The Canadian Champion, Fruday, November 17, 2000 -11 TFedera1 candidates face off at punchy meeting IAil-candidates meeting held at Muddy Duck Banquet Hall By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Mud-slinging was kept to a minimum last night as HI ton candidates in the November 27 federal elec- lion matched wits and party platforms at the Muddy Duck Banquet Hall. But the federal hopefuls couldu't resist tbrowing the odd elbow int the policies of opposing parties throughout the three-hour tface off. PC candidate Tom Kilmer emcrged as the punchiest of the lot, taking frequent shots at both current MP Julian Reed sud *Canadian Alliance candidate Tim Dobson. Some digs were subîle, such as his assertion that Canadians want "a leader who can provide the kind of leadership you can be comfortable with." He placed the emphasis on the word "comfortable," playing up fears some have expreuued about CA leader Stockwell Day. Be alto accused the CA of zigging and zagging on their flat tax policies, and of being an Amnerican-style right-wing party. As for the Liberals, Mr. Kilmer said they just haven't been there for their constitueuts. "You haven'î had someone stand up for you in Ottawa since 1993," he said. Mr. Dobson also took aim ai the current government, but stopped short of outright attacks. "t'm munning because t believe you deserve better govemment than we're getîing right now,' he said to the cmowd. "Let's send a vety clear message 10 Ottawa." Mr. Reed fired back by accusing the CA of wanting 10 put 12 year olds in jail and of championing a 10-lier health care syutem. Mr. Dobson responded to the latter, saying "The only two peo- ple I've heard taking about a 10-lier system are Julian Reed and (Bealth Minister) Allan Rock. We're certainly flot talking about wudput national childeare, housiug and environruental pro- grisin place. Telatter met the approval of Green Party candidate Tom Adm.But be objected 10 the NDP's tax levels. Hesaid the Green Party would do away witb income tax coru- peeyfor anyone eaming less than $ 100,000 per year. Revenue would instead come from taxing environruental ene- mies such as gasoline, urban sprawl and polluters. Mr. Adams, wbo bolds an MBA tn fitnance, sîso cbamptoned Free Flu Shot Clinics The Halton Region HeaIlh Department is offering f ree f lu shols in Milton to anyone over 6 monlhs of age at the following times and convenient locations: Monday, November 20, 3 -8 p.m. Milton District High School, Cafeteria 369 Williams Avenue, Milton Tuesday, Novomber 21, 4 -8 p.m. Halton Regional Centre, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville Tuesdlay, December 5, 4:30 -8 p.m. Bisho eding Seondary Schoo[, Cafeteria 1600 Main Street, Milton «tuesday, December 12, 4 - 8p!n Halton Regional Center, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville Wednesday, December 20, 4 -8 p.m. Brookville Elementary School, Gymnasium R.R. #1, 1325 Guelph Line, Campbellville No appointments necessary For more information cali: Halton Region Health Department's Flu Inb Lino: (905> 825-6158 TTY (905) 827-9833 www.reg.ion. electoral reform, calling for proportional representation over the current systeru. "About 38 per cent of Canadians voted Liboral. but we have a Liberal majoriîy," be said, eamning cheers froru the audience. "Haîf the people didn't vote for theru, but tbey mile tike dicta- tors." Iu conîrast, discouîenîed murmurs stid bebind several of Mr. Reed's responses. But the lid came off afler Mr. Kilmer dared Mr. Reed 10 say the name of the arguably unpopular Prime Minister Jehtn Chrelien aloud. "t notice you baven't said the name of your leader," said Mr. Kilmer. "I challenge you 10 do Ibat now." When Mr. Reed responded by repeating in a ftery toue "Jean Chretien" three limes, the audience erupted in a mixed chorus of boos aud applause. Liberal business repaymenî programrs and Humait Resources departmeuî spending came under attack, wilb Mr. Kilmer uoting "the govemment doean't create jobs. Tbey jusl play candyman ail over the country." Iu a rare show of unity, Mr. Dobson added "the current admin- istration perbapa views founitains and golf courses and botls as infrastructure, 1 don't know." Be said his govemrment would minimrize the mile of tbe federal goverrment. "We'd allow the provinces 10 have more aulonomy in those areas the constitution says 10 have more autonomy," promised Mr. Dobson. But handing down powers 10 the provinces could tear the fabric of Canada's social programu, argued Ms Dolling. "We may loue not just the equality across the country, but also the quality of programs," she wamned. Iu defense of bis parties leadership, Mr. Reed said cbild tax beueftts bave been increased twice, the YOA amended several limes, and bealtb culs are gradually being restored. "Iu 1993 we set out ou a joumney togetber 10 restore a country Ibat was on tbe verge of bankruptcy," be bold the audience. "Now we're in a position wbere Ibat bas been turned mbt a success story. We're asking 10 continue wbat we began in 1993.' But Ms Dolliug accused the Liberals of failiug ils mandate. 'The Liberals abandoned tbeir role 10 lead,' sbe said. "Tse NDP would lake back that role." \WIr~t's 276 Main St. thy ~e~c 1~jfe 2n~ik ~t~878,I-4171 m--- uniario Si. Knïg t Ca cý4(bi 89 Mili Streel Knight Cap p 87a-6rors Mon-Md $4" Lunch 11:30-mpm'l Cail Now to book Set à Sun $6" Breakfast Buffet1 I-mpm , your Saturday: SCAVENGER 930pm -close Christmas Party! 270 Main St. E. (905) 876-3780 Ualuco&db râ 0 ULUC Crowne Hili A TASTE 0F IT ALYM «@ BARMEY THE MAGIC IAN rdy&Stdafom4p EVERY WED. NIONT FROM 6-9 rdy&Stra rm4p I5 XPRESS LUNCH PRIME RIB 5MINWUTES oR FREJE 45 Chisholm Dr. 876-4731 575 Ontario St. 876-1186_ IJ~Iè7F~854-2277 'Nl ây morr than a grea,' overmrte si'ay A Bokeu U U' oprt Corne out to the Dog House for LIVE Di & DANCING Chritmaspary no, 1Friday & Saturday Nights S o atsNo.2 & 1 - S3 aiDnlsv 5O t roS .N Hwy. 401 & Guelph Une M itonlCamrpbellvilie 5OnaoStN.878-6697