Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2000, p. 6

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6 -ý 'rit anadtan Champion, -'uesday, No;vember 2i, 2Ô00 COMMENT "LIAR" 'RACIST" Voters are faced with tough choice to make Just under a week to go, and the November 27 federal election is get- ting hot enough to meit the season's first snowfall. Locally, Halton Riding candidates are articulate, informed and seem- ingly ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work. But the stakes are high, with the dircction of the country in the offing. If each party sticks to its platform, voters wiII be asked to choose % between reducing big governmrrent (Canadian Alliance) or maintaining a Fe P U strong federalist body (virtually everyone else). i l They'll have to choose between socking money into social programns (NDP, and to somne extent PC and Liberals) or reducing taxes (everyone ' . Voters will also be asked to gauge the trustworthiness of a governiment they don't know (CA, Green Party and Federal NDP) or one they have known (the others). , . Healthcare funding, debt reduction and justice are other hot topics for voters to consider before heading off to the polis. With ongoing proof south of the border that every vote counts, resi- dents have somne tough choices to make. But no one said being a responsible citizen was easy. SO UR READERS WRITE Reeder dI#appointed wit pht of These dinosaurs don 't understand youth Dear Editor- I was disappoted with the latter of swo photograhs published widi the arti- cIe of Tueaday, Oct. 31 'Milton District .High gives students a leg up' regarding the Public Support Worker Programnai Milton District High Sehool. The photo shbwed two young womnen boltle-feedihg model infats. Public heaith nurses, naturopathic doctora, middwives, tnedieal doctors and other health professionaîs, as well as hospital inaternity 4alits, promote breast- feeding as tIhe optimal fecding method for babies. This is in accordance wlds thse World Health Organization (W.H.O-) Code. Thse nutritional benefits of breastfeed- ing are oeeognized as superior to thse of using infant formulas. 1 wish Thie Champion had used a dif- ferent scenario for its illustration of thse Publie Support Worker Program at Milton District Higs School. Erik Ristok Naturoppathi doctor THE CANADL4IV CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Tb@ Canadien Chtampion, published every Tuesday and Priday ai 191 Miltn, nt.L9T4N9 Main St. E., Milton, Ont.. L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is onn of Tht Metroiand Milto, On. L 4N9 Printlng, Pnnlishing & Distributirg LI. nroup of suburban cnmpanies wttich inctudes: Mx/nPickering News Adnertiser, AIllson lieraidlCourier, Barrie 41 Adoorce, Barry's Bay This Week, Bolton Entirpnise, Brampton Guardian, (905)8 8 -234 1 Burlingtn Post, Burlinton Shopping News, Cipy Parent, City of York Guardian, CnllingwnndlWasaga Connnctinn, tait York Mirrnr, trio Editorial Fax: 878-4943 AdoctelCnuntry Routes, Etnbicnhe Guordin, Ptambnrough Post Porenir Young, Georgetown lndependentlecton Frit Prett, IturnEnlaBusineti& A .1.. imeslhigstn Ths nint. Onoay hisWeel, Mrtdrn EoeI s ixueisstn Fa: 86-264 Sur, Mrilnd/Peretanguishene Mimeor, Miltn Shopping Niws, ioissaugo Business limes, Missistiga News, Nopa..e Solde, Nassagaweya News, Classified: 875-3300 Newnrarket/Aurora Ena-Banner, Northumbertand Neet, North Yonrk Miro, Sakvoule Beaner, Salantle Shopping Nlews, Oldormers Hockey News, Orillit Ian Oliver Publisher Tndoy, OshawalWhitby/Clarinon/Pnrt Penny This Weiic, Owen Stand Tribune, Peterborough This Wee, Picton Courir Guide, Ricthmond Nei Oliver Assenctate Publa.eher ttittffhornhitlNoughan Liberot, Scorboronuh Mirror, StsuftrlelUebnidge Tribune. Wendy McNahb Adverinîng Manager Advirtrsirg is accepfed or the conditin that, rn tht aereti of a typo- Kare SnlthEdinnr graphîcot tror, thon portion ni the odveotming space occapied hy the erro- Kam mithnenas item, together wittt a reasorable allowance for signature, will ot ie Steve Crozier Circulation Manoager chargtd ton, but the balance of aie adoeisimiot wiît be paid taroti the applicable rate. Tht publisher reseres ahe rigt f0 categforSze admotise- Teri Casa Ol.fice Mauntager monts or decline. Dear Editor: The ail-candidates meeting held ait Ehe Muddy Duck Banquet Hall Wedneaday pmoved rather interest- ing. Julian Reed waffling with the political statements and rhetoric to avoid the meat of questions is obvi- ously a chip off the old block (Prime Minister Jean Chretien). His comment that the Liberals have amended the Young Offenders Act four timea leaves one wondering how msny more kicks at the cat they wilI require to get it (and many other things) right. Joe Clark accused Stockwell Day of auditioning for a job an a talk show hoot while hia Milton repre- sentative Tom KhImer is obviously auditioning for a job aa a stand-up comic - using Mr. Reed as his straight man. Abbott and Costello in reverse? Tim Dobson (Canadian Alliance), Brenda Dolling (NDP) and Tom Adams (Green Party) ail came across profeasionally, avoid- ing the old school politicking Mr. Reed and Mr. Kilmer were trying desperately to introduce to the meeting. Although the Canadian Alliance Party scared the Liberals into this election, they stili lack voter confi- dence in eastemn Canada, The NDP philosophy Jeans heav- ily toward taro-dimensional think- ing as opposed to the multi-dimen- sional thinking required to govera effectively. The Green Party? Well, with ail due respect to s very effective Tom Adams, inm not sure if the party plans to govem from the buildings on Parliament Hill or from the front of a Kodiak with a 50HP Merc on the back, Youth are the trustees of our future and we desperately need youth in politica. The dinosaurs (Chretien, Clark and McDonough) will not attract youth as they don't understand that the youth of today want to initiale and participate and contribute, They want responsibilîty and accountability. They don't neant to be told they dont( have the experi- ence s0 shut-up and sit down and this is what you say when 1 pull your string. Contrary to dinosaur thinkitig, the youth of today are much more aware, knowledgeable, intelligent and compassionate than the dinosaurs give thers credit for. The November 27 election kicks off the new millennium. The defin- ition of insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results. What we do in this election is the legacy we leave behind for future generations. Do we kick off a brand new game or simply leave a second-half kick-off, down several touch- downs? Vote your conscience, but vote Your vote does count (look aS Florida) and future generations are counting on us, Ken Cyr Laurier Avenue Pud by Steve Nease two wonwn bottlo4eeodl»g babies The MAun Canadien ChwWon la à R&W" Product 4 Tim Coles Production Manager

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