10 - The Canadian Champion Frîday November 17 2000 0F MILTON's r y; - 0f 00000 * Gold Connection * The Great Canadian Bagel Ltd. * Canada Post Corporation * Labatt's Brewery * Suzanne Stokes * Jackie Keyworth * Nadalin Electric * Glendale Farrn * Hair Design, Hair Associates * KwikKopy Prlnting * Corporate Golf Excellence * The Sleep Factomy * Delacourts * Milton Greenhouses * Brunello Ristorante * Gallinger Motors * Fishbum Proctor * Harris Stationary * Josephs Restaurant * Bomar Bargain Barn * Koski Glass * Bergsma's 'Clarks Golf 'Tom Dusmet 0f Nesbit Bums 'John Pears 0f ReMax Aboutowne * Amenspec Home Inspections 'Runnals Industires lnc. 'Remax Aboutowne ReahyCorp. 'Cassales 2000 'McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home Ltd. *Richardson Chev/OIds * Fabncland 'MohawkChimney Sweeping & Fumace Service 'Milton Lawn Bowling Club GoodLite Fitness Club * Community Guide.com 'Hazel Stokes 'Heidi Bratty JSTA Productions * W.D. College 'La Toscana Ristorante *Kleen-FIo Tumbler md. 'Fine Oak Things *World of Vacations * Loblaws lnc. 'Brancier Jewellers 'Canadian Tire * Halton Automotive *Miltowne lire * Nantyglo Wool Shop * Pat Kotak SI g i . . * S * g I *.S gi . *,.~ s * î *. * S S F Precision Paralegal vDeck the & Business Services mc. halls Servlng Halton, PeeI & G.T.A. regiona * SmalI daims court 'Document Preparation Representation 'Process Serving * Landiord & Tenant Matters 'Bookkeeping & Accounting Services * Judgement Entorcement * Demand Letiers * Collections 'Bad Debt Recovery For our fee schedule I and individual quotes cail Phone 905-875-1904 Fax 905-875-9964J Email: ppsIaw@on.aibn.com Home Hardware'. Sonla Fowler, Gali Brown and Carl Kennedy stand beside a $1.200 Chrlstmas tres that la being raffled off mn support 0f the Milton Salvation Army. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5. The dmw wIll be held In early December. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE ® Community Inlsrmati* Sorvicos 875-4036 MElon Comnuinfty Rs8ohu'co Contre Corner of #25 & Steeles Ave. Monday-Frîday 9.00 a.m to 4:30 p.m. Www.mcrc.on.ca Landscape Ontarlo (~ HORTICULTURAL TRADES ASSOCIA liON 25 Y.an of Growlng lbgether 7856 Fifth Line South, R.R. #4 Station Main, Milton ON Tel: (905) 875-1805 Toil Free 1-800-265-5656 e-mail: lo@ hort-trades.com LA VIEILLE AUbEPGE 262 Main St. S., _ ~ Rockwood Located between Acton & on Hwy Jfle~e&~eobn~co '~-~ L ~g.r 22 years o! fine dining ex - Gourmet Caterîng. Private Parties. mine French Cuisine Huben Bielmann, Phone/Fax Owner/Chef 519-856-4170