26-The Canadian Champion, TuondayNovember 21, 2000 81dll~e~ sI4 H.lp $~dtt.d Hotp GREAT WAGES Metrican Stamping Ca. mc. a looking for tino rigintREQUEST FOR PROPOSAL individuais ta jassi aur teaca. You must be a seif-startor PULL ri*~ Brd documente for tire contfacl or servico tisted botore, addsossed ta tire Mono g or cf Pur- excet chanrng 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE, ON L6M 3L1 reiti be receivod un/r t 2:00 p.m. abie ta n a past-paced team environment and relit- ExperîenCed body repaîr Ç305SOfl Dalevrite Cime an tino speciflod clasing date. Bid documents can ire sean or abtained ing Ca reorle rotating shifts. QUALITY INSPECTOR required for busy Coi lision centre, tirrougin the Purchosing Division 0f tire Carparate Servicos Depariment, same addreos as * MaSure, roliabte inspectas for Cire automatise matai - Fuit unibody exp. mandatory. aboya, tetopirano (905-825-6000) axtonnian 7031. siamping indust~. Exceitent bonafits and banuses. Documonts miii ire avaitabto for p cIe up on and ah/or Tuosday, Novembar 21 - 2000. Tirera Knumtodgo 0f QS900, inctuding PPAP, Contrat Pions & Cati (905> 689-8835 s o nan-rofundabto depasit ôf $1500 p tus $105 GST. * Abitity ta hondte o vory font poced enviranment * Capable 0f uerng height gougn/vonier/micrameter * Goad communication sisitta * Abto ta reod btue prints PRESS OPERATORS * Muni ire experienced warloing with automatise sfampings * Musi be famitior reitis quairty cantrol praceduren * MunI bo famitiar witis preanen and atamping aperatians * Ment have strang verbal and writlen nkittn DiE MAiNTENANCE SUPERVISOR * Munt be experienced warfeing an progressive & Hand tranafer dien * Munt be experionced n a caeCal ntamping enviranment * MuaI have knamtedge aI a preventative db maintenance program Muet bo experienced in die troubte shooting * MuaI be abte ta read blue printn Wo offer an exceptional reorkrng environment reitir oppartunition for pernanal devetopmenl and growt/s. We offer comparitive mages ond encollent bonefitn. Pteane send or fao your resume ta: (905) 825-2007 We thanis ati candidates horeever, anly those setected for an rntervrew wrll be contacfed - m Energy Advantage hic. s a rapidtp growing energy management campany. Dur ctientn are a diverse group af energy users in Canada and tino US. Tire fottawing ponition s avaitobto: ENERGY ACCOUNT ANALYST Roporting ta tino Manager, Ctient Services, your primary duty miti ire tino goneration raf ctient enorgy-uso sapants utitizing in-house proprietory software. Yau have ntrang data monogomont ond computer e/ruts (Microsoft Word, Excet, Accons). Tino position requises good organizotion ond tire sbiîity ta meet deadtines in a font poced onvironmont. Somo famitiartty with natural gos and otoctricity utit/Cy bitta, ond occounting reoutd bo an assot. P/eose forword your resume ta: Energy Advantage mc. 690 Dorvai Dr. , Suite 400 Oakviiie, ON L6K 3W7 Fax: (905) 337-2209 Attn: Donald B. McLean E-Maii: mciean@energv.on.ca OnIy candidofes under considerof/on ail bon confocted. raaw occepnng KILL appticationa far SUPPLY TEACHERS Fers liii Scirnel le a co-edacatinnal scirnel 1er ste- dents ie Pro-scirnot lirroagir Gr. B aire citt sespord 10 e chailengina programme. We are invitieg applications tnt suppiy teacbing ai botir Oas Qakoilte ard Benlinglen campeses. Please tes or mait moumes 10: ForD HiII School 3300 Nintir Lice Rd, RR il, Oakhitte, On. 16J 4Z2 Fao: (005) 257-2002 ELECTRONIC SERVICE TECHNICIAN Cattron Controis Ltd. a subsidîary ni tire world's argent redustriai Remole Controis manutacturer s accepting applications tor ETs. Candidates aith a degrue or comparable voperience n. PIC! micro- processor based component tevel treabieshooting, repais and knnatedge ni induotrial controin (crase aed incamotive) and radio trequeecy circidis wouid be desireabie. Position requires botir tield ard in-nbop service, su a valid drivers ~icense s necessary, aluns aur gond team sirilin. Please torreard resume ailh voperience and saiary ropecta- 4îons 10: Caitron Contrais Liii 150 Armsirong Ave.. Unit 50 6 Gnorgniown, Ont. LiC 5G8 Emali: awnslake@caitron.com LICENCED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN Reqsjred immedsaeeiy, fer a very irssy local auromorive repais facîlisy. Tire succearfut cars- dîdate car especr tv earn $20-$25 per boue xsrur~irt sime. Aise eeqaired 3rd or 4ih yrar Appeenhice miro witt bave sire vppvrsuniry 50 increase sheir ukitis & knvretedge. Waees neeosiabte, based on esperleusce. Send ressîne 5v Box 2355 c/o Tire Canudrue Cirampion, t9 t Main Sssees. Mstson. Onsarlo L9T 4N9 * PROACTIVE * SELF-MOTIVATED * EXHIBITS EXCEPTIONAL INTERPERSONAL SKILLS We are a leader in the fresh produce industry and are tisa locafed (n Mihon. Please fao yoar resume je conhdence ta: Fresh Stafl Foods mc. Atm: Human Resources Fax: (905) 878-9010 PANGE0 Ph/AS MA iNC. s a public pharmaceu- ticai manutacturing cnmpany. Were grewing and requise an erecutive assistant 1er our Oakvilie office. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Ysu asti anrk aitir and report directty te the Chret Fînancrai Otticer and ire a member et ho linanco! administrative team aubin a tati paceri and esciting grnwth cnmpaoy. You have a pnst-secnndary degree and 3-5 years et administrative erperience. il s essentiai tirai toc bave neil deveinpod computer skîiis and a strsng orientation te dotait. Prevînus payreii/ benetits on- perience and tire abiiity te cour n bnth French and Englisir wnuid ire an asset. Soird communicationt skiils and tire abiiity te handie multiple tanks simulta- nenusty round eut your qualitications. Thîs s pour nppndunity o joie a ynung, appressive company s/tir ugnîcant groatir opportun tes il nie esird las peu esume te tan (905) 465 2811 We thank ail candidates tes thers interesi, hocever only troue under consirteratien ciii ire contacted. No agencies or telephone catis please. The Haleon Connmunity Rebabliitaelon Cenere Pars rime 3 days per week wieh porentiai for fuit rime. Office AssistaniiRehabilitation Aide Position availairle n pirysiotirerapy ciinic. Tire snccessfui candidate enjoys coririne mitir peopie in a friendly, professional environmens and may irave tire foilowing skills: * Esperience/Edncation in office seceprion, au a medical secrelaey, or an e pirysiotirerapy aide. * Compater esperience * Excellent commanication sinus * Wonks meli independentiy or n a teairo. Please rend resurnes to: 0) EMAIL: info@hcrc.cs 2) FAX: 905-876-3737 Inere rertl 0e a mandotary nito meeting on Tisursday, November 30, 2000 Bt 3:t50 pm. n tire cafeleria Bt 1151 Branle Raad, Osirvitto, Ontaria. Under na circumetances citt facnimite or loto bide be accopted or connidered. Lament or any bid nat necesnanty accepted. Tire Regian 0f Hattan roties on thix advertisemont ta provide pubtic notice 0f tins business appartunity and s not abtigoted ta any potontiat bidders in any other mannes. 00-P-01 6 SUPPLY AND DELtVERY 0F F000 SERVICES CLOSING: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2000 JANE MacCASKILL, CA ACTING COMMISSIONER 0F CORPORATE SERVICES www raglan hatton on calSorvicox/Doaast/Com/Purchanino ACCOUNTING CLEI Georgeeoren menufacturing fi a inighiy motrvated individuel imetiediate opening for ehe p Accounting Cienk. Responsib clude asninting with Account: lnvoicing, Canin Receipte, ans reconscît ictie on. Tire ideat candidate relit han towing utuatifiizaeions: O Enroited n CGAICMA pragi O Treoyearsaccouneing retete esperience O Proficient with Lotus 1-2-3 Competitive salary and exce pioyee benefits are offered. applicant pleane aubmit resur fidence ta: Box 2478 C/O The Independsnt(Freî 280 Gueiph Steret, Georgetown, ON, L7G MANAGER CLIENT ACCOUNTINO Business groatir requrres ieadîng Gakoîlte eeergy cnnsuitîng compano 10 seek versatile diid eepeiienced senior accounting protessionai s manage its client accoontîng tunction. Involves supervision et Ste 6 peopie n prnviding monthiy raterai gar invoicino and tinancial repnrtîng for severai thousand industriel and commercial consumers end on-lime payment ni sever- ai million dollars 10 gas suppiiers. ibis position invoives varjous disciplines as oeil as strong account- 59 qualitîcations. Applicants sbouid have 7-10 years voperience n senior management positions with a rangent business responsibilities, CGA or equivaient, strnng communication sinus, customer service men taiity and abiiity te design and present management reports. Famiiiarity with focal essential and natusai gas indus-try toperience desirabie. Pas jour rosa.. to: (US> 825-1066, Att.. .iohn McGI..is, or s-mail ta: jmcglmlsoucug.cmn. We regret that onty candidates selected for ivtervieore wîtt /re cnntacted. - - PRIVATE SCHOOL IN YOUR AREA Are rvrure.rpevraaivxrfvrv'varcir hieher 5 aptavvc vrtpm0ravsr~OarJsmvr&Senrvr Kindeqrwrevpmgeom wdt mire rhvve eupecrasivrsr ami give errar chitd s/re headvrarr r/rau uvru expeci. A fow apoces arn avalioNs for fuit or part tirno. ~ ton Heights OSVOFOAFSON55SOON5)CiC CC Loeated n Main Ositding 0f Coantey Hon/Cage Paris 144 TUEMMNU RD, MLTON LOT SYS TSI: 005-093-1057 * PAX 905493-1558 Pfease I/relIt-ar te nirri us alarsar t/me. A. MINDENHALL, CPPO MANAGER 0F PURCHASING SERVICES RK CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Sm seeke AVAILABLE NOW! ta f111 an Kelly Serviras vtfers cvrrrperrsrre puyrorrs ord ositian af vppoOvcssses for udvoccrmocr itities in- JUNIOR CLERKS r Payable, Ourses ceiode filme. foxrcg, p/roues Omos fer ovuro t accoune cnet pvsrrson Moss irans b morrs/rsvrcocsrrooos cspecsersce 912/Irs RECEPTIONIST etinefol- Mosrbonrarieasri yearesperreeorreiihpirvrsos. fihing and bandtregcorrerpvndrrrcr St2lIrr- ram ADMINISTRATION SECRETARIRS 4 reorir Oycumro prrsisioc reqorres 2 yeorc cf espccence repvesnesoseniernvaeaeemenr.Exoettensrrerkmne keowlcdee vf Word. Escel, Poreerposur acd Acrens or Excel 516/ire DATA ENTRY tient cm- Lvvksce for parr-srmr? Are yvo oroitairte Men. Wed. lnterested and Fn porr beuru 0v yoo bave inrermediore ee rn con nirritu n Werd Escet urrd Accroc? Mecs buse 900t/r- kupir Tir r pou on r toce sere 513/Ire Tue mary roc ens 5v lirs. Porirreus are correcrty r Prena avala/rtc c Ou/r 55e. Bsrsrceren acd Mrvvsrr auna. Cail roday ro fred vus more' 401 19051 0It2-ddO2 Os risir vus oBcr or _ KEUY 750 Dorsal Osier. Se 505 - SERVICES ~ Count~r Pnlvacy n Dormet Pend Tins raised bungotaw n taadod mitir upgrodos ond n situatod on one csf tino torgose and most privoto tata n Darsot Parle. Doubte cor garage, tngraund poot, 2 Bathrooms, Largo kitchen, Dining Roon, Living Room, 2 Fireptaces. 312 McNabb Crescent. Cati for an sppointmont 905476-0750. nurrua esseauro 0e,, sala, ps/pi, 110<, ont. csrrsnty ta 160K. $16900. Phono oves- ings (905)689-9154. GRAND Marquis Mer- cary, Ina km, ane non- or,19B7, very gaad con- dition. Caîl (519)853- 0656. JOiN nec osciting home bssed business tesm. Peopte nisitis se- quirod Toit traa pro- rocosdod stossago 1- 877-573-3305. NO Feet Casoos Expin- ratinen s a 3-Woek Causse designed te hoîp pea ptan poas ns- rees. Fundod iry HRDC. For more information/to seginfer naît Grace et (905)333. 349W(905)B78-1240.