Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Nov 2000, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Fr/day, Novera/a 17, 2000-29 Generai Help General Help General Haip ONTRI MRC 0 DîES ddiaid Ii îttoinite /e. l'AKF-41Mlc SALMS AND ADMINISTRATIVE opportun/ties for enthusiastc, customer- service oriented people are ana/Jable in our Lifetime Furniture G/aliy. Part-time Sales candidates must be able to work flexible houns /nclud/ng weekends. Previous selling and/or des/gn experience and asset. Administrative candidates must have solid bookkeep/ng, secretar/al and organizat/onal capabil/ties. Previnus roIe(s) in executive assistance an asset. Please delîven resume to our Furniture Departmrrent during store hours: Daiiy 10-6, Fridays titi 9. 49 Eastern Avenue, Acton, (519) 853-1031 AZ DRIVERS Experienced rompany dnivers reqsîred for cross border L.T.L. rnispany. We affer: Ass/gned premisea laie model eqîî/pment Home seekendu Paid pirk-aps, drops & saîlîng t/me tteneft package & Safiely bonus $5000 s/gn on tonus We also offer pro pen ira/n/cg io rereni dnriving sctool graduaees. CalliA-800-463-1475 ext. 311 Ask for Tom DuMont or Gien Wilkinson Baker! Baker! Baker! required immediaieiy lor our mai tsceied cafeteria, Sun. o T/tors., 3:30pm ts midnigt Seii-moiaied, wil/tngte1 lears ses concepts. Vteneiis VCompeiie wspe sitar. opporiuniiy APPLY IN PERSON TO LUKE OR MARYI.OU AT: haver Fois Ltd (a Calla Ca.) Shhridan Colloe,< Gakillie Cafteria 1430 Trafalgar Rd., Galinrlle ION 2Ll Burlînglon Association for the lntellectually Handicapped Our Association, silh a mission te assure Ihal ail individuais s/t/t an intleerlsl tandicap es/sp a meuninglul fi/le siltin their community. requîtes: P/T Hiome Support Workers *12.57li (. .40*/li la len et beisaff Support Workers are eoperted lu support aduls in sur tomes is ail aspects of their dsîly living, isclutting persoosi cane, soc/ai and tousetsid skilis and romn- mueity inclusion. Support Workers are requited lu sstk aI least 20 hours pet week and are 1 te so aaiatie Io aerk o osriety ot st/fts lhrsuttsul te weet and weekesd. Support Workers con ase sort up le 40 heus pet wek aheo sofilabie. The work scheduie is aise fleibihe te alsow support workers lu pick aoo/labie shifis t/t suit teir needo. Resumes accepted until Decembet 15/2000, te: BAIH, Human Reourcos 3057 Mainsay Drive Bur/isolon L7M lAi * Fsx: (905)335-9919 We t/tank a/it app/icanls, houwever, ou/y Ihose se/orted for interview wI/t e cool oc/ed. Halton Recycling Limited is noor racruitimg Sorters/Plant Labourers Day/Afternoon shits available Pleaae fax reaumne to: (905) 336-3034 HALTON HELPING HANDS Ral/able, considerala cleaning hef p required for the M/lIon area. " Aýbility1b en ihsnosadpyial dialdpeople " Raliable transportation required * Flexible part lime hours Momday - Fr/day * Pa/d train/mg & travel altowances Cali Carol or Pamn at 878-6403 or oemd reoume by Fax to 844-5656 We are a leading Canadian producer of prefabricaled roof spalemn and are seeking a individual for oun ware/touse operal/ona. Vour dufies woaid include ohipping and race/v/cg, maints/nmg a /nvenlony and processing onders. We will fully Ina/n te righlt molivafed penson who is w/Il/mg te work unsupenvised w/fb ded/caled work babils. FIease contact: Paul Whaley, General Manager H20 Product Sol utions, Inc. 295 Alliance Rd. Unît #2 Milon, Ontario Tel 905-875-2363 i 1 aI " lu "Free Trutining" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US Cati us now at: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laidiaw is an equal opportunity employer PLANNERANVENTORY CONTROLLER Cunwood Packaging (Canada) Ltd. currently has an opening for a Plannar/inventory Controfaer. The auccaaaful candidate wilI ba reaponaible for planning and allocating rawi matariafs for production ordara and maintaining accunata rave mafalf and finiahad gooda invantory racorda. Applicants ahould posss good varbal and writtan communication akilla, an enfhuaiaatic naaults orientad approach f0 problami sohving and fha ability te work wifh a minimum of suparvision. Good computar skiffs ara raquined and knowladga of Microsoft Offica applications is an assai. Ralafed asperianca on educafion prafarrad. lntarastad applicant s should submif resumes prior te 5 p.m. on Wadnesdlay, November 29, 2000. Curwood Packaging <Canada) Ltd. Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4S2 Altn: Mr. Gary Gabat Fax: (905) 877-6711 Are you an crner eic persos, IPN wanting ou ror1 in a fast paced environinent? Wr are curetiy acrpllg applica- tW ions for ithe fo liowing: F/T.P/T Short Order Caoss P/T WaitersfWlatresses /TP/T Disbwasher F/T.P/T Fuel Blar Cashiers Apply in person: Fift Wheel Tract Stop 40 Chisliolm Dr., Milton SALES & MARKETING A successful Georgetown manufacturer in the auto reps/r, aftermarket sector has an immediate requirement for a Sales and Marketing assistant. The suc- cessful candidate will have sales and marketing exper/ence and be a crea- tive, team player. Some travel is ne- qu/red and remuneration is commen- surate w/th expenience. Apply to: Box 2476 C/O The Independent & Free Press 280 Guelph St., Unit 29 L Georgetown, ON, L7G 4BI BO0NUS! ALL Classified Ads appear ait... www.mHltoncanadianchampion.com Sales Representative Matroland Newapaper in Milton is seeking a Ra) Esîste Sales Reprasentative who is highly motivatedi and can achieve resulta in an aggreasive salas almosphare. Be part oftan award wimming team with an attractive compensation package imcluding aalary, commission and car allowance. Your respons/biit les include: a Serv/cing and growing existing accounts. " Prospecting for and acquiring new accounts. a Prepaning forma, wnitten and visual presentations. " A keen desire to, succeed and advance. " The ability to manage severai producta concurrently. a Good communication, organization and team skiis. Fiase forward resume to Attention: Wendy McNab, Advertising Manager Box 248, 191 Main St. E. Milton, ON IL9T 4N9 1 - Lâuj ' ' SALES MERCHANDISER We are seeking an aggressive self-starler to under- take sales and merchandising responsibilities, part- lime, for the Mass Merchandisers, Drug and Pet Traite in the Oakville/ Mississauga area for a leading manufacturer of confectionery, pet food and food pro- ducts. Previous relater] experience would be pre- ferred. Please fax or e-mail resume to: Advu.tqe 1 Wm. Ounce illit Associâtes Ltd. Wood . bridr, Ontario e Fax: (905) 856-5241 e-m 1: dclark@asmc-wmdunne.com Snow PIow Owner/Operator rqr'd ty construction îror for Ite 2000I-2001 season. Must /tave u min. 7.5'pios & fa avaîlutie 10 pios /n S/W Eloticake &/or S/E Oakoilie. Intesled candidates ploase caîl (9U6) 842-Ml BUSY Milton couriar company neads tiro- tan/dr/vers. Must tave owfl cor. Purt-t/ma tours iead/ng le ul lime. Fao rasuma te (905)878- 2373 or coui Solunge De Santis ut Desunleo Services, 905-878- 5548. ulary dleanmg company raqu/ras part lima ta/p. Would uit uudanîs or st/ft son/tam. Waga ne- gul/abia. cal (905)299- 0285 and lasa mas- sage anp lima. FLOORING inolaliers wantad for seI aslah- Iistad fluormg company. Minimum 3 years as- panienca sith corpat, vi- nyl, sur/sala and tard- wood. Own louis and nafarances requirad. Fus tsndwn/iten nasure le 519-853-4722 PULL T/ma castiar wunlad Monday - Fr/day, 0:30-5:30. Campbeati- villa. 854-2554 - cuti Ion uppoinîmenl. Wil Ira/n nigt parson. General H-etp Genèra1Kefp LOCAL taure improva- WAREHIOUSE position ment contracter, ne- availahla full lima, If pou quiran tarlsonkimg, are tandworting and s el1f-m ri depandlal pansn, sauet/i rInadlr car- pleasa las youn resaura pan/tr knnwiedgeswould 10: SL-Spacial Labonalo- ha an assaI. Mare snf0. rien Lld., Pas: (905)87- Phone (905)331-9333 3729 WERE MOVING TO MILTON! Due la imcreased volume sn bus/mess, Cutler-Hammer, a leader in the desgm, mamufaclurmg, markteig and servcmg of elacn/ca and electnon/c compoments, assembieo and systema.s /5 reloca- ing to a langer fac/lily/mn Miton. T kaap up w/t demamd we are cur- ranI y seekng h/ghly mot/vatad /ndividuals te f/Il pou/i/ioms for: ASSEMBLY AND WIRING The succasoful candidates wIl work f nom drawmgs and instruc- lions f0 w/ne and assemble ow/lch/toards, bu/Id steel ca/t/mals, instal instrumentaton and comîrol w/ring. The appl/camls muaI have pr/Or wont-related expenience and be knowledgeabla in the areas of elactromechancal assembly, w/r/mg and achemal/ca. MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY The succesful candidates wIl wort freim draw/mngu and insîruc- f/ens te assemble componento and modules for sw/tctboards, delarmina raIl layout, bu/id steel cabi/nets and inotai romponents. The applicamîs must have pr/or wort-neated esper/anca and ha knowledgeatle in the aneas of sseurhly. MACHINE OPERATORS The sucrasoful candidatas w/ill sel-up amd operata fabrication equ/pmeml imciud/ng: piarce ail, brake press, tunnel punch and NC stear. Pren/ous brate pneus and fabrnication aspan/anca and the ah/lily to read ocheuratcs ara dafIn/te assels. If you bei/ave thaf you pososos the appropniate st/Ils and w/shte1 ha part of a w/n/mg leam, please forwsnd your rasume te: Human Rasourcea, Cufler-Hammer, 2160 South Service Road Wast, Oakville, Ontario, L6L 511 Fax (905>027-4624 * E-mail odorli@ch.atn.com No phone ca/tos please. Only Ihose selacfed for an interview wIl ha ronlsclad. Pran/ous applicoots need mot sppy. SCutler-Hammer nfadue.e living w/rh a d/uabi/ity, correpîn/y, requ/re4 a fnl-n/e... Building SuperICoupUe ..with a difference tascd in Qats île, tis 59-ccii pnopcnsy tas a number of tenants wth sperial needs. Reporting te ttc pnoperly manager and art/ng as an independent ronînartor, yoa wîll te respoasible for m/non maintenance, jas/tonial dat/es. emengency support, and some admincistrative dut/es. If yoa have at IraqI 5 yeurs of relevant pnoperty sapervision espenrence and are sdIl moeivaeed and service orienlcd, se offer a roîtîpetîlive salany and on.it arrommodation aI markt raIe in a ses building. Please apply in wr/tino or rail: Preperty Manager 259 Robainson Street, Oakville, Ontario 116J 6018 re 46 16-9009 Fas: (416) 236-7415 SOTROLA MARCHE MRJI DES DIX SOU IIQ U0F DîMES DE LONTAJRO & ~osloA 4 à , M ibofn oL.--hýO "qtd - ww w .d im e a. oIn.c à Liue !u expansion, Muun time requires the follow/ng fulI-time: CLASS "A" TECHNICIAN European' àa ee.asse. Excellent benefti package. SERVICE CONSULTANT Must: have esc. communication sk/ills: oh/i/W te prisril/ze; meet deadl/nes; te deta/i sn/ented, enjey deaiog w/th the publ/c; have a- neot uppearance. (Auto. tech. background os assel bati w ah train the successini candidate). Excellent bemefil package. Resumea to: Attention: Andy Trojner BUDDS' BM W 2400 South Service Rd. W Oakvlle, Ont. L6L 5M9 ELECTRONIC SERVICE TECHNICIAN Calirn Conîrois Lid. a subs/d/anp of the son/do largesi indusîral Remote Controis maoutacturer is acceplîso applications Ion ET's. Cand/dates w/t a degrde or comparable eper/enco in PLC/ micro- processor tased componeel imeel lrouties/otsslît, nopa/r and knowiedge sf industr/al csnltois (crano and locomotive) and rad/o lreqaency c/rcuits wouid te des/meatie. Position requires toIt field and in-stop service, sO a valid drivwrs i/cesse is oeceusary, aiong w/t ood leam skîiis. Please lorsard nesome w/theprec and saiaty eopecla- i/ons Io Cal c trCoicis Lud 150 Armstrong Ave., Unit 5 & 6 Georgetown, Ont. L7G 5G8 Emal: awesIako@entiren.com GRUAT WAOES FIULL MIME Experienced body repair person reqUfred for busy collision centre. Full unibody exp. mandatory Excellent benefits and bonuses. Cali (905> 689-8835

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