imber 17, 2000 'Dxýt-Dynamite found in wooded area mis-sour j Halton Regionat Police bave disposed of' 170 sticks of deteriorating dynamite that were found in a bush on First Line west of No. 25 Sideroad November 7. The dynamite - which according 10 police had remained hidden in the wooded area for quite some lime - was discox- - FRE IN-HOMEd ENERGY A is brougbht to yoiu couresy of EFFICIENCY ANALYSIS. q sComplet. service & ýý»maintenance packages Halo 'HIthc<w e 24 hour emergency service. S- E R - *1 1C *E * CjALL TOLL FREE a-M 1-888-718-6466 - and Or Durlingtun/Ooakville A&E sec- tion in next Friday's Champion. take comfort G Ifion energy A Name You've Grown T Trust Police Blotter ered by a local resident hunting in the ar'ea at about 4 p.m It's still unknown how the explosive got Iliere. Anyone with information is asked 10 contact Hdalton Regional Police's Criminal Investigation Bureau at 878-5§11, ext. 2416, or Crime Stoppers at 825-TIPS. Hit by pellet gun A 15-year-old maie was hit in the thumb with a pellet gun while watking down Main'Street with two friends November 10. Upon passing Grace Anglican Church, the three parties beard the sound of the gun being discbarged and one of the maIes was then hit in the night thumb -break- ing the skin but not causing serious minuy Police were later noîilied but the culprils were gone by the time tbey arrived. Anyone witb information about the inci- dent is asked 10 caîl Halton Regional Police at 878-5511, ext. 2405. Suspicious maie Police are urging residents 10 be weary of door-to-door solicitors following a complaint of a suspicions mate Saturday. The man - driving a green Sunlfire - came calling aI a home on Laurier Avenue and told the owners be was condncting a smoking survey. He was asked 10 supply credentials, but noue were sbown and be qnickly left. The man was described as being 5-foot- 10 and 160 pounds wilh blond bail and bl eyes. Police radio swiped A portable police radio was stolen from I ire OIT N SCANADA ~$y~ muuig S*44u$tay, November 25th, iGpm Gambrel Barn (now heat~1 <mryThe Farmiu Museum>te 9 - Dirctd Crol A der Cuto ryWnr Ticl j)-i In d a Cer s/1 twdes$0 Chl.e 12&...r R.11 the Fifth Wbeel Truck Stop November 4 after an officer inadverlently leflà it bebind ai 2:20 p.m. The suspects were caughl on video leav- ing with the radio - an Ericsson GE model PKJ ZGT, valued at rougbly $2000 - and they've been asked 10 contact police and tell tbem where il can be picked up. The radio is no longer in service. Impaired charges Dmunk driving charges were laid afler a motorist driving a bine Chevrolet Suburban ran a stop sign and ended up in a ditch ai Sîcetes Avenue and Peru Road November 9. The incident oecnrred ai about Il p.m. A 38-year-otd Oakville man was cbarged with impaired driving and driving with over the tegal limit of' alcohot in bis blood. He'l appear in Milton court December 4. Crime Stoppers 0 F H AL TO0N Tools stolen Halton Regional Police in Milton are investigating a break and enter. Sometime overnight from November 3 10 4, persons unknown broke mbt a tool shed located at 3475 No. 5 Sideroad in Campbellville at Campbellville Sand and Gravel. Tool boxes and a large assortment of mechanics' Snap-on bools were stolen. If you bave any information that leads 10 an arrest in Ibis or any other matter, you may be eligible for a cash reward. Caîl 1- 800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS (825-8477). GOLD l?2meaL jjl Mnicure $4 & Podlcure fur only o Llmltud TUrne Offor 4 Gii Certificates A vadlabie for Christmas Gift Giv'n ,25 Commercial Street, Milton 876-2842 No One Knows Home Comfort Like Union Energy. als servic d;rCait i buî eii -u w bie at:w- unine eg .em "For ofuvinm sake"