Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Nov 2000, p. 30

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30-The Canadian Champion, Frlday, November 17, 2000 Skiltod Mqlp Officettofp Office J$elp Officek$ep Mechanic mith nome f experience. Must have , ~ t p i n s omo lotis. CatI Joe aI R e p i n s (905)878-669. 123 m.600P CNC - Mfiing Machinist. 1:0p :0p 0005 2-3 yeane esperi- As a resourcetul, flexible, and outgoing member ot our ence requirent for busy purcnaasîng team, pou mili portons reception and clerical shop in Georgetomn. tuties thnat: requins a protessional munner and strong grssp of Fanuc espenience Pre- established procedures. You are tetail oriented and committed benref ilcia ; Shill to extending te highext protessional courtesy in ail argus ot monta requirent; Excellent customer service and able to produce a m/do variety ot milage for the righl per- potishent documents and reports. son. Cati or-fos neaume vou fhsse a minimum of three pears' administrative esperience 6335 Fax:e <905)873- mhere pou have managent mail distribution and dispatching et 4889.taxes using Rightfas software. You are aIse proficient mith MS LOCAL construction OfiencungEel companry s in neent of a 00e taire pride in oun projecto, value our emplopees, sont buln first on second yean can- caneers. If pou have mhat il talies to loin our teans, please apply penteros appaenlice as in mniting to: melI as a licencent car- penter expeniencent le H.R. Manager ail aspects et commer- DUFFERIN CONSTRU11LCTION COMPANY cial, residential. Salany 690 Dorval Drive, Suite 200I commensurate mith ex- Ookviîîe, Ontario LBK 3WV7d penience. Must have Fax: <905) 842-7974 oms transportation. Please tan (905)693- w w-.i tructi0n 0885. RECEPTIGNIST A hi9hly energetic, positive, multi-tasking individual ta or ut a oun continually grow- ing design flrm. MunI have experience in Microsoft word and with busy, multiple fine phone systeto. PIeuse formant resume along withasalary es;ectations to: Tuaa@ThomasPeo faCrouap orlfax ta 905-338-ON ACCOUNTINC CLERK Georgetown manufacturing firm seetasj a highly motinated individual ta filI an immediate opening fer the position of Accounling Clark. Respensibilities in- clude anaisting mith Acceunts Payable, lnvoicing, Cash Receipts, and account recenciliations. The ideal candidate will have the fol- lewing qualifications: " Ennoilen in CGA/ChIA program "Two pears accounting relatent work experience " Profacient with Lotus 1-2-3 or Excel Competitive nalary and excellent eco- pleyee benefits are offered. Interestet applicant pIeuse submnit resume in con- fidence te: Box 2478 CIO Thse Iadepeaadmmt/Free Prese 280 Guaelph Strat, Georgetowen, ON, L7G 401L F/T BDOKKEEPER /DFFICE ADMINISTRATOR HaItoma Rato7r Nomais a non-protit lovg-turm rsdnia realmunt tacîlîtp for men. The idoal candidate miii have the tollowivg: e 3-5 peurs booktaeepîng/sttice admin. top. 'protîcient knowledge of Simplp Accoontivo & Windows 2000 software e paptoîl admivistration knowlndgn onecellent commonicatîvon ont interperseval SOuIS * vautd driver's licence Rosomes shouit bu subailled by Nov. 27, 2000 lu: NAITO IIECOVEIT NOUS humai Dolivary0 Noeahy, M LOY IIE Attentioa: Chalrparm, Ummao heourcos Coauattao RECEPTIONISTIDATA Estrp position availall fuiltime. Ws olfer a competitive saiary basent on esperience and abiri. Espenience requirent, il pou are ce- rosi orientent asd meli- oabls, pîese fax pour re- noms 10: SL-Speciat Laboratories Lt.., Fus: (905)876-3729 REP-PMARM irequîmes o pa/t-ime QUALIFIED APIC for oui Hfamilton Norcoîico Qepadmeol. This punition moult suit a reliront plirmaciol. Please fax resu me lu Bill ai 1-800-668-1340 Ll ;I -, I&VON HALTON - Urgentiy requires: RN's a RPN's *PSW's *HCA's * HSW's To work in institutions and the community for the NatIon Region. Fax resume bo: Joanne or Wendy (905) 827-2162 BUSY general dental practice, Milt:on, accepting ap- plicants for a receptioniafs position. Experience with cemputerized systema necessary, certification an asset. Fniendly, ostgeing, cereer-mindet applicants are encouraged 10 aubmit resumes: Fax 878-0557 or drop off 106 Wakefield Rd. FULL limte/Pant lime esperiencet Dental Assistant for Campbelhalle office. CatI Wendy et (905)854- 2247. PRIVATE SCHOOL IN YOUR AREA Amare.rexpecuiisaa.rjiarssurcaild higher rhusoap4 sose lpmogmm'nOurJunior &Senior Kindeqîarn pommu asi0 maise shsarex cxpcauiss and ose siasa chiddthe heax/.iiaiiaasaf.oeci A tom spaceas are avadabie fer full or porl lame. SMilton Heights OIV, 0F SAFE AND SOI050 CIc INC Lontentiw Main Building et Country Heattage Park 144 0MAIN0 R, MILTON LOT 2Y3 TIL: 9000403-1507 - FAX- 90-93-15138 P/lax (fre fi s r'iit'a ut a nt/e Nom accepting J2!L applications for SSUPPLY 'WTEACHERS Foin Hll School is a cu-edocaliovai ochool lor sIx- dents in Pre-ochool iliroogh Gr. t mlv wi respond 10 a chalongivo programmo. Wo aro insiting applications for suppip loaching aI bolh oui Oshoillo ont Borlînglon composes. Pleano faxorv mail ronomos lu. Fern Hili School 3300 Nîrîli Lino Rd, OR #1, Dakuilo, 0v. LBJ 42 Fax: (905) 257-2002 BONUS! www.miftoncanadia;nchampion.com MANAGER ATTENTION ap Shnetflig m CLIENT ACCOUNTINU AIL LANDIORDS & TENANTS Deoleaon M/ion. Prois Business groalli reqaîres leatmng Gakuif le energy FREE listing ant reterral service parking. Roferences caesaltîng company Io senk verootile ast tepermencet Ion tant arts sont tenants ned . Cai 875-2424 senior accoenling proteosmuva Iu manage ils client nenting apartments, teohoases or moins occounlîvg turiction. Iivlm supervision ofi 5 lu 6 in Hatilon- peuple in prouiding monthy nalorai gos inuuicing and linancia repodîing tor oestral lhouoand industria ont commercial connumers ant on-lime paymont of oestr- ai million dollars lu gos soppliers. This position invoivos ourios disciplîves as el as strong accoont- ing qualifications. Applicanlo nhouid haut 7-10 peurs ooperîence in senior management positions mît ao range of business responsibîilies, CGA or eqoîvalent, strong communication ukilis, costumer service mev- iaily and ohility Io design and psesenl management roports. Famîianîly sitr Excel tosenlia ant sabura gos indosmp enpenience denîrobie. Fax liour ressento te: t9NS) 025-1059, Atoi. johfs MeOlonle, or "-ail 10: Imelo- DIO"eaa.caa. We regret fidal Ou/la candîdates se/octet for intervîtws wi/ ho contcte/. I UAHýuivtH t-equira 15 boums per mesta, 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Menday 10 Pnidap for Ilinsa boys. Close to Miteso District Hi9li Sclioei. Plions aI offrce (905)863-4348. CARING Home lias npaca for 2 pre-sclioo- ans. Infants melcoma. Receipîs. 876-4415. DAYCARE my home. E.CE., frng ait, suIt- flieus lunches & snacks. Piannent activities, sut- deen play. (905)876- 4473. DAYCARE requirent for 6 menîli infant. Mon.-Fi. Voun home or mina. 876- 2777 GUALITY taycane available. Play centre, hi- bnsny, crafl s, walks. Cai Carol ai 876-0620. RAINBOW Village Day- cane has oe Tottier set limitent pre-scheei spacas avaitable. 00e have boss pnoviding an nariy ieaiming pmogramn including computens, arsas uic since 1989. 878-7552 RELIAULE Dapcars availabte. Wilson & Woodward ares. Pase caI 876-4978. SAFE ast Sound Ch/tdrans Cente volet Mitron's 1isi choice in licencet chitt cane. InIante t0 sctseel age. Thnaa locations. Pamiiy cretits. Sabsinty upon qualifying. 875-1955. 878-0537 ARE pon in tir iglit ce- meer? Want somnthing nsm? No fes Caresr As- ssssmenls in Milles for asempiopat people. Cail Myrna aI The Cas- Ire, (905)878-1240, for an appointmn. Font- et by Homan Raaoorc- ns Deneiopmsnt Cano- ta. auto, ps/pt, 118K, ext. warranly 10 160K. $16,900. Phone aven- ingo (905)689-9154. SAL ES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WfIiH FAMILY VALUES fit-OY- SELI -LEASE LARGOOt SELECTION 0F UISEO VEHICLES IN MILTONi 875-2277 To lease or putoltase your car orltrck Hy2S.aDMRd. 878-2393 JiM'S Moving & SIen- age. Lecal & long dis- tance. Fiat rates seaul- alte. Cail Jim, (905)659- 4064. SELF stonage, lisaIent, sprinilrsrs, varions siz- es, low monthip rates ouaI 15 min. Irsm Mil- Ion) 905-866-7464. MAN ssekîng roomn or bachelor apartment, sn- expansive in mmmu for basic home main- tenance. Excellent raIen- ancen. 1-800-667-8737, Rus. mer, widw Bs ronte at o(20<asthmc n A/C >2--0 nt 1999. Cpne o tl29te,9 ao.200 ono 070-0006 o an oo Sundr ,3f ay No. 19 d 2odr om p.m.sinal - iise S aemn p.m Counstry Prlvacy Ian Dorsot Park' This maisant bungalow sa toatet miîh upgrutss sont is situaent on ose of tihe lurgest ant mest pnivale lots in Dorsal Punrk. Double cnr garage, Ingrounci pool, 2 Balhrooms, Large iritchen, Dining Room, Living Room, 2 Pireptaces. Asiring $257,900. 312 McNabb Crescent. CaI for an aseoinîment 905-876-0750. house for rend, 1 1/2 bathreoms. Availale December 1.Vear ase. $970 + utilities. Cail al- ler 5 s.m. 875-2880. xapax. isaxo eu iA plus. (519)853-5080, (519)853-5352. DOWNTOWN Milton. Two bntnooms spart- ment available Dec. 1 $790 a month, hat in- cludent. (905)878-6795. GEORGETOWN- South, 2 bedroons base- ment, fuit kitcheni, sepa- rate entrance, parking for 2 cens $850/moolli ait inclusive, tirsalant nnn-smoirsr/no pets, 873-3929. ONE betroomn spart- ment, utilities mnci., pri- vais parking, ns pets/smoking. firot & last mn aduance, soilabin for single, suailabis Dec. 878-3178. ONE liedroons, 2 park- ing spots, Southers vinm, 101h tiser, monthfp $1.100 (AIl inclusive as- cept telaphons) Avaîl- alte Novembsn/ De- cember. Jean ut (905)319-1292. MILLSIDE TOWERS - 92 MîLLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bstnooms available on bus route, frsshlp tisco- ratent, 2 appliances, on-site taundny scIantes ail utitities (escept phone & caNe.) No pets. Retenances nequiret. Available Dec. 1. Slarting Ires $940. Office Heuns are l Oam-Spm 905-876-1249 By appeiximeni onlp ONE betroom, gas hsating, separate an- trance, parking, mnci. utIl- iris (sot plions). South of Campbellvitls $750 tirst/lant. Rafenencen (905(854-9957. SMALL 2 bntroem, up- par dupiso, toon, $775 + hytro, fînsl & lest, uvailable Dec. 15 (905)302-5802. SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 lied- rooms. Prsshly paintent, briglit. Campatitîve rent. Bunlinglon higli ise. Wall maintainet. Con- vesient location. (905)333-9846. Noon - 8 p.m. storefrn tien. Cai Yvî lie Broker, Woods Real 878-2095 MULTI-Punp in.1800 ofieLarge outside Excellent yard and 2888. VACANT, dl rent in Bror nq.ft., $700 t <418)787-11 inga <416)78 lasse, 50-t Ave, W. Cs 0648. 0FFICE/RE for rent. C 5550 Chris- Christie & Exste Lt. ose build- sq.ft. mith dos contractons ahop. 876- ian store for ktville, 800 imootti net. 25, even- .1-9410. aIl 905-272- TAIL Space ampbeiviile 98. bnp hobby fami situaent 30min. dniving radias af Eden Milin, Rodemoont. Cas tatas immediate possession or mithin 4 to 6 monîlis. No agents please. Caîl in con- fidence 519-858-0921. SPECTION PITPALLS. Fripe .Report reveals mhal yen nien te knom belons peu tint pur home for sale. Free recordent mensage 1- 888-475-8645 ID#9000 Chris Nemeli RE/MAX BIne Springs. ATTENTION HOME- SELLERS Frai eort neveain how te gel top dollar for pour home se peu gel the price you recordad messaga 1- 888-475-8645 ID#1016 Chnin Nemeli REIMAX Blue Springs. AVOID Legai Mistakles When Seliing Voar Home. Belons listing yor beome, Ftree pl reveais 3 errons te, avoid that can cost pou thon- sants. Pnee recordet message 1-888-475- 8645 IDIIlOil Chnis Nemeil RE/MAX BIne Springs. OLDER home in pri.me location in Milles. Wall mainitainet. OPEN HOUSE: Sandap 2p. m. - 5p.m. $289,500 (905)878-0408. PROGRESSIVE Sports Store for Sais. Pamiip omnet ast operutet. Relails ast services limant noms Sports Equipment, Foormear ast Appurel. Omner Rn- lining. Training asd fi- nancing available ru the niglit psnson/partnesrofu gnoup. Cal Gary Quis- ton, Royal LePage Re- aitp (519)740-6400. aLSI D ON aH INERE Mr M I

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