Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Nov 2000, p. 6

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6 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 7, 2000 COMMENT -ME4DPELEaON Savoline gets our nod COMPASSION, AND _ for I4alton Chair post WMT ITMM For the first lime in Halton's history, the Regional Chair is on the ballot. That mneans even those whose ward councillors are acclaimed should head to the poils Monday and vote. Our pick for the position is the woman who currentiy fils it, Joyce e- 4' Savoline. In past years, she has shown herseif to be a hard-working and ~ thoughtful leader who rules with her head, but neyer ignores her heart. That means she's wiiling to makie exceptions to the standard rules when an issue warrants it. Approving an expanded day facility for the Bob Rumbali Associations for the Deaf is a recent example. Mis Savoline has remnained both good-humnoured and accessible during her tenure at the Region, neyer passing up an opportunity to, toot Haiton's horn to the wider commnunity. She rests her candidacy on successes such as Halton's triple A credit rating and environmrental record.k Choosing thse Halton District School Board trustee is another reason to head to the pois. This year the choice is between two very strong candi- dates, the incumbent Erica Andrcw and challenger Lorraine Gibson. Botis the Region and education face stiff challenges in the future. Exercising thse right to vote is the only way to ensure the right people are in place to lead the way. O UR READERS WRITE A5if~n ~.i ,ffCoundilor fires back over recent crîticism Dear UdKor; Thle Milton Mail staff extetSà a vety special "Tbank You" te familles for ticr overwbelming respornse t0 tise Wiltiuife Exhibit <"ýCal of tise Worlti") anti to our Family Pumpkin Carving on Saturday. Oct. 28. You, our cutomTBrs. matie thia a very apecial Halloween Week for us ail. We also extenti our gratitutie ta Antirews Scenic Acres for tbcir dona- tion of over a huntireti pumpkins, wbich were ail "scoopeti ouf' with thse first bour of Ibis eveati And "Congratulations!"e go out 10 Malt Berger anti ail bis staff ait Spokes 4n Siopes - wbo brougbt Bbc noetb.- west corner of the mail parking lot alîve witb aetivitiy tiurusg their two- day, bigger 'n better, than ever, Trials Competition. Sineere thanks, to The Canadian Champion for coverage of these eventa. Mfiton Mail imaag.melt & Staff Dear Editor; 1 read with intereot a letter enti- tleti "Miltonians - not council - shoutti decide community standards: Ward 2 challenger," from Ward 2 hopeful Jim Timbers in the October 24 edi- tion of The Champion. Were it not for our communi- ty's previously well-documented, negative sentiments about the establishment of an adult enter- tainiment club here, 1 might bave some sympathy for Mr. Timber's view that Milton Council should have left well enough alone and let community patronage of the facility ultimately decide its fate. However, given our communi- ty's history witb this issue, com- plementeti by the fact that none of the taxpayers 1 spoke to were ;. fannun of an actait entertain- Box 248, 191 Main St. E., nhs Camaigle Champion, publishedi every Tuesday and Friday on 191. Main St. E., Milton, Ont., tHT 4N9 (Bon 248), is one of The Metnolafld ment clubc Miltn, nt.L9T4N9 Printing, Publatting & Distnibuting LUI. group ot suboniton companies wtrnch sion not t includes. Ajax/Pickerinlg News Adventiset, Alliston Herald/Courier, Barrie (905) 8 7 8 -23 4 1 Advarce, Barry's Bay This Week, Botten EnterPrise, Bramipton Guardiar, when it car BulntnPsBunlingtor Shopping Nes iyPrnCityo Yr an easy o Guardion, CollingmodWasag Connectiot, East York Mitron, toin Editorial Fax: 878-4943 AnvocatelCountry toutes, Etobocoke Guardian, Flombonoutti Post, Foneven Young, Georgeton IndependentActon Free Press, Hunonia Business P u Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kingston This Weetu, Lindsay This Week, Markham Economiot & N Sun. MidanillPenetanguisttete Mirrot, Miton Shopping tenus, Mississaugo Classified: 875-3300 Business Times, Mississauga tewus, taponne Guide, Nassagawey tenus, NewmarketHunora Eru-Banner, Northumberland tenus, North York Mittor, '~ O~~ Ian Oliver Publisher SOtuvilte Beaver, SOkvilte Shopping tewus, Oldtîmens Hockey tewus, Onîhlia Today, Ostnonuoltthtby/ltOnton/Port Penny Thtis Weeti, Owet Sourd YI Neil Oliver Assnociate Publinher Tribune, Peteibtnough This Week, Picton County Guide, Richmond i% U jt Wendy McNnub AdverOisieg Manoager HdVlThornhiCINaughon Liberot. Sconborougtt Mirror, Stouttville/dlxbridge O NE Tnibune. -AN4I "1 Karen Smith Edior utverîîsitg is occeptedt on lte condition toat, in the enent oC a typo- FROMn~ 5 Curcuaîman Munugergrapticol error, Chat portion oftheO adverising spoce occupied by Che erro- Steve Crozier Ciclto naa e ous item, ogethen nuitS o reosonobte allomonce fon signature, miii nt be Ter! Cas Office Manaouger charged ton, but the balance oftChe odventisemett miii b. poid ton atCthe applicable noCe. The pubtîsitet resernes the rîght to cotegtnize odvertise- Tia Coles Productinne Manager menCo on dectine. npenîng here, mny deci- osupport the matter ne before Council was support the establishment of an adult entertainment club in Milton. It is interesting. to note that Council voted unanimously to reject tise application to estab- lish an adult entertainment club in our con'munity. The vast majority of Miltonians did not support the establishment of an adult entertainment club locally in the 1980s. To gauge the community's resolve totiay, 1 spoke to a dozen local families, most of whom were men and women in their 30s andi 40s with children. I also discusseti the matter with a couple of senior cit- izens. This was not a scientifie polI anti I atimitted that during my discussions at Council. However, according to Stats Canada, tbe group I spoke to is representative of the major demo- graphic in our community, repre- senting more than 70 per cent of Milton's population. 1 also stated that while ib is not Council's responsibility to set community standards in this par- ticular ares, it is Councilru responsibility to enforce them. For Mr. Timber's clarification, that does not include printed or videotaped aduit material found in convenience stores or video rentai outlets. That is the purvue of Halton Regional Police. But it should be recognizeti that Council, the policer the courts andi other agencies chargeti with dealing witb these types of issues aIl walk a very fine, very difficult line. The law is not clear and the courts are not consistent with their tindings. Andi, contrary to what Mr. Timbers believes, Council's role on these and a multitude of other issues is, at times, judge snd jury. The huck stops here. John Challinor Ward 2 Town Councillor by Steve Nease Ina(iOIIA* lui yuUE oulw' THE CANADIAN CHA4MPION

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