The Canadian Champion, TuesdayNovembêr 21, 2000-27 * A Personal Support Worker Program n response to an increased demand for graduales, Sheridan ollers the Purmamal Support Worksr Prmgrmm which prepares graduates to help clients enîoy the best quality ai lite possible, rehether n their own homes or long lerm care tacililies. Omet $130875 (El recipients may be efigible for foodingl lut. mouise I LoamUos: Nov. 30, 20000 lpm. Sheridan College Shilis Training Centre, 407 Iroquols Shore Road., Oukoille Siaril lad: January 15,2001 fo May 18, 2001 Comiaot 905-845-9430 eut 8052 ~h~nrL.n SELF alorage, heated, sprinklered, vanaus siz- ea, lare montdy mima Guat 15 min, tram Mii- 1001 905-886-7464 SEEICING a tumiatied or aemi-tumistsed mare or apariment near Ihe Ontarlo Agricullurat Mu- aeum Cati 15191744 9928 THREE Bedraam home 10 the cauniry avarlable for rani $1300 + utrîr ires Cail Tony 19051875 lllOesi 224 GEORGETOWN - Sauih, 2 bedroam base- ment, tuli Irlictien, sapa- raie enirance, parking for 2 cara $850/manits ail inclusive, tiratilasi nan-amaker/no pela, 873-3929. LARGE 1 bedroare, couniry, main floar, available Jan. 1sf. $800 mc. limai, parking & ap- pliances. Laundry & 00- hie available. Caîl 854- 2294. MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedmama availeble on bus mute, treshty deca- mimd, 2 appirancas, on-aile tsurrdry, inctudas ail utillies lexcepi phona & cable.) No pais. Reterencas required. Assimile Dec. 1. Sterling tram $940. Office i-tours ara lOsm-Spm 806-076-1249 5v appolnlmanl onin ONE bedraom, 2 park- ing spals, Soulhem viere, 101h ttaor, manlhly $1.100 (Ail inclusive as- cepl ielephanel Avait- abla Novembar/ De- cember. Jean 5f (9051319-1292. heaiing, separate an- irance, partdn9- mci. ulil- Oies 1001 phane). Souili ai Campbetlvllle $750 tirsiflaai. Reterencea 1905)854-9957. mi ceniiy renovaied large tumished torenhause n Mition 10 ahare. Avait- aile immediaiely $400/monitr + 1/3 utili- lies. 19051408-4789. ROOM n irea bedroare api. Shared living ares. Doreniaren Milion. Fiee parking. Reterences needed. Cati 875-2424 flan. Caîl Vvonne Chns- fie Broker, Christie & Wooda Real Estate Lid. 878-2095 MULTI-Purpose build- ing. 1800 vq.ti. reifli office. Large doar, some aulside siorage. Excelleni coniraclors yard and ahop. 878- 2888 f eaae. 50-52 Steeles Ave, W. Caf I 905-272- 0648. OFFICEIRETAIL apace for lease in beaulitul Darenioren Mtton. 500 aq. teet wiih parking. Catt Mike 905-319- 3240. OFFIOEIRETAIL Space for rani CampbelMlle 905-334-5998. CONDO for aale. Vil- lage Parc on Oie Pond, 100 Milside Drive, cam- er unit, norlhem & wesl- em espoaure, 2 bed- room, 2 baitirooma, plua storage room or den, many estras. Cal t for more information or ta viere 19051878-7913. ~LEASE RECYCLE -n-us rAI'ER ~?iA1A t Books wilI be available for area Clubs, Schools & Organizations, who wish to reserve copies for their Sing-a-longs. Books are limited so cali the Canadian Champion soon & let us know how many copies you would like. VUc~rud~y tc~ Frid~y, b~tw~~rm 9 AUVU t~ S U~IVU 4