Theý Canadian Champion, Tuosday, November 21, 2000 -17 Corne and see our newest Panasonic and Toshiba TVsIVCRs/DVDs Picture quality and sharp ______________ vivid colour are on/y the beginning of B q RC what you get V/Vd DC PiWe with this SuVppleaint your vlowlngy IVAOAR .32" model. wlth a digital satellite! L Premlumi Quality Rotors a Antennias a Pro -Amups m-. Asdhofzsd Dealen PANASONIC, TECHNICS, TOSHIRA MEftrV"S 878-7776 ELECTRONICS etlt 7(hefTM'os-r)8 RP IR *O MOS MAE Fj ' C Photo by GRAHAM PAINE l'Giving snow the brush-off MiItan's firat snow fail made for a littie extra work for Tom Gallinger of Gallinger Motors yesterday. But the white stuif was also fingered as the cause of numerous accidents across the reglon. FTRUCKS, SUV'S & IMIINI VAcNSi Corne & sec our great selection of pre-ownedi vehicles. Ail nrintmn« hsmwim himtn ràdrn~i-ui PPO'- -www.autotader.calpu-rkwayahto-trude 6 MOTi POWERTRAIN WARRNTY INCLUIED IN RLLVEHCILES 8215 LAWSON ROAD., MILTON 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Yeara 26.5% 10.7% 18.1% 13.7% Inceprion Date: ]utne 22, 1988. Annual compoonded teturns as of Ocroher 31, 2000. I Year 3 Years 5 Years Incetos X06% 21.6% 21.9% 19.8% Inception Date: Decenbe 31, 1993. j Annual cornpounded returos as of October 31, 2000. 1 Year 3 Years 1n'a Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years 69.De 28.6% 28.2% 32.9% 10.0% 17.4%- 13.4% Inceprion Date: Ocsober 31, 1996. Incepr.o Date: September 30, 1987 Annoal compounded returns as of Annual compounded returns as of 1 Octoher 31, 2000. October 31, 2000. Discover the powerful growth potential of these TD Mutual Funds. Looking for strong mutual funds that post great numbers? If you are, theres a new mutual fund name you should know about. As a resuit of the ntegration between TD Green Uine" Mutual Funds and Canada Trust Mutual Funds, we're proud to introduce ID Mutual Funds!t This powerful performer gives you access to a significantly expanded range of investment options in over 65 fundo. We've got funds suitable for every type of investor, from conservative to aggressive. So whether you are interested in Canadian, North American or global opportunities, we have the resources, relationships and mnvestment management expertise to help you bit your investment goals. TD Mutual Funds. We're the new naine for mutual fund performance. avla b/e ar branches of lmBANK CI Cariadaruat luWATERHOUSE* oeMutual Funds 170 Motual Fonds are offered by TD Aoser Management nc ('IDAM"), a wholly-owned sohsidiary of TD Bank. Commissions, tratling commissions, management fées and expenses ail may he assooiatrd with mutual 1usd tavearmena. Pieàse read the prospectu hefore investin. The indicated rates of retrm are the historical annual compoundrd total rerums inciuding changes in unir value and retncesrment of Ailstriutions and does flot tahe into accoont oiles, redemptton, distrihution ot optionai charges ot incorne rases payahie hy any secorityhoider thar wou12 hase reduced tetums. Motuai fond salues change frequenrly and past performance roay not he repeated. Mutoal hmnd investmenta are ast insured by thse Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Régie de l'asaurarce-dépôts da Quaébec ansd are sot guaranteed by TD Bards. Effective Octohet 0, 2WO the nasse of each Green Lune mutuai fund has changed hy deietung "Gteen Line" front the nasse and replacing it eith ITD. *Trade.ssatk of TD Bank, TDAM t, a licensed oser.