The Canadian Champion, Friday, Novembar 1,0, 2000-35 % N, Lie Researchi shows that people who work with a financiai pIatnner are more iikely to reacli their goals than those who receive littie or no advice. A financial planner can help you to set your goals, as wel as deveiop a plan that wiII get you there, but more importantly a financiai advisor can keep you on track through uncertain markets around the world and uncertain times in your own life. Whether you want to retire to the cottage, to Arizona, or to your garden, i can heip you get there. My naine is Mebisa -DeBrouw-er and Ilm a Certifled Financial Pianner. Financiai Planning is ail i do, ful time, 'year round. 1 understand that everyone lias a unique vision. That's why each plan 1 prepare is customized to reffedt that inividual or family's situation and goals. A comprehensive financiai plan addresses aIl possible contingencies, so that when life throws you a curve bail, you're ready. A well-structured portfolio indluding mutual funds may be part of the implementation of that plan. Cati Jackie today to book your appointment. * BICK FINANCIAL ILINorthwest SECURIT CORPORATION -11FMutual Funds Inc. UImkg For Baffe %R WeM La.. RIak 575 Ontario Street South, Milton Mefissa (905) 875-1000 DeBrouwer VWWw.bickfinancial.,com C.F.P. Piessa roëd a Mutel Furets ernplfid prspectS carefufly and consuft a Certfie Financial Planner befor inveating. Mutual funds are rot guaranteed; their valueas ctlsng frequenlly. Inveetor mia expertence a gain or lots when t#" seil ther unht In any mutuel fund. Sponsored in part by Northwest Mutuat Funda.