t ram DATELINE on page 21 Milton Humas Resource Centre, 310 Main St., suite 106. For details cal! Maggie at 876-9828. The Tourelle Syndrome Association of Ontario meets at 7:30 p.m. ai Heari Lake Preshyîcriani Church. A!! are welcome. For details cal! (905) 454-0464. Joyce Scott Non-Proit Homes Inc. holds uts annual general meeting ai Milton Gospel Hall, heside Dehorah's Home, 296 Ontario St. N., ai 7 pro. For more information, cal! 878-6722. The Halton Creative Sewing Assçciation ho!ds uts monthly meeting ai 7:30 p.m. ai St. Andrews United Church, 89 Mounîainvicw S., in Georgetown. Featured is a demonsîration on log cahin sweaî shirts. For more information, cal! Shirley ai 877- 5485. Tuesday Nov. 21 The Nassagaweya Women's Institute presents a workshop on 'How tu make your own stained glass Christmas ornament' ai 7:30 p.m. ai the Nassagaweya Communiîy Centre on Guelph Line in Brookville. There is a $5 fee that covers the cosi of sup- plies. To register cal! Katharine ai 854-2470. Everyone is wel- corne. Learn to write a resumé, cover letter and contact card ai the Milton Human Resource Centre, 3 10 Main St., suite 106. For details cal! Maggie ai 876-9828. Canadian Calorie Counters, which provides information and support during weight buss, meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. ai the Milton Communiîy Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd. For details cal! Thomasena ai 878-5322 or Lenore ai 878-0622. The Milton Knitters meets in the Communiîy Room in Loblaws from 7 10 9 p.m. for an evening of social knitting, shar- ing and support. Deve!opmental!y chal!enged !eams who are independent tu, the extent they can profit froro instruction cas lears English, msath and independent skills from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. ai Bishop Reding High Sehool, 1600 Main St. E. Ca!! Helen ai 257-3688 for details. Wednesday Nov. 22 Milton Millennium Community Residences hosi a genera! The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 17, 2000 - 23 Please ! U KE, B.A., L.B. meeting of its members and friends at 2 p.m. ai 81 Milîside Dr. The meeting provides an update on the assisted living projeci. Canada's Association for the Fifty Plus, Halton chapter, hosis ils monthly meeting ai 7:30 p.m. ai the Burlington Seniors' Centre, 2185 New St. Brenda Szaba, executive director ot the Kidney Foundation of Canada, central Ontario branch, discusses 'Who can be a transplant donor?' and 'Who la eligible for a transplant?' Guests are welcome. Coffee and tea follows the meeting. For information cal! Harry ai 335-5717. Corne, relax have a cup of coffee or tea and adull conversation while sitters tend Io your pre-school children for free during St. Paul's United Cburch's Mom's Morning Out from 9:30 to 1l ar. St. Paul's United Church hosîs a meeting ta discuss the issue of afTordable housing in Milton. 'Me meeting starts'ai 7:30 p.m. and those interesting in attending, or finding out more informa- tion, cas cal! Wendy Schau at 878-3216. Thursday Nov. 23 - 25 St. Paul's Phoenix Youth Theatre presents 'Godspell' ai St. Paul's United Church. Doors open nightly ai 7 p.m. with a curtain cal! of 7:30 p.m. Tickets coul $ 10 per adult, $8 per student and $6 for seniors and children aged under 12 years. Tickets are avail- able at St. Paul's United Church or hy calling 878-8895. The Milton Millennium Scrapbook & lime Capsule Committee needs your memnories & input of the year 2000 in Milton Submit photos, mementos or remnembrances of 10 sentences or less. c/o Milton Public Librar>' lLlý Be a part of Milton's future. For more information, cal! Bruce Carlin at 875-4588 .Dateline Théý SALON GROUP announces. the return of Melanie Cooper-Brown She has spent the past number of years out west teaching hair .design and wrdrg in a salon. Salon Group is offering~ 20% off wîth Melanîei onThursdays n. This offer cannot be used in combination with any other promotion. 158 Melai St1., MlItot1 878-3 Y price of UIXURY VELVETrEIý_1 fax Datellne inf to 878- 4943 in plenty of time before the event. CRIMINAL LAWYER 192 Main Street East, Milton, 875-0869 Appointments Available First Consultation Free Legal Aid Accepted e-mail: lenîvalker@lawyer.conî A message from Ontario's public high school teachers and educational workers O.S.S.F, District 20 - Halton The ad, information for Parents, that appeared in the November 1 Oth edition of the Georgetown Independent and the Milton Champion contained a typographical error: New curriculum The implementation hou been hast>', without all materials and textbooks ready and without sufficient teacher training. Professional activily days have been reduced From nine ta four per year just when in-service is needed most ta learn new curriculum and assessment rnethods. Sisidents who began the new grade fine curriculum last year will be unapigs for% ouyears, because curriculum changes will ge ntroduced in eauch year. Some students have no textbooks and must work From pbotacopied materials or shore text6ooks with others. s SALE ON Nio Mon, Tues 9-6. Wed, Thrs, Fri 9-9. Sat 9-5. Sun 12-4 475 Main St. E. eA ir Lla 878z2629 the paint and paper people