__________________________________The Canadian Champion, Tuesdah. November 14, 2000 -a1 J~Wheelabrator Canada Inc. 401 Wheelabrator Way Milton Telephone (905) 875-1662 Fax (905) 875-1675 Milton District Hospital Foundation 30 Derry Road W. 878-2383 D)URANTES AUTO SERVICE AND TOWING INO. 8473 HhwM 25, ffl of 41. Millog.Ont LUT2W Phone:958S7O '~'UTOM "'m doing okay, but 1 wish 1 didin't have diabetes. The people at CDA make it easier." Jody, aged 10 HEIP SOMEONE YOU KNOW. @ cBEE CMEN CALL 1 -800-BANTING ASITWDUMT IL www.diabetes.ca Optometrists ail across Ontario are reserving November 21lst f0 perform eye-heat assessments for diabetics, because they are concerned that diabetic patients are flot aware they are at risk for biindness. On this day, the Optometrists wiil include compiimentary assessments for diabetic patients who are flot insured. 50% of diabetics risk iosing their sight through diabetic retinopathy (bieeding in the retina), a condition which the diabetic cannot detect alone as it causes no pain. Eariy detection and treatment are crucial; Up f0 90% of patients with diabetic retinopathy can be prevented trom going biind, pro- vided that the probiem is diagnosed in time. The Canadian Diabetic Association's manuai officiaiiy recommends that diabetics get annua Optometric testing - but many diabetics do flot realize this. Over 100 Optometrista miii be participating in Diabetes Day, which is coordinated by the Ontario Association of Optometrista and is part of the Canadian Diabetic Association's Diabetes Month. Famiiy doctors, hospitais and diabetes ciinics should rater diabetic patients to their local Optometrist, who wiii pertorm a fuit retinai exam, using eye drops to dilate the pupils and examine the ratina. Optometrists hope that this initiative wiii raise diabetic patients' awareness of the need to receive regular eye fieaith asseasments - not just on Diabetes Day. For forihar Information, or for an appolnimen, please contact Or. Susan Jany and bar assocle, Or. Trisha Suai ai 876-4649. sot YourQw oommwunwImmwty Ciîck Here. n1itncnd iancamionI I - Hatn l asid Udvisn is onin at ww l Hatn ear I