A Metroland Commnunity Newspaper Vol. 141 No. 71 Friday, November 17, 2( Vast ua ai ~ii.87&-2881- >00 32 Pages $ 1.00 (GST included) Grades 3, 6 students score above average in provincial testing Grade 3 and 6 students from both the Haiton District School Board (HDSB) and the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) have scored above the provincial average in reading, writing and mathemnatics tests. TIse resuits, released by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), reveal that the students achieved these results during testing conducted in sRegion has work to do: Savoline By TIM WHITNELL Special to The Champion Joyce Savoline's motto for Halton Region for at least the next three years is, 'We have work to do'. Now that the Burlington resident has been re-elected as regional chair, she says it's time to forge ahead in new directions in the areas of pressing concem, Most notably economic tracte and transportation. Ms Savoline, 55, was retumed to office to begin her seventh year, and third tcrm, as chair after a comfortable but, t0 some political pundits, surprisingly modest majority in the popular vote. The retuming chair garnered 40,131 votes across the region out of 65,676 cast in the first-ever vote for thse position. That translated to 61 per cent in ber favour com- pared to 14,375 (22 per cent) votes cast for Anne Marsden and thse 11,170 for first- time candidate Lisa Cooper (17 per cent). Of 8,250 Milton voters, 5,795 supported Ms Savoline while 1,230 gave Ms Marsden thse nod and 1,225 voted for Ms Cooper. Ail three candidates for regional chair - se MANDATE on page 16 the spring. "In Halton, wbile we are very proud of our overail achievement at levels 3 and 4, we recognize that children at level 2 are also experiencing considerable success," said HDSB Director of Education Dusty Papke. Our goal should always be to move the overail number of children ahead by one achievement level." Said HCDSB Directorof Education Fred Sweeney: "In reviewing the recently announced EQAO achievement resuits, the board ia very pleased that, once again this year, our atudents achieved above provin- cial resulta. The reaulta definitely validate the ongo- ing -commitment of ail board stakeholdera who atrive to help atudents develop to their fulleat potential in meeting our mission of Catholic education." A total of 1,742 grade 3 students and 1,627 grade 6 students from the Catholic boardas elementary schools participated in the testing. A total of 3,099 grade 3 students and 3,043 grade 6 students Irora the public board took part as well. Comment........ 6 HS Report ....... 8 Lit estyles.14-15 Dateline...21-23 Sports ...... 25-27 Classitiled .... .28-31 *FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17. *Zaflra 6 naper Dm1 Mut a llway 0 AIF 0 smwlys - ToVis R Us * 3marsi *Chblloa* eCamails Ire a EmirIdga eFuturs $hop a Mary lames *Hanma Hardware e Ennhsclars Intarlors *SATURDAY NOVEMBER 18 0 *Walmart e M&M Meua - No Frîlis -IDA * 3mars *Selecied arias onIy . ONTAPIQOS SDIRIV