Dateline Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The col- umn is available 10 local com- munity groups 10 assist in pro- moting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit commu- nîty groups may use this ser- vice. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closeat 10 the date of the occurrence although more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., maileti to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxet 1 (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's adi- lion and noon Wednesdiay for Fridays edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by tele- phone. Friday Nov. 17 St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St., hosto its annuat Turkey Supper. There are three sittings: 4:45, 6 andi 7:15 p.m. Tickets cost $12 for adulîs or $6 for chitdren aged 12 years and under. Chitdren aged under 5 years are admitted free with a ticket. Take-out dinners coo( $10 and are avaitahie until 7 p.m. with a ticket. For detaits cati 878-8895 or 878-6430. Learn to write a resumé, cover letter and contact card ai the Milton Human Resource Centre, 310 M cati M~ Mit Ch ris Lunch from t cheon p.m. T a-char more.] ain St., suite 106. For detaits Historie Homes and Buildings of oggie at 876-9828. Milton volume Il booksigning ai on District Hospitat hosto its Harris Stationary, 182 Main St. E.. tmas Craft Fair and from 11:30 a.m. bo 1:30 p.m. teon. The craft fair is hetd Join Mountsherg Conservation 0 a.m. t0 6 p.m. and the un- Ares from noon 10 4 p.m. f'or goes frora 11:30 ara. to 2 Enchanted Circles. With Mother cere are artisan crsfts, take- Nature's help, participants lesrn ce raffle, s hake sale and effective wresîh- msking tech- For details cati 878-2383. niques. Participants need their own Saturday Nov. 18 glue gun, but everything else is provided. The workshop costs $30. Grace Angtican Church, 317 Main St., hosts its annuat Bazaar trom 9 s.m. 10 2 pra. There are a nuraher of tabtes inctuding sewig, knitting, crsfts, s sitent suction and rake-a-dea. Lunch is svsitshle. Drop hy Lohtsws for s snesk preview of the Mitton Choristers' Christmaas concert 'Deck lte Halls with Brass, Beils and Chorus' frora 12:t5 10 t pra. The choir pet- forras a setection of otd and new, traditionat and cheerfut carots. Tht United Wsy of Mitton pre- sents A Town and Country Christmas House Tour froa t1O ara. 10 4 pra. Tht tour festures homes in Milton, Csaphettvilte and area decoraîed for tht Christmas season. Tickets cost $t5. A fundraising tunch is siso avait- ale a1 tht Harrop Restaurant and Art Gatlery frora t1t:15 ara. 10 2:45 pra. Luncheon tickets aiso cost $1t5 and maust he purchased in advsnce. For detaits cati 875-2550. Everyone is invited 10 the To register 'catI 854-2276. Sunday Nov. 19 - 20 The Milton Players Theatre Group hosto Auditions for Juat a Little Crazy hy Renee C. Reliman and directed hy Sharon Beddes ai 1:30 p.m. Sunday and 7:30 pr. Mondsy. The aditions take place aI 295 Alliance Rd., unit 15. For information cati 878-t1190. Monday Nov. 20 The Canadian Red Cross hosts s workshop calted 'Personal Preparedness' frora 7 to 9 p.m. ai Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Learn the necesssry steps needed to he prepared in the event of a cri- sis such as a flood, Iightning storra or even a power faiture. Admission is free. To register cati Brent or Lynne a1 875-1459. Spaces are lira- ited, 50, registercarly. Learn to write a resumé, cover letter and contact card a1 the - ee DATELINE on page 23 The Canadman Champion, Friday, November 17, 2000 - 21 Enter a parade float, be a clown or donate money 'ft's noi too late to get involved in the Milton Santa Claus Parade coming up Nov. 26 Eveeyhody loves a parade, and tome even like 10 take an active rote in thera. For those, organizers, of the 2000 Milton Santas Claus Parade offer an invi- tation 10 enter floats, votunteer as s clown or make a donation 10 tht popular event -which is slated for Sunday. Nov. 26 at 2 p.m. Anyone wishing 10 do ont or aIl of tht ahove is asked to cati Laura MeKet ai 878-6347. Float entry forras can alto lie picked up at Mike's Barber Shop, Subway, M&M Meat Shops, Maillioxes Etc. and Tht Canadian Champion. 444444444 Focus ON THE~ SAUNOS %! FUJI RHLM 5700 Fcat.urrq -38-70 zoon4" , Auto Focus -a Red Eye Reduction e Date Bsck feature 1£11 FUJI HILM5 00KJ 21 X F tUrrinq a 2.5 zoom - Auto Focus~ e Reci Eye Reductioxi e Quartz Date (Optioîsai) SA1 179~ BOU&: AiU fuju cameras include 2 ypar extended Iimited warranty. 44 4 14e4 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 4 VI;IX ~4 17 PHOTO 17 PHo-ro ce FUJI-M foto source FW1F1Lý foto source IIJIFýlý H M L L oi o IWY #7 MARKETPLACE MALL MILTON MALL c r f'o 14 873-1237 878-3361c e r a ongm ease on lan bul 2,0 em ntae that theyr me e th og tihsey financial, development and operational requirements Applicants are invited, but flot required, 10 attend an application information session conducted by Ministry staff, held in Tuesday, November 21, S9:30 arn - 12:30 pmn tlmbank Comraunity Centre 10 Rampart Road Frtday, November 24, 9:30 arn - 12:30 prn Mississauga Valley Community Centre 1275 Mississauga Valley Boulevard To receive a copy of the application package or for more information cail toli f ree 1-888-720-1010 (416-314-0400 in Toronto) or visit our web site: Brant...._.............. ...... 32 bed- M4uskoka ... .............. ... 70 lieds Durham ...................... 89 lieds Essex ... .................. 137 beds FrontenarJLennoxi Addington .. ................ 32 beds HaliburtoflNorthumberiandl Victoria ................ .159 beds Hafton ...... ... ... 387 beds liamllonlWentworth ..... 270 lieds Larnbton .... .............. ...32 beds Middlesex .................32 beds Niagara ... ................ 102 bed OttawaICarletop . ........210 lieds Parry Sound .... ...... 19 beds Peel.................... """642 bas Peterborough .............._76 lieds Simcoe ...................100 lieds Sudbury/Manitoulin .....32 lieds Toronto.................2,334 bais Warterloo.................. ..275 bais York ......................... 278 lieds Staff wilI lie available at ail information sessions to answer questions in Frenchs. Submission of completed applications will be due by January 31, 2001 at 5:,00 p.m. to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, 415 Vonge Street 1Oth Floor, Toronto, M58 2E7. Successfu applicants wlI be identified in Spring 2001. Ail applications will be assessed on the same basis. LA4444444 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 4 4 4 iô 'We&onw ait tfieôe, a- ', îýàb