Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2000, p. 16

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16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 21, 2000 Watch fooù Rd ribbon campaign underway PCs might A&E MA DH lo iigotrdrbos "Let's have a sale holiday season on our streets and hîghways, section MA DHlo iigotrdrbos said Stephanie Dooley, president of MADD Halton. "Our hope is be best b et inFidy' to try to prevent drinking addriving that there will flot be any tragedies in our community this holiday ~~rk~~ays (MADD) want~~~seson. tr aîslclcmagno h 00 f d r to edition of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (AD at h atncatruvie t oa apino h 00 f d r to Th e to ensure no one gets killed due to impaired driving thisec month Ribn-TeOeo o*aet.ycmag ale from FARMERS on page 1 Chapin. this holiday season. Four million ribbons to be distributed But HFA past-preaident Pc SI MADD Canada volunteers from across the country wll distnib- Lambrick - who passd hia tite on DON *AI U I C RS TM i Utc more than four million red ribbons through November and Mr. Tilt recently - said the pa December. which seema to most have its cye N LThc red ribbons serve as a message 10 people on the road to agricultural issues is the Progressi drive sale and sober over the holiday season. Conservatives. "Join MADD Canada's efforts by tlying a red ribbon from your 'Thcy're prepared, or at Icant arc g vehicle 10 remiùnd people flot to drink and drive," Ms Doolcy said. ing us to bclicvc, that they'd put mor - For up-to-date information on the campaign, visit the MADD into Ontaro," he said. Canada wcbsitc at www.madd.ca r...,s- ,I - 'Ni B2T ANNUAL COMMUNITY Saturday, Nov. 25th Crafts. baked goods. unique products. raffle tickets - eveiryone wlns while supporting local community groupsi I !affl 11111M 55 Ontario St. S. SATUADAS 9:»0A.M: TO P.M ISIIAY NOON TO 5P.M 878-3910

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