6 - The_ Canadiam Champion, Tuesday, November 14, 2000 SCOMMENT WE-DÙ ASKYo 1H. BUT Public input doesn't MPNHCRf, have to finish here j The (unofficial) numbers are in, and Milton has overwhelmingly spo- ken in favour of the status quo.~ The old saying the more things change, the more they stay the same cornes to mind. And with Milton about to embark on its largest growth spurt in memory, it's possible residents were hoping for some familiar faces to guide themn through the change. It was no contest for the majority of incumbents, with Mayor Gord Krantz taking an early, solid lead and keeping it. The closest horse race was between Ward 3 incumbent Lieven Gevaert and challenger Ken Keates. Mr. Keates pulled ahead by a nose, making Mr. Gevaert the only councillor not returning to Town Hall for another term. Overaîl, yesterday's result is either a vote of confidence for the current crew, or proof of a lack of choice. Either way, public input doesn't have a to stop here. The issues that were hot election topics will also be hot post-election topics. There's no reason for residents to go back to sleepA sirnply because their vote isn't needed for a few years. < Local government is meant to be the most accessible and accountable of ail. So stay in touch. You helped vote them in. You may as well keep gj' tabs on how they're doing. SO UR READERS WRITE Political column uncalled for, says reader Man says he 's fed Up with federal Liberals Dear Editor: 1 have always enjoyeti reading my copy of The Champion. That changeti recently. That was when reporter Irene Gentle began to propagate hier, nasty, even vulgar opinions about national political leaders. Her article was a poor reflection of.what haa already been over- statet inu the national papers. In the past 1 have appreciated your coverage of local issues. You're gener- oua bo local politicians, maintaining dîg- nity and respect for them as people. Your policy seema to have been to report the issues and events pertinent to our town andi region. 1 figureti the article must have been an oversight, a mistsloe of poor Baste anti bad jutigement. t waa sutprised te see a aecond plat of cheap character assasination- in a following edition. This style of journialisim is flot appreci- ateti nor ia it enjoyable reailing. These articles serveti no purpose nor dîid they make any intelligent point. They were certainly not wQrthy of the Canadian Champion. lIs the future, t hope you will continue' te upholti the high standards of jounsalistic integnity that have matie The Champion a great reati in the past. Roe. James A. Damarh Milton Bible Church THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadian Champion, puirlished every Tuesday and Fridap ai 191 Main St. t., Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), is one ot Thre Melroland Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 Prnting, Puirlisimr & Dislniiruling Lld. group oI suiruriran companies chics ~ includes: Ajax/Pickering News Aduerisen, Alliston Herald/Courier, Barrie (go5l)8 78 -2 3 4 1, Advance, Barry's nay lTiis Week, Bolten Enlerprite, nrampton Guardian, B urlinglon Post, Bunîinglor Shopping News, City Parent, City of Ynnk Guardiar, ColiiingwoodlWasaga Conreclion, tast York Mirror, Brin Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Aduocale/Couini houles, Eloiricome Suardiar, Flamirorougir Posl, Fornuer Young, Georgetown lndeperdenossclar Free Press, Huronia Business Advertising Fax: 876-2364 TimesKingson This Week. Lindsay This Week, Marklram Economist & Sun, MidlandlPenetangsishne Minror, Milor Shopping News, Mississauga Classified: 875-3300 Business Times, Mississauga News, haparnee Guide, hassagaweya hews, NwmarknirAurora tra-Banrer, horthrumberland hews, NoOr York Mîrror, Ian Oliver Publish er Oakoille Beaver, Oakviiie Shopping Nlews, Oidtimers Hockey hews, Onîllia Today Osirawa/Wiritby/Ciaringlon/Port Perry Thiis Week, Ower Sourd Neil Oliver. A.n.nocmuue Publisher Tribune, Peteriroroughr This Week, Pîclor Courly Guide, Ricirmond Wendy McNab Advera.eaeg Manager Hill/TirorrhiliNaugirur Liberai, Scushorougr Mîror, Sloulluiiie/Uxrrige Triture. Karen Smith Edînur Aduertisiog is accepled or lire condition liraI, in lire nuent of a typo- graphîcal errur, liraI puoton of lire adunOîising space occulied iry tire erro- Steve Creazier Circulatimon Manager neous iem, logeOhr wilh a reasnnabe allowarce for signature, wili nutlie Tedi Casas Office Muaager cirarged Ion. but lire.balance of lire adedisemenl ii ire paid Ion aI lire applicable raIe. Tire puirlisher reserues lire rigirl t0 culegurue aduerlise- TOm Colts Prouduction Manager vents or decine. (The following letter was sent ta Halton MP Julien Reed and a copy wasfiled with thte Champion.) Dear Editor: 1 have heen reading 'The Reeti Report' ince you ftrst started mail- ing thcm. The items contained are aIl of national interest, and hsve been previously published in one or more of our national newspa- pers. This information piece doesn't tel] me anything about how you're spending your time and our money. As one of your north Halton constituents 1 would like to know what you're tioing. Your objective shoulti be to inform the people that electeti you to represent us. We woulti like to know about your accomplishments anti peraonal objectives. What are you doing? Please don't spenti the time, energy anti moncy telling us what we already know. If you're interested in securing my vote then you neeti to tell me what you have tione in ortier to eam my vote? The arrogance of Prime Minister Jean Chretien is more than t can handle. The major debacle sur- rounding the Human Resource's Department is something that should have been deat with quick- ly anti effectively. Instead the buck goes round anti round. The next major item on the agenda shoulti be the 'Auditor's Report'. The prime minister shrugged it off andi was quoI et as saying something like "these things happen" - the list goes on. This attitude is outra- geous. We are talktng about misuse of huntiretis of millions of taxpay- ers' dollars. The final straw was the announcement of this ridiculous election that we're now facing. I believe ibis will be the third elec- tion in seven years since the Liberals have been in office. If you want to do something meaningful, then introduce a bill calling for lixeti election termis. So Mr. Reeti, if you want to, con- tinue representing us and con- tribute to our awareness, thon do it. Your smiling face anti rehash of Liberal accomplishusents is just not gooti enough. FA. <Fred) Louke Derry Road West Letters welcome The Conodion Chompion welcomes letters to the edtr. We reserve the right ta cdit, revise, ond rejcct Intters. Letters must be signcd ond thre oddress ond thre tale- phone numbnr of tire writer mncluclcd. Moil lattera to: Tire Conodion Chaompion Box 248, Milton, Ont. 19T 4N9 or ceave tirem at aur offie, 191 Main St. E., Fax ta 878- 4943 or n-mail to mil- toned@roltonsearch.cam Pud by Steve Nease