24-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday,Navember 21, 2000 ý?% à lm BIRTHDAY OPEN HOUS Riappy 90th Birthayd ALICE SMITHTH m AH a 0 haMohawk Inn, ile CampbelivilleS' Gold Rush1 Boom p "xBM1 ntw Sat. November 25 1 ja"w 1-5PM a om Best Wishes OnlySe10 FIANDER - Very proud big aister As and proud parents Ken and Debbie are pleased la, announce the birth of ber brotberitheir son Wada Justin ceigbiing 6 Ibs 8 oz. at Milaon District Hospital on Tuesday, November 14, 2]000 at 6:08 arn. Proud grandparents Bob & Gloria Watson and Daisy Fiander af Nova Scolie also aunts, undles and cousins. Also many thanka ta Dr. Sharma & Mitaso Hospital O.B. staff and to Dr. Waiada. VAaretrLIS , L oreta Sthne bR.N. ofurrone Bo y e fsmig an Noeber 19, 200, et he Joeph ran pta Meora Hspita novher 14,d ye0. ar. Lot Vah ebeed ehlfve and Michael Lovde mtheo Donana oeHst Marie anvdye Sharer Pyeeantaneai Wtnd. Deeart sater aicael Dand DUsaihle antn an ngila,r Aand Jir te a ra swof hasave ad an Ptrueti ari Wtnd ls uriedb bXer, ueade neph GIs-ee Ag9- udneta asdy a d Meuto ara ancdeteor PRieaeasb ass aa on edoesday, November 12, 2000.e 1:30 p.m fage rom Si.e andk' Roant Catol Cndurcli, 19f Renwad Avedn, Brnagn. liu and tr onahti.onssto tore VAm alis Mdeorand Fanrico Critt aly Hspitaly Faod reativ 2200 EintAenus ueal e, Maississaai CONe L5Mok 2New Aranemnt entmLs et oan &X Branurlinglon Clael 637-5233. 1infir 2n FAG aN, n. rn rer Reee -n a al anm by bis wiee Magd n 6.Asupery nnuedTer for, 00 t RtomanChsi rioofrthediocse aiimay Hamilton on g ofrî6h emit orn Ained r ai e Bsic. He Chiic Curedb Teseter n 1996anthe etireen, yitSetee, 2000.l MeaSon, unera Hoe, 18brteelgarc Rd.N aiMaf Ae, Georgetand (905)877-3631o Nwi Ntinue Wednsde romb24ed 7y T7ees a Messp hews Rerei wii bred heisd et hse Haenrts Chllich ond Ahurse Novear 23,an brte 11:00 amntermentl Snnaced Heaer Cometey Roeeswatr. n meoar oonto taed ty theu choic 2,ui b92e apreciate soro MEEAN Shir n vn eoya dea moterdcieWoepated hi col nNoveme 2 4,1992. utn four heaits syou re iway the Anhetea ai moemy iiiu nee dhose, f Wen sls youre fane ayone caugs, Wth tende lve andl eep rgretipi Wu te whinof loen you i neyer toet.wa Loine missa y ai brfasly <A n moias neebrd he form aien onay tin tod The Cnai CEE AN Siety araoin demoy ofapp cia mteadwf h eatdti WALTERS - In loving eemory af Elaina Walters who passed ewsy on November 21, 1993. There wili alceys ha a heartache, And oftan a sulent teer, But elwsys precious mamories 0f tihe deys when yoa cere heme. Wa bold you close ctin our heerts And thare you ii remein, To waik wit us througbout aur lives Unti ce meet again. Sadly mniaaad by Taunya (daughter> Dorothy & Ciayton Tumner (parants) and fàmilv. ta thank ail theïr relatives & fr-tends for their kindness and compassion after the tossoai ur wife &motherRuta. ~Special thanks go ta the nurses on the j2nd flaor surgicat word at Mi ton ~Ditsrict Hospital & Dr. D. tiremermn ?<for their kindness on the ntght ai November 11-12. Thank-yau again ta Mary Bucktey and althose who hetped prepare for theî lucenatrMass on November 13. jSinceretyj LJohnC*rroil & hsChlee AUCTION SALE 'for Mike Beasley Saturday, November 251h at 10:00 A.M. Sale ta be held in the Agrioultura Hall an Robert St., Milton Fairgraunds, Milton. Preview starta at 9 A.M. Auctioneer - Don Colling (905)877-0117 mm i Assessment 2000 Updated Assesament Values for Ail Ontario Properties Ganerai Information Sessions Extended Business Hours TOWN 0F MILTON - The Ontario Property Asseesimant Corporation (OPAC) cili ha holding GaneraliInformation Seesions and extandîng ils reguier buainess hours toaenswer questions about reessent. You are invited ta attend a Gendrai information Session on: DECEMBER 7th, i 3th and 141h, 2000 et the Milton Memorlal Arena Second Floor 77 Thompson Rd., South, Mlton,,ON from 7:3Opm ho 9:OOpm For thosa cho ara not able ta attend tsa seesions, tiha toae asseassment office is iacatad et 6745 CENTURY AVIE., SUITE 1 MISSISSAUGA, ON TEL: 905-813-9930 OR 1-800-387-5909 The office cii remain open until 6:OOpm f rom NOVEMBER 22 ta NOVEMBER 24, 2000, and from NOVEMBER 28 ta DECEMBER 8, 2000 (The office ii close et 4:00 pmn on November 27, 2000) Assassment information is aiea avaitable by ceiting OPAC's information tins toit-iras 1 -866-296-OPAC(6722) Mondey ta Friday 7amn ta lOpm and Saturday 9em ta, Spm, or visit OPAC's cebsits et www.oac.onca OPAC is a not-for-profit corporation asiablishad ta pravide fair and accurae property assesseents for att properties in Ontario. OPAC estabtishes essessed values under ths authority of the Asseasment Ad, and the Ontario Property Assasient Corporation Adt. 1-eeloe..7Î30 DOUBLE ESTATE ALJCIUN bALL For the Estates of Oramr Acker and Paul Black Saturday, November 25 at 10 a.m., Preview 9 LSSI. Milton Optimiat Hall, 311 Commercial St., Milton, Ontario Partial List of Fetures Oak bow side china cab w/lion carving, Esc. Mahag. diningroamn suite, outstanding Oak barrister 4 section stacking bookcase made in Peterborough, lg. Mahog hedroomn suite, Oak country kitchen table w/pressed back chairs, Oak and Victorien side chairs, Watnut kingsize bedroomn suite, etegant Provincial coffre and end tabtes, Cherry breakfast table, nice curia cabinet, too much exc. furniture ta tist in this ad, Hutch and Reuther dinner service, Victorien gerundies, Nippon cocos pot/set, ginger jar, ig. crystal pcs., Fto blue pcs., Cranberr, Singer featherweight sewing machine <mint) #221, 2 Vioiins/bows, ladies beautiful Raccoon coul, oit lamps, btue design cracks (3), Exc. paintings and pnints, several older orientai rugs, Royal Douiton fig., several arts and craft pcs., Esc. buggy wheel table (very unusuai), nice iighting, ail temps, fency tinens, Victorien Cranberry muffiniere, Victorien Cranberry perfume bottie, exceptionai Fia Btue chamber pot, 8 ftuted Victorien Cranberry epergne, mint portrait on lvory, much, much more. Ladies and Gentlemen plan ta attend this fine sale from 2 good local estates. Appros. 350 lots, good from start ta finish. Larger listing availabie on request. Directions: 401 ta Hwy. 25 S. et Milton, ta Main St. L., then R. on Commercial. Terms: Cash, Visa, MC, Debit. Temperature controtîrd hall & delivery. NORM WEBSTER Central Ontario Auctloneers Inc., For further information cai Heather Fiesen 905-704-85 19 LOST Woodward(Joyce ares, emali fiuffy long- baired et - "Prinress, f ire lrigbtenied. Migbt mske ber wsa' beck ta Marlin St. Pltase cai 878-5339. FIREWOOD, $60 fae cord deliverad. Cali (905)693-1530. CARPET 1 bave seveal 1,000 yrds. of nec Stainmaster a 100/. ny- lon carpet. Witt do living- roore & hall for $349. nr- dadaes carpet, psd & in- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 639-2902 TWO tickets for Mapia Leaf s s Senators 25/Nov/tO. Cat $157 eacb, wil accapt Ras- sontable offers. (905)854-9957. MOBILE Computer Tachnical support. We coma ta your home ta salve your computer prolems. Phone 702- 4311. a