The Canadien Champion. Friday, November 17, 2000 - 25 * uality Reliable / 1 1U LAe Model Vehleles OW lw Nsrya Prces! Short Terrn Leasing FrePick-sp & ielr No Charge for ~Sr. -Mustangs' superb season cornes to an -end Milton District downed 27-7 by Burlington Central Trojans in Tier 2 semifinals By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special ta Thse Champion The relsult was as dreary as the blus- tery, rainy, chilly last Friday after- noon when the Milton District senior Mustangs Iost 27-7 at Burlington Central in their Halton Division Il semin a playoff gamne. The gamne was considerably dloser than the scoreboard, however, and if they bad posted a score for heurt, perseverance, endurance and effort, then in fact the Mustangs came home with a victory. Despite allowing 27 points, the defense played very well. They made big play after big play and rarely allowed a big gain. They spent a lot of time on the field, with Burlington Central jus! chipping away at thein, getting gains of two and thrl yards. Wayne Meinen, Pieter LDeetlefs, Rob Skinner, Blair Pocock, Eric Liddon and Josh Suter aIl came up with big stops on Burlington Centris fIlo drive of the day and almoat had them on a fourth and three. But a penalty gave the Trojans anoîher opportunity and they took it into the end zone. Offense sputters île Mustangs offense had problems putting together a drive and then Burlingeon Central came back and scored the samne way they did the tIrs time, gaining litile bits of ground at a time. Down 14-O, Milton District figured they'd take a page out of CentraI's playbook and gave the baIl to, Meinen on eight straighr camies. He pounded out gains of two, three and four yards at a time, before Kris Beal broke through for a 12-yard gain. Then they got on the scoreboard when Mark Gnimwood made a perfect pass to Ian Robinson who made a great catch about a foot into the end zone and about a foot fromn the sidelines. John Melito intercepted a pass nea the end of the first haîf but the Mustangs couldn't move the bail and the haîf ended with them down 14- 7. The defense remaiiied strong in the second hIl forcing third and Iort down conversion attempts by the Central, which the Trojans, to their credit, proved very good at converting. But, on one third and long play, the Mustangs got to their quarterback and Detîcefs recovered the resulting fumble. After a stalled drive, the backbreaker came for the Mustangs when puneer, Robinson had to run back close to bis own end zone when the snap was over bis heati. He made a valiant attempt to get the punt away, but it was blocked and recovered by Central on the Milton District six-yard line. They scored on the next play to make it 21-7.' Forced to pass into the wind in the fourth quarter, the Mustangs were unable to sustain any drives, but the defense continued to make great plays, and continued to, makie the Trojans pay for their yards. Bren SiA came Up with one particular big stop on defense and Skinner knocked down a fourth down paso attempt. Meinen and Greg van Es had to be hel off the field with what appeared to be seriaus injuries, but both somehow managed to get back in the gaine and continue what was an out- standing effort by the whole teara. 'Not quite as sharp' Coach, Ed Stavnitzky. didn't think the teamn was as sharp as it normally was, however, and said that Burlington Central deserved the win. He thought it was a different play that took the wind out of hies team's sails. He called for a fak punt on a fourth down play on Milton District's finst possession of the second half calling it a -rookie coachas mis- take.' It almost worked, however, and if it had, it might have been the difference in the gaine. Stavnitzky is a big believer in the theory that if the players don't execute properly then it's the coach's fault. But, by the samne token, somebody is respon- sible for the team's incredible tumaround this season. tIf you look at the fact that last year we were 0-6 and this year went 5-3. t don't think anybody in the league would have expected that, and would say that was anything less than a miraculous changeabout. That was a result of the kids working their butts off for nine montho f-noo Of HON KUZYK Senior Mustang Grog van Es gets hauled down during Hallon Tier 2 semnifinal play againat the Burlington Central Trojans last Friday. MD Iost 27-7. Stavnitzky, who has coached for two decades he was of this one as hc walked off the field aller and has won many championships at other the gamne. "To me it was like winning a champi- schools in Hamilton and surrounding areas, said, onship. 1 was fel very happy and proud. 've neyer pushed people as hard to achieve and There is more work te, be done, acknowledges had them respond so positively. Stavnitzky, but belil worry about that next year. "Pushing them and pushing themn to the point The score of' the linal game may bave been a dis- where you'd think they would say 'enough', but appoinrmenr but bis message to the players is they just came back for more. That's why we did something everybody should remember no mat- so well this year." ter what they're tring to achieve: "Dreams only He said he was neyer as proud of any team as die when you quit. -.U .. .......... ~ VIC 350 GLOVES NOW $599 13" Reg. $79 9O 12" Reg. %9" $0 $493 Sale w th this Ad * expires Nov 30' 18 Thompton Rd., Unit #6, Milton 878-7422 _Clairke'9s Golf. Iwww.clarke olf.-Com Il)glbo 18 Thompson Rd., Unit 7 & 8 Milton 905478-1818ý