The Canadien Chamion. Fridav, November 10, 2000 - 5 Water advisd By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A water advisory for 35 homes in the rural area has been revoked. The adviaory was put in place October 27 after two samples from a municipal well in Campbellville came back showing possible traces of total coliform. Though harmlesa in itself, total coliform is contidered ast indicator bacteria. Its presence warns that other, more harmful strains could fsnd their way mb the system. Further testing showcd the original sites had cleared up, but revealed a total col- iform count in a third distribution site located upatrearo. As a result, a boil water advisory was issurd in person by Regional staff. The Campbellville system was then swabbcd, chlorinated and flushed. A water sample taken from the site October 29 came back clear, as did subse- quent samples taken on October 30 and 31. Residents have since hem informed that the water is safe. ~e "The resuits came back clear, and the 7Correction $ in Tntesday's Champion contained incorrect infomlatian, Bath referred ta John Challinor as being a Ward 2 Town Councillor wheninfactheoepsesentsWard4. TIse Champion apologizes for this as well as any embarrasament or inconvenrenceit may have caused ta Challinor or any confusion h may vo caused ta votera. ~,*y revoked ~ for letters were ,ssued yesterday (Wednesday) D~$~~y~BTQum telnng tne resîcients tney can resume me use of their water supply," said Halton'e environmental health manager Tony Amalfa. Also Isat Wednesday, Regional Councîl approvcd a staff recommendation to retain an engineering consultant to design and build a chiorination system for the Campbellville site. Currently, added protection in the form of ultraviolet light is in place. ELECTION 2000 ELECTION 2000 RESULTS Tire HaSsa Huis Cite Centre is Electisa Headqsartert. This a tire anly lacatisa where electisa resets witi be pasted aller the close ai tire psitt an Menday, Novembir 13, 2see. Candidates, iamily, iriends, campaiga atrirers are Decoresl: The ulmoat n qualily & design. Many roîl tops, f lat top deaka, book cases, Plsfinum cou seating for comforf & durabilily. file cabinets & office chairs for ail Lel us help you choose your custom fabric. j your home office needs (,.LJELPH LINE, CAMPBEL5NILLE i * z (905)854-0649 e e s e Sos o o o.