Tise Canadian Champion, Frnday, November 17, 2000 - 7 SO UR READERS WRITEL Aggrgatecompnie To those Who sacrfficed on ouir behaif, we W11I always remember gliven bad rap; us think about it: reader Dear Editor: deserted was disappoîntment. As the minutes As we slowly drifted away in the minutes that Thbis year my wife and I plsnned to go witis our ticked toward 1l a-Iln., isowever, people began, followed, I overheard someone say it was a Dear Editor. 16-month-old daughter to Use Remembrance Day srriving, in ones and twos, young familles like shame notising hsd been organized for Use ceno- Those damn aggregate companies just services, and we miased the article in The ours, older couples and seniors. tsph. I disagree. Our shared moment of aponta- aren't good enough for John O'Drowsky Champion snnouncing that tisey would be held ait Fmom eveay aide street, people came, pulled by neous Usankfulness and respect wss as geesuine as (October 17, Aggregates not the fine cor- Evergreen Cemetery. ans invisible magnet, to stand on the grass sur- any memnorial ceremony. To those who sacrificed porate citizens they appear 10 be). tnstead, we srrived at what seemed Use obvious rounding Use cenotaps. More than 100 people on our behalf, we remember to work, or drives to visit friends. Was a 10:30 a.m. My tintI reaction on finding the park member or praying a prayer of Usanksgiving. Bronto Street rosd used to bring his newspaper to him? Are roads used to transport the materials of which his newspaper is made, and the . - 7', .'.e equipment that were used to make it? r M/mC Were not roada essential in hringing ail * these tings within his reach, and the resch of every reader? What about smbulsnces a nd lire trucks? The liaI seema endless. Surely readers know that the stsbility of à tisose roada depends on a grsvel and sand * base, and that the tarmise surface requires At Sem, we ore big enough ta ha»e what you want... gravel too. The resulîing network of roada but smai enough to care who you ae * bringa us nearly every convenience that makes humas life better. No one is exempt * Ohi I fro 'm the transportation benefits that tise aggregaîe companies iselp to make possi- i*A bIe. tt's ironic snd ridiculous tisat Mr. O'Drowsky even wanîs to protecs our SALE PRICES STAT MQNDAY, NOVEMBER 20 AND END SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26,2000 roada from tise trucks used by the very Mr. O'Drowsky argues tisai the aggre- gale industries aren't good corporate citi- gis zens. t encourage tise reader of tisis paper to consider tise building he's in, as ise * reads. Were sand, gravel and concrete ' used to build it, or at least to build its foundation? Does it protect s business, or your cisildren, pets, and valuables? Tise sggregate industry la essential to its con- $ Ef struction. Given tise importance of tise N m $ 9 S v on teamn$ 0 industry to tise building of tise homes in Lowest puce of the »USOf on Kenore 'Speclal EdigS Knion'f-cu wisicis we live and tise buildings in whiicis Kenmore 19.9-cu. ft. bidge super capacly wauhe and dw yoeb anl we work, it strikes me tisat we sisould be With top freezer. Includes bonus icemnaker. 4 glass Washer c20usas Seara reg. 749.99. 5»»s Fluis-.t wth auome. o 1 t9h. sisouting tiseir praises to thse skies. Tiseir half-width shelves. ceosm. Sears reg. 1199.99. Diyer. m962. Seas reg.6 579.99. 479 ess er rg»09 9 service la wonderful and remarkably Metali In Whit1e, Blacki and Almsnd 8 9 ciseap. Every second of every day their olrneasonae producîs are involved in iselping us live. t consider tisat wonderful corporate citizen- sisip. Corporate citizensisip sisould be mes- sured by wisat a company produces, not by wisat it gives away, or has extorted front t by politicians. Our politicians sisould give back tise $307.000 levy tisat tise aggregate industries were coerced into paying. Wisat I- tise industry does day-to-day is already el more tisan sufficient citizenship. Just as our children depend upon tise 112 price 1/2 price Nowi 49999 Now~ 119" dgeeoni insr tise ftr T iree wiso Kenmore 14-stitcs sewing Kenmore uprigisi vacuum. Kenmore Ultra Wass 4-cycle Kenmore 0.7-cu. Il. microwave. uderanda tiise te to Theci isis ife machine with 32 stitcs funiclions. Features a 12-amp motor for dishwasher. Features 3 wash Fealures 700 watts of power udeend o tse geate industryisoldf #12914. Sears reg. 499.99. deep cleaning. On-board tools. levels and 'Quiet Guard'. and one-toucs cook funiction. haved no dut as to iat to do tt tsel 24 "38o3o. Sears reg. 299.99. #15592. Sears reg. 579.99. #86020. Sears reg. 129.99. escarpment. It's tise limestone of tise1 9 escarpment, not ils rall colours, that will enhance tise lives of our future cisildren. However, tisis will only isappen if our soci- O* ss eîy ceaves tise aggregate industry free to turn tise escarpment into valuabte life-giv- ing products. Il's better tisat tise entire escarpment he leveled to make roads and homes for ciidren, tisan tisat it be pre- R.gist.r.d trademorh ol KechenAid USA. KfltwnAid Canadao licensee in Canada served s0 some people can gaze tovingtyST OS 10NisinRd at its inert rocks. It's better tisat our cisil- M OR 0Npsigd dren tour a large quarry operation tisan Locally Mm Tm, Wel tllum- view a feos rare, escss-pment plants. At tise owned and amt~~ l Fnl-Ilslpm MAIST. quarry, tisey can learn tisat blind faits operated by J s îPpaS:pm 0155 RD.S doesn't mnove mounitains. tnstead, tisey JonSmsnTEBA D OUW N 04813 L5~ will leam tisat mans fantastic mind, wisen TH WNSY UWA T958840 using reason, witl [mnd ways to move AT THE STORE YOU TRUSTO mounitains to, improve bis life. D1194000 Cpii 2000 Se. Coado Inc Richard Bramwel RR 3, Milton