The Canadman Champion Fnday November 17, 2t00 - 27 Merchants on pace with last year after thrashing lowly Blues 10-5 Photo by GRAHAM PAINt V We have liftoff Milton Skating CIub's Tiffany Richmond tries out tii. new jumping harnese et John Tonelli Sports Centre while coech Nency McDonelI-Lemeire steadies the unes. The apperatus was doneted by Sergent Ferm. By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion The similarities are quite impressive - especially when first considering the differences. The Merchants' 2000/O! contingent s much youngcr and less experienced ihan its predecessor. And when il cornes 10 tian boucs Iost to injury and suspenston, the team s so lac ahead of ast season its altnosl absurd. Yet headiog loto ast tîight's gaine againsi top-sealed Brampton, Milton spon- cd the same numbet of wins (14 ou! of a possible 2 t) and points (31) as they did at this lime las! ycar. "Thats a utile surprising, but then a lot of these younger guys who normally wouldn't have gotten a chance have heen slepping il up and making the mos! of their opportunities," oaid captain and durable defensive anchor John Nadatin, when tooking a! why the teamu been abte 10 equal the strong stan they had tas! year. The tifth year Merchant also poinled 10 both a botter dressing room almosphere and work ethie, stating "We've go! more chemistry and iheres a lot of guys who'tt go the extra distance for you. These commenîs fottowed the Merchanîs' 10-5 drubhing of Bramatea Tuesday. After a somewhal shaky stan, the local juniom fortitied their efforts and spcn! the final two periodo exploiîing the lowty Blues' oeverety ftawed defense. Assistant coach Dan Sales was pteased with the win, but quickty poinled b the 4! shois agailîs! bis club in sîressîng ihai theres rutom for improvement. "You cao'! give Up ibal many shoîs and expeci to win a lot of games," ho explained. "Obviousty tonighî il didot burt us because our skitled players are botter than their skilted players." Sales said the teamo strong stan isn'î att that surprising, but certainty impressive given att the injuries throughouî the poot two months. Ho added, "We've got some character guys bore who've stepped t up. (Dan) Bogoar bas titted in nicety on the bluetine and (John) Nadalin bas jus! heen a rock for us hack there." Scoring nurge But Tuesday it was aIl about offense - at toast through periods two and three when the îwo sides comhtned for a whop- piog 13 goals. Mitton's bit parade - their biggesî Ibis season - was ted hy a 00e-goal, three- asstsi ouîpuî frotn power forward tan LaBrash. Rookies Kevin Arruda and Vince Laise also siood Oui wilh two goals and an assis! each. Andy Rozak and newcomer Jason Harshaw had three-poinî ntghts as welt, with a goal and two assisis apiece, wttite also lîghîing lIte amp werc Nadatto, Etiloît Altberg and Scoit Matcolm. Penalty shot Brantatea itîîiched ihe tirsi aîod final goals of the evenîng - on a shonhandcd elloci, ihe second agains! Mitton n as many games, and a penalty shot in the las! minute. Goattender Joet Cameron turned hock !hree dozen shols 10 tifI his season win total 10 10. Merchant notes: Loti winger Jeff Whiteside - picked up from Simcoe's Jr. C team - saw his firs! action as a Merchant Tuesday. Ho registered an assisi on goal number nine ... Steve Schonîag coutd ho bock by tho end of the monîh white tetlow injured defenceman Chris Rook is oxpected 10 returu somelime n December ... Miltons home-and-homo senes with Brampion continues tonighî ai Memoriat Arena. Game lime: as always, is __ 8 p.m. Among ihose îoiling with the top- seated Capitats Ibis season is Milton ares native Jon Gleed, 000 of severat locals ptaying in the bague this year. Y TRS2I Shp 2 nhdeoongwîdîh .Sog o/ose ~699 ~ioo AT TIIE RIsK 0F FROSTBITE WE URGE You To LEAVE YOUR COLD, HARD CASH AT HOME. YlIZ8DEOoedn'odonocmg W:ac~e0neo w *tw~2,2O9~..~28O~ A32411E *Ohpncrho-,nsoe,,goo .~ ATRSZ2 5hp*2t~och okooog ooJr h NOW ~1,749t.u~2So NGW~l,129iauî1O5 Sure, wîoter cao numh yoor hands aod cet. But thato no reason 10 take teave o! your neoses Enîoy hoge savîogs on ait our watk-hehîod John Deere 000W removal equipment. Just remesher o wea a good pa o g oves Olier ends Decembe 26 2000 on.. I Grounds Care ~i5Bt~n;n~ H ALTO N Equl 1589 Steeles Ave E, Milton, Ont. L9T 2X8 (905) 878-2121 4 Sales Service Parts and Rentais jiu-Jitsu resuits are impressive Mitton Schoot of Jiu-Jitsu mem- bers kicked, puoched, hlocked aod grappled their way 10 some impres- sive results ai ibeir own tournament hetd October 29. The toltowing are the local stu- dents' placings from the ihree- tierod competition - which ioctudcd sport jiu-jitsu, grappling and duo kala. Sport Jiu-Jitsu Juniors Group 2: 2nd Zaclîary Boychuk Juniors Group 3: 3rd Atex McNeilly Junioro Group 4: 2nd Bon Seguin, 3rd Scoit Freer Juniors Group 5: 2nd Neryhs Hall Junioro Group 7: 3rd Taylor Prestidge Juniors Group 8: tsI Shannon Laing, 2nd Ashtey Rohinson, 3rd Justine Smith Juniors Group 9: tsI Daniet Ketsh, 3rd Chris Taylor Juniors Group 10: tsi Dcrek Baily, 2nd Gary Laing Juniors Group 11: 2nd Adam McDonatd Grappling Juniors Group 1: 2îîd Zachary Boychuk, Jcd Danta Duncan Juniors Group 2: tsI Cote Sirois. 2nd Sophia Civiero, 3rd Mitchell Wîesoer Juniors Group 3: tsi Secoît Freer, 3rd Tyta Catophel! Juniorn Group 4: 3rd Katherine Danielli Junioro Group 5: 2nd Ryan Cochranc Juniors Group 6: tsi Jessica Noîman, 2nd Taylor Presîidge Juniors Groùp 7: 3rd Graeme Taylor Junioro Group 8: tsi Justine Smith, 2nd Ashtey Rohinson, 3rd Shaîtoon Laing Juniors Group 9: tsI Gary Laing. 2îod Daniel Kelsb Juniors Group 10: tsi Mati Kîîock, 2nd Derek Baîty Duo Kata (self defense demonstration with two-member teamo) Group 1: tsi Tyta Campbell and Danta Duncan, 2nd AIes McNeitty and Scot! Freer, 3rd Samanîha Kelsb and Cote Sirois Group 2: tsI Nerbys Hall and Nasha Brownridge, 2nd Daniet Ketsh and Gary Laing, 3rd Keegan Guidotin and Jeff Mountain. Yankee Paco retired from racing Wheo ihe entry box for the three- year-otd trotting colts for the Canadian Breeders Championships ctosed Tuesday morning ai Mohawk Raceîrack aod a horso hy Ibe name of Yankee Paco waso'î entered, many were.surprised. "He's officialty retired," said tramer Doug Mclntosh. "Ho coutd have raced Ibis weck, but in the besi interesi o! mysoîf, Dr. tvey, Tom Crouch cil Kentuekiana Farms and ihe share- holders, we decided il was lime toc him b nove titi 10 bis new career as a stattion. If ho woutd have raced ibis weekend and advanced 10 the final, bis sehedule woutd have heen set back îhree weeks. As a group, we reatty thoughl ho had noihing tel! 10 prove" Yankee Paco, who became the tirs! Canadian-sired horse b win lite prestigious Hambletonian earlî- or Ibis year a! the Meadowlands, wi t reinain a! Meltîtosîs' s tarm near Wheaîley. Ont. untît earty nexi week. Het! thets iraset 1(0 Keîoîucky for a sperm couni test and roam ut ihe bluegrass unlit the end of the yoar. b earty January ho'!! ho shipped hack 10 Canada 10 begin bis stattion duties. Yankee Paco wilt stand siud toc a tee ot $tt),Ot)0 (Cdu.) toc Ihe 200! breeding season. Yankee Paco retires wîtb $1.486.197 n eamings and a mark of 1:53.2. His ast race was ai Moliawk where he suas an itnpressis'e wînnec iii tIse $2 SO,(tO<) Oniario Sires Stakes Super ina! Nîiveinber4.