Evidence shows flu shots right: health department 0 from NOT EVERVONE page 12 and elderly. And it can cost in terms of decreased productivity and Iost days at work. But Ms Parant maintained the free vaccine camres a hidden cost. "tt's probably costing about $45 per shot in health care dollars," shne said. People snouto tncreasç their vita- effect." min C intake and decrease their stress levels to keep the bug at bay, Me she added. But IV "People have been fighting off mercury vîruses forever," said Ms Parant. is Iras tih "People should really be asking sumptio questions for being sure it's for them before their doctor pokes them in the arot." She also questioned the safety of the shots, citing the unknown effect of precervatives such as mercury found in the vaccine. "We have to, really think about what we start," said Ms Parant. "It coutd have a cumulative rcury dose minimal ls Blake said the dose of found in the yearly shots an the daily permitted con- s. According to the Ministry of Health and Long Trrm Care, the average tolerabte daily mercury intake for a 60 kg woman is 42.6 micrograms per day. An aduit mate of 70 kg can safe- ly consume about 49.7 micrograms per day. A flu shot contains 25 micro- gramns of mercury. Though the vaccine is free, it isn't mandatory. And that means there's a choice to be made, aaid Ms Parant. "Wr take more time choosing a pair of shoes than we do this med- ication," she said.1 Several local sehools hosting free flu shot clinie.s for public Flu shots make good sense to bueinesars. Andi in an effort to krep sick days to a minimum, employers have bren thinking about bring- ing the new Universal Influenza Immunization Program (free Olu shote) to, the workplacr. "The number of calîs from buaineasea have really picked up in the past few weeka," aaid Ann O'Hara of ParaMed Home Health Care. "There's a lot of intereet in workplacr flu ahot clinice." And several local achools have agrerd to hold free, no appoint- ment necrsaary public Olu ehot clinica. Yesterday a cliiei took place in the Milton District High School cafeteria. And Biehop Reding Secondary Sehool, 1600 Main St., will hold a clinic Tursday, Dec. 5 from 4:30 to, 8 p.m. in ita cafeteria. And Brookville School, 1325 Guelph Line, in Campbellville w*Ill hold a clinie in ite gymnasi- um from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednecday, Dec. 20. For more information, caîl the Halton Region Health Deparement Flu Line at (905) 82-6158. 71 3ovnt mis$ the 'l Mittonm SaNrta Claus Pzvabc Sunday, Nov. 26 at 2 p.m. 8a sure la lake pail la ail the lealivtlas durinu lhiç Holi1day Season hroughi la yen hy ihie 081A and down- iewn marchants. Dec. 9-16-23 Chlld Car@ 10 arn -4 pm fer Dewntown Shoppers. Fer children ages 2 te 10 ai DBIA Office. Maximum 2 hoaro. No charge with prool ef parchast frem demeleme stores. Dec. 16 & 23 Santa and Mns. Claus miii be shopping in downtewn Milles f rom 10:00 amite 3:00 Pm. Cerne doms and meet them. Dec. 16 à 23 The Victorien Carollera miii be etrelling lrem clore te stere between 11:30 arn - 2:30 Pm. Cerne iein asteor coern lmaditiesal Christmas Carels. Dec. 16 &23 Horsedrawn Wagon Rides on Main LK Street. Ceurtesy et the DBIA 'dA r . iyi Meet Doug Laird iperson Meet The Artilst at the 345 Steeles Ae Milton 878-81-61 Friday, Nov. 241 7-9 pi.m.. Saturday, Nov. 2511 1-4 p.m. Ha ve,, your print personalized in gold leaf by Doua ... idéal for gift- giving Anexeln sellection of limited r edition prints wl be available 7r~s -~Li