4 - The Canadiarn Champion, Friday, Novembar 17, 2000 TUNE-IIP NOV! EXIDE BATTERIES Bulit in Canada to endure our Was Canadian winters. Accredited Test a Retsslr Fadllty * PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION AN» WATERMAIN & WASTEWATERMAIN REPLACEMEN MEADOWBROOK DRIVE, ROBINWOOD CRESCENT AND ANNE BOULEVARD TOWN 0F MILTON 'fic Town of Milton and tic Region of Halton will. ehrough a joint effort, rcconstruceing roadwsys andi replacing cxiseing watermalns and wastc- water mains on the following strects, in thc Town of Milton. -Meadowbrook Drive f1romn Heslop Romulto Belli Street, -Roblnwood Cresceut mand, -Anne Boulevard frou Broute Street te Bal Street Tue work is proposed to bc phaseti over a two ycar period, beginning with construction in early 2001. A Public Information Centre wil be helti: DATEL Thursday, November 23,2000. IML 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm PLACE.I Hugli Poster Hall (Kinig Stuct, nexe to Town Hait> The Public Information Centre is being helti ta provide thc public with moi opportunity ta review projcct drawings mnd ta duscuss mooy potential cono- struction diaruptions from thc proposeti works. Town of Milton, Region of Halton staff, moithUi enginenng consultant, wilt be present ta answer questions. Interestet pensons are inviteti tu drap in dwuing Uic above-noteti houri ta review anid comment on the proposeti design. if you are unable ta atten'd.,Use Public Information Centre and wish ta obtain more infornmaton or provide written commenta, pleme atdresa yoî, concerna to: Phu Autonlow Town Of Mltmn 43Brown Street Milton, ON L9T SM Tel.- 905411117252 (et. 2161) Fax: 905-8472192 Woody Teufel, Desiffn Supervisor Reglona Muaicipality Ouf laIItas 1151 Broute Road Omkillue, ON L6M 3Ll Tel: 905.825.630 (ext 7617) Fax: 905447-2192 Gary Tmousey, P.Eag. P bâupa Engineering L t. 3215 North Service Roudi, Si x 22, Burllngton, ON L7R3YZ Tel: 905.335.2553 Fax: 905-335-1414 ,A1look back Hlstoric Homes and Buildings of Milton author Maraha Waldle (Ieft) and photographer Konrad Richter display copies of the new publication (sec- ond edition) st a book aigni- ing et the Harrop Restaurent Saturday. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE GEORGETW GE CINEA eV235 GUEPH STREET 31B OTHE RuMwS M POZs D* 645P. .0r pin, est & Sur. 2:15 p.. MEET THE PARENT DaIy 6:45 p.m. & 9:00 pan. Sn & Sum 2:00 p.m. Àà