Photo by RON KUZYK Joyce Savoline <second tram left) celebrates vlctory with her family <tram Ieft) husband Ron, daughter Natasha, daughter-in-Iaw Becicy and son Robb. Mandate clear: chair Plsau visit tii. Wlnner's Circlo for Botalis. * J tram REGION page i are Burlington residenîs. Ms Savoline, a Burlington city councillor for 12 straight years prior to her elevation as regional chair in 1994, offered no com- ment about ber opponents. The chair's position pays a salary of $74,734, as of January 2000, one-third of it tax free. As for ber pre-election goals, she ssid she didn't have specific voter percentage expectations in mmd and didn't view the relatively low 51 per cent support she received in Oakville, home of the regional headquarters, as a negative comment about ber or council. "1'm not a bit disappointed. I have a clear mandate," she said of the results. "I didn't know what 10 expect because this is the first time for the (chair) vote. 'We deliver the kind of service (water, garbage, recycling, etc.) that is done quiet- ly, but this (vote) has put us in front of the people and thoee years from now we'lI know what they think of the job we've done." Settling into her renewed role, Ms Savoline was eager to talk about a new partnership involving Halton that will emphasize trade linka and improved and expanded transportation routes. She said more details would be forth- coming but noted Halton is joining forces with Hamilton-Wentworth and Niagara regions in an associstion called the Bi- National Trade Alliance. The three southera Ontario regions will link up wîth govemment and business offi- ciais in the upatate New York counties of Erie, Monroe and Niagara. "We sre going to create an economic region and a force to be reckoned with," said Ms Savoline. "15 will be more of a for- mal/informaI arrangement." Members of the Canadian contingent have committed $50000 each initislly, with word of American interest and Ontano govemment involvement to be snnounced soon, she ssid. The regional chair ssid Halton muat maintain and improve ties with Use other Greater Toronto Area communities but that it can't put blinkera on the future. "We ait on the Greater Toronto Services Board (dealing with transportation issues like GO Transit) but we're not going 10 convince anybody with juat eight votes out of 110," ssid Ms SavolineThere are no bordera anymore. We are not isolated or insular. We need economic and trade solu- tions." j' A Y. knowth. .ucbyouspeatdn ~Uk.c~O~I om~,1:~ ye~atâosooW hoI.igfaribatsps~. ofimMé. ami TU DOWh5W oe.~iwu umdkur. Iasiyur.Hawyeu drowuoamdhok- -i 55 Ontarjo St. S. ~ ILION 9:30A1.TO6P.M. 878*3900 SUNDAY NOONTO5RM. 1~1iNLL Escarpnienî Counry'M Tour,... Panner -k q toue ~mflF ealytafindout wlusmyoegotto *~avo money *Saieiluhiisslo / HorjrMrOprssH, S, S,,, N,,, lA 5 S~,, N,,,, 10 FMNUTS cuRIsTMAr'