THE ANSM R TOTDArS PROBLEMS THE BIBLE IS A HARO BOCK TU UNDERSTAND 8O WHYWS17DY ff Have these thoughts everniun pastyour-mind? You may have been to Bible studies that feft you empy. 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